Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1158

The forest of Medusa Sha is the only place Gu can only provide.

She wasn’t sure that the restorer was in the forest of Medusa Sha, but it was most likely that the restorer would be there.

With the speed of Black Cat and Luo, it takes at least 3 months to go from here to the forest of Medusa Sha, which still does not take into account the changes in the journey.

If there is any trouble on the way, it will definitely delay the trip, and Luo is not an iron man and needs to rest.

The good news is that he used the surprise box to synthesize the new Nitolomi, which can be worn on the body to increase his staying power.

The huge black cat walked in the air, and the field released by Luo constituted an invisible shield around the black cat’s body, blocking the strong wind of assaults the senses.

Outside the realm, the sound of the wind is trembling.

Within the field, the sound of a needle falls.

The value of Gu’s intelligence has not yet been discovered, so while they are on their way, Jin and they continue to hand over information to Gu.

Luo wants to control her mind, and she doesn’t have any effort to participate, but she can still do it by listening.

The journey time of 3 months, placed on the 6 continents, may pass in a flash, but on the dark continent, every day is like a year.

Even if you go empty, you will often encounter some giants.

Every time you encounter, you can only avoid its sharp edge.

Trouble is trouble, but it is better than land.

Luo’s team is thus steadily advancing towards the forest of Medusa Sha.


After 2 months, black liquid lake.

A giant orangutan with white bones stands on the sticky lake.

On the two sides of the skull, there are two long white bone arms floating on the lake, like a small mountain range that stretches out.

In the black robe, Dong Fulisi stood in the eye socket of the orangutan’s head, and looked far away, like a small tear mole. From this we can see how big the orangutan’s white bone skull.

However, I don’t know what the principle is, such a large skeleton can actually rest on the lake.

Around the head of the orangutan, there is a floating board residence, which forms the shape of a 4-leaf grass, which has a considerable area.

Standing on the edge of the floating board, each and everyone is a human with a dark complexion and a height of only about one meter.

They looked at Dong Fuli standing in the orangutan’s eye socket, all of which showed the expression of extreme worship.

After two months of contact, East Ricoh became the god of their in mind, especially East Ricoh solved the overlord in the lake, that is, the orangutan skeleton.

The orangutan only has its head and arms suspended above the lake. In fact, it does not have a neck. More precisely, it is a catfish-like body under the head, and the pair of long arms are connected to the sides of the lower jaw.

At first I saw the deformed body structure, East Ricoh experienced and knowledgeable, there was no special response, it was a lot of work to kill this orangutan.

As for orangutans becoming bones so quickly, they are not eaten by the strange fish in the lake, but the humans who live on the floating boards have cut the orangutans’ flesh and kept them in their houses.

After staying here for 2 months, East R & F has mastered the language of floating humans, and has a certain understanding of the living environment of this group.

First of all, for the human beings living here, the dwellings built with floating boards are quite rare and can be considered as a very safe place.

The weird creatures in the lake and the poison qi covering the whole lake provide an excellent barrier for humans here.

Moreover, the wooden floating board as the foundation has the effect of deterring the creatures in the lake.

Under the combination of multiple factors, humans here have obtained a very safe home.

It is worth mentioning that floating humans are not completely immune to the poison qi on the lake. They have to excrete the poison qi inhaled within the body through [excretion], and those excrements can only be re-transported to the lake.

If we continue this cycle, we will get a relatively stable living environment, but we will also need to pay some price.

Food shortage is one cause, and the damage to the body by poison qi is also a cause.

Body bones shrunk and hair fell out.

This is the repercussions left behind after the poison qi is expelled.

However, Dong Fulisi admires the human beings living here very much. What kind of process does he have to go through in order to allow the physical function to evolve to overcome this harsh environment?

He stood in the eye socket of the orangutan, ascended to look into the distance.

He didn’t stay there for too long, and he jumped down, and when he was about to land on the lake, he made a sudden turn and fell gently on the floating board.

A floating human with wrinkles on his face immediately trembled and came to Dong Fuli.

He is the patriarch of the ethnic group, single day.

“Day patriarch, it’s time for me to leave.”

East Ricoh looks at patriarch with a faint smile.

“Do you want to stay longer? There are several cooking methods for the meat of the gorilla. I think you will like it.”

“No, no.”

Dong Fuli quickly waved his hands, thinking of the kind of dark and sticky dishes, could not help but slip a few sweat beads on his head.

The human being called the day patriarch couldn’t help but deeply regretted it, and he offered to let Dong Fulishi take away some processed sea gorilla meat.

Under such circumstances, Dong Fulishi can only take over.

On the parting day, in addition to the gorilla meat that was made into dried meat, Day patriarch also donated a refined musical instrument to Toflix and a large wooden maple leaf.

That instrument resembles a flute and is the weapon on which the floating board community depends, and the wooden maple leaf is equivalent to the seed of the floating board. As long as the cultivation method is correct, many floating boards can be created.

Not only that, Dong Fuli also took away a pack of powder made of floating boards.

As long as these powders are taken away from here, there is less interference from the foul odor, and you can smell the peculiar smell that comes with the powder.

The aroma can drive the creatures in the lake, and it must also be able to affect other creatures on the land.

Under the worship of the owners of the floating board group, Dong Fulisi left the floating board and set off towards the distance.

He stayed here for 2 months and was very rewarding.

Of course, it does not refer to the item donated by day patriarch, but what he recorded, about the humans here and how they have survived so far to this day.

This information will be the material of the second book.

Dong Fuli properly packed the musical instruments and wooden maple leaves. These two items are temporarily unused, but depending on the functions they have, they will be used in the future.

As for jerky meat …

It smells stinky, but considering the nutritional value of dried meat, Dong Fulisi still stays.

He headed towards the shore, without a precise next goal, but next, he planned to go deep into the hinterland of the dark continent.

…… ..

At the same time, the imaginary continental coastline.

The sky is full of haze, and the howling wind is not just.

The Hunters Association team is here.

After suffering a great loss in the Dark Continent, they could not continue the mission, and eventually could only return.

At this moment, storm wind and rain are coming.

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