Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1148

Undead means a dead person.

Gutt made this point intentionally, which seemed to be related to the assailant’s attack on Sturgeon.

Luo Ningmei looks at Go, wait for the next.

“In the eyes of the restorer, the existence of resurrection is equivalent to a fishbone embedded in the gap between the teeth, so the restorer will only attack her without taking the initiative to attack you.”

Cooing here, looking down at his belly, his expression was gloomy.

The child in her womb was also attacked by the restorer, and the nature of the expansion was similar to that of Stanley.

However, she only explained why the restorer attacked Sturgeon.

Luo did not follow up. Based on the logic of the restorer attacking Shuang Ji, he probably guessed the reason why the restorer attacked Gu’s child.

Most of the time, the restorer thinks that a certain kind of life should not exist, and will take the initiative to clean it.

As a resurrected person, Shuang Ji is in the eyes of the restorer who is in charge of [Annual Birth and Death].

As for Gu’s child, maybe it’s the black cat’s pot.

Regardless of how the black cat made Gou pregnant, it may be because the black cat is a beast, so the restorer attacked the child in Goo’s belly with the reason that there should be no children.

Obviously, the two attempts of the restorer were clear-cut and pointed to the children of Shuangji and Gu.

If he wanted to take action against other people, or against Goo, this would not be the case now.

Having figured out why the restorer attacked the team, Luo is now more concerned about the situation of Sergei.

Just now, she murmured the words that her child wasn’t dead, in other words, it is possible that Strange Ji is still alive.

Luo didn’t think it was a slang uttered by Goo in excitement. At the very least, he personally tended to be the possibility that Sturgeon was sealed in the pages of the book by the restorer.

Even if one page of the hand of God is black, it will not shake his mind.

Thinking of this, Luo looked towards side teammates, but couldn’t simply say their decision.

Going to find the restorer, or even to be the enemy of the restorer, is a very risky thing, and the worst case is to bury the entire team.

According to Gou, as long as the rules specified by the restorer are not violated, the entire continent is traveled, and the restorer will not come to the door. It belongs to the type of well water that does not violate river water.

But it’s not the same if you take the initiative against the restorer.

Luo stopped talking.

But no matter what, he will never flinch.

Luo looked around and calmly said, “The restorer is so strong.”

Hearing Luo’s words, no one spoke out, all looked at Luo.

Regarding the strength of the restorer, there is no need to go into detailed explanation, they have all seen it with their own eyes.

“But I’m going to find the restorer, and then recapture Sturgeon.”

The court suddenly calmed down.

They heard the firmness in Luo’s tone.

After a while, she was the first to speak out.

“of course.”

She simply supported Luo’s decision, as if she hadn’t considered the risk of facing the restorer at all.

“Is it not as it should be by rights?”

Later, King also expressed support. In his view, as long as they were still exploring on the dark continent, the restorer would be a difficult time to overcome.

If they lack the courage to face the restorer at this moment, then their path will definitely not go far, let alone go to the top of the World Tree.

Starting with World Tree and ending with World Tree, but he dreamed of it.

With Bi Siji and Jin taking the lead, the rest also expressed their positions.

“Since Strygi is still alive, how can there be no reason to save it?”


Despite knowing that Luo’s decision was extremely dangerous, no one flinched.

Even if someone really wants to flinch, such as Nick, but can’t get off the thief ship, they can only go black.

Seeing his teammates not at all objecting, Luo could not help but smile, with sharpening rays of light in his eyes.

“You … are you crazy?”

Just then, the skeleton man poured a cold water down.

Everyone heard the sound and couldn’t help but look towards Skeleton Man.

Facing the eyes of everyone, the scene of the restorer in the 4D apartment appeared in the skull.

“The fixer simply cannot be defeated. If you do this, you will undoubtedly die.”

He has a deep soul-like understanding of the power of the restorer.

He never thought he was weak, but here, Strange Ji and Luo were stronger than him.

But it was such a powerful Strygi, but was solved by the restorer in a face-to-face.

At that time, the restorer suddenly glanced at him, so that he had such a split second that he entered the ice cellar, and even gave birth to a sense of despair that Shinigami stared at.

He had a hunch that it would be a matter of time before the restorer wanted to hit him.

Although fortunately escaped, the haze that can be produced is lingering in the heart for a long time.

Listening to what the skeletons said, everyone was silent.

They certainly know that the restorer is strong, but it is not invincible.

After all, the restorer is not God, but the product of Mind Power created by humans.

As long as the restorer is in the Mind Power system, there is an opportunity for them who are also Mind Power.

“Can’t beat it …”

Luo looks at Skull Man’s eye sockets with violent red light, calmly said, “If you don’t try, how will you know the results?”

“You… crazy.”

“is it?”

Luo stared at the skeleton man.

The sharp luster of glittering in his eyes gradually made the skeleton people speechless.

“I’ll go as well.”

Just then, the voice of Goo came.

“Go, where?”

The black cat froze.

Gu still ignored him, but looked up at Luo.

This group of humans is going to find Hui Ji, and she is going to find the child.

At least in this matter, they are standing on the same front.

Everyone turned around and looked towards Go.

They know the motivation of Goo, and there are advantages and disadvantages to Go.

It seems to be aware of the scruples of the humans in front of him, and said at looks at Luo, coldly: “As long as you want, put me to death, only in one thought?”


“So what else do you worry about?”



Imaginary continent, the Great Wall on the border.

The gatekeeper Qingying sat on the edge of the tree house platform, silently watching the blue sky and white clouds far away, and the most out of reach horizon.

Suddenly, a distant sky flew like smoke.

Qing Ying’s face was calm, and she was allowed to fly by the imagination, then submerged within the body.

That mental power was what he used to lead the way.

The guide has completed his duties, and he wants to return to within his body.

The return of mental strength also brought some information to Qingying.

For example, members of the clan quietly planted a disaster on the returning humans.

In this regard, Qingying did not respond at all.

In his opinion, what was done within the clan was not at all, and disaster was a warning, which was one of the rights they could fulfill.


Qingying’s expression moved slightly, then got up and walked into the tree house.

On the ordinary wooden table, a group of ideas emerged out of thin air and transformed into a blue eyeball plant.


A female voice came out of the eyeball plant.

“A spear flower …”

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