Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1146

The internal structure of the black disc is full of a sense of science and technology, giving people a sense of modernity.

The obscure inscriptions on the walls, ceilings, floors, and even the platform on which the scarecrow lies, add a sense of mysteriousness.

The scarecrow, who is bound by the 100-footed worm and can be freely blurred, seems to be trapped in an impenetrable prison, let alone escape, and can’t even struggle.

Around, a group of humanoids with slightly different stature were looking at the scarecrow coldly, as if looking at a fish on a cutting board.

Scarecrow was so watched, and aware of his situation, he could not help showing a hint of despair and fear.

From birth to now, this may be his first fear, and perhaps the last.

The lamb to be slaughtered is also very appropriate to describe the scarecrow at this moment.

Among the humanoids, a humanoid whose skin color and body shape are relatively old, a slit cracked on the smooth and engraved mask of the beast, revealing a small and muddy eyeball.

His head turned slightly, like a scanner, scanning from the scarecrow’s head to the soles of his feet.

In those little eyes, passed the rays of light of satisfaction.

“I haven’t seen such a high-quality ‘slave’ for a long time. If you can manage it, it will be a strong Strength.”

“Well, Strength is very strong.”

“It does, but it increases the risk of convergence.”

“Hmph, what about the danger, this is a difficulty that every member of my family must overcome. As long as it is successful, our family ’s battle strength will increase.”

“But this level of” slave “, once the fusion fails, is basically the end of death.”

“Doudou … can you do that?”

Everyone looked at the shortest person.

The white and smooth mask covered his face, so that everyone could not see his mood at the moment.

But from his slightly trembling body, it can be seen that he is still a little nervous and scared, but it may also be excited.

He did not speak, but firmly nodded to the crowd.

The headed person no longer says more, and signaled that the youngest person is ready to merge.

The scarecrow seemed to realize that the death was near, and the rays of light were seeping out of the eye sockets, showing the waves.

However, the imprisonment of 100-footed worms is absolute, leaving scarecrows with no chance of final struggle.

Those people step forward and come to the edge of the platform.

Above the obscure inscription, the dark rays of light suddenly light up, which is very conspicuous in the bright white space.

The dark rays of light quietly turned into countless thin threads, passed through the gap between the feet of the 100-footed worm, and slowly wrapped around the outer periphery of the scarecrow’s body.

That way, it feels like spinning.

Soon, the scarecrow without entity should be entangled in a black mummy, round and worm-like.

Also at this time, the 100-footed bug that was responsible for controlling the scarecrow returned to the humanoid mask and turned into a vicious pattern.

Immediately afterwards, humanoids who had not yet mastered [slave] stretched out double-handed, embracing the scarecrow entangled into a mummy.

Once touched, the scarecrow, such as Haruyuki, melts, seeps into the humanoid’s body, and over the white mask.

It seems that black ink is randomly sprayed on white paper, and the entire mask is stained with irregular ink.

But the ink moved above the mask, as if the black smoke was stirring the storm, as if to burst the restraint of Arrancar.

The humanoid called Xiaodouding was trembling violently and seemed to suffer a lot of pain.

Beside, every kind of person was watching indifferently without giving any help.

Further afield, humanoids standing on the ground, or standing on buildings protruding from the walls, are silently watching the convergence of the platform.

About ten minutes, a small amount of blood beads exuded on the thin and thin limbs of adzuki bean. The number became more and more, and gradually gathered into a bloodstream.

Just a moment, a puddle of blood flowed from the soles of his feet.

This situation lasted for 20 minutes before the extravasated blood showed signs of stopping.

At this moment, Xiaodouding’s body stopped trembling, but his thin limbs became pale and bloodless, like a corpse.

The people around looked nervously at Xiaodou Ding’s mask. When they saw the black ink raging on the mask converging into a Uzumaki, they were all very happy.

Within a few seconds, Uzumaki turned into an egg-shaped reincarnation circle and landed on the nose of the mask.

“It became.”

The older humans reassured.

Successful integration means that another Warrior has been added to the clan.

This will be one of the cornerstones to regain the long distance of dawn.


4 dimensional apartment.

Luo took the spare key that Nob had just released.

Just holding the key, the use of the spare key suddenly appeared in my mind.

He is sure that this is not a function of the white smoke font, but the ability effect of the spare key.


Luo looks at the key, can’t help but sigh.

Among Mind Power’s systems, only the materialization system is the most interesting.

Giving the bizarre ability to regular items is the charm of modernization, far more interesting than simply enhancing the item itself with Enhancer.

“This key allows users to automatically learn how to use it. Is it a mechanism you deliberately set?”

“Well, it’s common sense to open the door with a key, so setting up a mechanism is very difficult.”

“very convenient.”

Luo slightly nodded, and then immediately tried the function of the spare key.

First, the room he wanted to go to was, of course, the assigned single room.

You can use a method similar to the room number or number plate to distinguish the rooms of the 4-dimensional apartment, and then, as the thoughts germinate, you can open a door on the wall to the room you want to go to.

The difficulty of using it is very low, Luo tried to open the door to his room successfully.

After several attempts, Luo was basically familiar with the use of spare keys, as if he had become a master of a 4-dimensional apartment.

In fact, the so-called final interpretation power lies with Nob.

Functionally speaking, the spare key is not much different from Noble’s master key, that is, the spare key cannot easily set the entrance of the apartment.

Of course, this is also a matter of as it should be by rights.

Luo was familiar with the style of using the spare key, and subsequently attracted their attention.

After coming together to watch, it was known that this was the spare key of Nob’s 4-dimensional apartment.

Immediately, all interested players wanted one.

Regrettably, Nobuy couldn’t help, and the most embarrassing thing was that he couldn’t explain the reason yet, he could only shirk the number limit.

Regarding this, Luo naturally does not go to tear it down.

It didn’t take long for Luo to get used to using the spare key, and then he stowed it away.

Because of the mechanism, this spare key has become his exclusive product, which is also equivalent to one of his embodied items. It is very convenient to use, but it consumes Nob ’s mentality.

The drawbacks are still obvious.

First, deriving a spare key will reduce a part of Nob’s apparent thinking, and it is equivalent to weakening his battle strength.

Moreover, once the power of the spare key is exhausted, you must find Nob to charge.

In general, convenience is convenient, and there are some disadvantages, but overall, the practicality is higher than the disadvantages.

At least, Luo was very happy with the spare key.

Nobu was pleased to see Luo satisfied.

…… ..

With the shadow brought by the restorer, everyone in the apartment did not relax.

About 4 hours, Gu finally woke up.

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