Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 117

The picture beyond his cognition rushed into the eyes, forming an incomparable impact, shaking his heart crazy.

When the spider crab’s feet are stabbed with force, Speed ​​is comparable to Bullets, and the force is able to penetrate the steel plate, but why can it be caught so easily, and the person who catches it is still a teenager.

Tonpa opened his mouth and looked at the scene. Then, when he saw Luo forcibly toppling the land-line spider crab above the tree, he was completely dumbfounded.

Luxing Spider Crab seemed to be hit by an invisible fist. The house-sized body suddenly fell to one side, and then landed heavily.


When it fell to the ground, it crushed a large area of ​​trees, and the noise made a large number of birds and beasts.

The loud noise spread to a great distance, shocking other candidates nearby, but they did not know what was happening, and they could feel the slight vibration from the ground.

In the distance, on the top of a peculiarly shaped red rock mountain, a robust man with a muscular body can explode. When he sees this from afar, he makes a pleasant whistle.

The foot of the spider crab resembles the trunk of a Fargesia tree, and its length is even longer than that of a large tree in the dense forest. It supports the body of the spider crab suspended above the forest sea intertwined by the dense crown.

If you stand high, you can see above the area where the arrow bamboo forest is located, there are many stationary spider crabs.

The robust man standing on the top of the rock mountain is exactly at the height where the spider crab can be seen.

“From the style of the fall, it’s not cutting the crab’s feet, but using the brute force to topple the spider spider crab to the ground. It seems to be a ruthless Kakuzu color. I don’t know if it is one of the candidates this year.”

A robust man wears a short-sleeved shirt and a tight 4 Kakuzu pants on his lower body. This is a way of exposing most of the body to the air, and it is a dead act in the jungle.

Because there are a lot of poisons in the jungle of Yamalo, like those insects that are not easy to detect, a bite will get you there.

As someone who is lucky enough to see the live broadcast, Tonpa can answer responsibly: The person who overthrows the spider crab is not only a candidate, but also a teenager.

From the moment the spider crab’s body fell to the ground, Tonpa knew one thing deeply, and that was good for everyone. 10000000 Don’t try to hurt Luo.

The extremely impactful picture completely scared the old churros that were dedicated to the newborn, and also made the churros recognize the difference between Luo and other candidates.

[Must not provoke! 】

Such a sentence went deep into Tonpa’s head.

The scary part of the lump spider crab should be the structure of its body, just like the spiders you usually see. The body is actually not large, but as long as you open your feet, it will look very big.

Excluding the thin limbs of more than 20 meters in Gundam, the spider crab’s torso is about the size of a small house.

After knocking down the spider crab, Luo and Bu Hayi ran over to check the situation, and saw that the handsome spider crab’s body kept pouring light green blood, and it was too dead to die.

“Do you still want to eat?” Luo looks at the spider crab in front of him, and suddenly he had no appetite, thinking that this spider, which is simply red fruit fruit, has anything to do with crabs?

“Eat.” Kai Haou without the slightest hesitation.

Luo immediately moved towards Bahab to admire the endless gaze.

When you touch the spider crab, relevant information has poured into your head.

Spider crabs are non-toxic organisms and belong to the d-grade ingredients. Although they are not small in size, there are not many edible parts. There is only a piece of meat in the crust of the abdominal cavity, and poor meat in arthropods.

Although rated as a d-grade ingredient, few gourmet hunters stare at spider crabs because they have too little meat.

Regarding the rating of ingredients, there are various standards included, and the weight of the rating is mainly based on taste.

Being rated as d-grade ingredients does not mean that the spider crab’s danger level reaches d-grade, but that the taste of its ingredients meets the d-grade standard.

Of course, the difficulty of obtaining and the degree of danger of the creatures are also one of the comprehensive criteria in the rating, but for the single ingredient, the rating criteria are more inclined to taste.

Tonpa ran over to join Luo. At this time, he was totally desperate for Luo, and he was listed as the object he should never provoke.

There are not many places that spider crabs can eat. After Luo’s persuasion, Bu Hajiu dispelled the idea of ​​eating the entire spider crab. He originally thought that the entire spider crab could be eaten. Didn’t expect only a small piece of meat. That’s it.

So Luo cut off one of the legs, cut off the hard shell, picked out the meat, and then set fire on the spot.

Whether it is removing shells and removing meat, or removing water vapor from the leaves of branches, it can be easily done with a double-handed.

If you make good use of the hand of God, you can accomplish a lot of things.

After setting fire, Luo strung the meat of the spider crabs on a branch and hung over the fire.

The diameter of the long legs of the spider crab’s arthropod is quite thick, but when the shell is pried open, the meat inside is about the same thickness as the crab meat strips, and the color is yellowish.

Luo only strung one piece, while Bu Hajiu strung a dozen and grilled them on the fire, without even considering whether the heat was even.

“You two…”

Tonpa looks at the 2 people grilling on the spot, it is a dumbfounded, this is the crisis of the 4 volt Amaroo jungle, not a picnic camping place!

Looking at the surrounding dense forest, a fierce beast may come out at any time. In this environment, it is necessary to bbq?

“Buha, give it to Mr. Tonpa in a while.” Luo took out the 2 spices from Yama Village and sprinkled them evenly on the “crab sticks” of pale-yellow. They were grilled by the flames and suddenly took Gives a strong aroma.

“Okay.” Bu Haji reluctantly, but agreed.

Tonpa twitched, wondering what to say.

Luo and Bu Hayi’s behavior have been challenging his cognition.

The meat of spider crabs also has a d-grade standard. After eating, it should be able to increase the value. Even if there is less improvement, it is better than nothing.

Even if he just grilled it casually, Luo also took it seriously, but actually, actually, a dozen meats were squeezed together, just thinking of roasting.

chi chi…

Pieces of spice are dried, trapped on the surface of pale-yellow meat strips, and brought up one after another scorch bubbles, like the scorched Madara on the surface of the tart, which is particularly pleasing to the eye.

After roasting for about 4 to 5 minutes, Luo picked up the crab sticks and blew the heat slightly. He sent the sticks to his mouth and exhaled hot air while chewing.

The taste transmitted by the tip of the tongue is polarized. On one side is the flavor of spices and on the other is the sweetness of the crab meat strips. The two flavors seem to be poorly related and cannot be combined together.

Nonetheless, it’s pretty good in terms of taste, that is, there is not a small gap compared with the liver of the guinea pig, after all, it is only d-grade ingredients.

After swallowing the crab sticks, Luo checked the data, and it really only rose by the lowest 0.1%.

Bu Ha lyactually eaten very happily. Even Tonpa who was lucky enough to get a piece of Tonpa also ate directly after eating.

After the barbecue was over, 3 people continued to move along the river, and occasionally heard screams coming from a certain direction, basically all of them who were unfortunately caught in a natural trap.

Not only are screams often heard in the woods, but there are also screams from the river. I want to know what the people who walked the waterway encountered.

With the Yamalo River as a signpost, don’t get lost. After walking for half an hour, a huge spider web appears in front of it, with dozens of white silk cocoons hanging on it.

On closer inspection, it is a human who is tightly bound by spider silk at each and everyone, exposing only the area above the nose.

After the discovery of the Luo 3 people, these people hanging on the spider web seemed to be alive, and they turned to the Luo 3 people for help, but their bodies could not move a point.

It’s not that the spider silk is tightly bound, but that their within the body is injected with toxin.

Maybe they didn’t realize a problem. Even if Luo rescued them, there was no serum for detoxification.

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