Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1144

The restorer came and went without a trace, leaving nowhere in a secluded 4-dimensional apartment.

The ability of the same nature, the restorer does not seem to need to bear any constraints, like the void walker.

You should know that the ability of space is extremely scarce. The method of use is usually used to store items. Rarely, Mind Power can be used in combat.

In itself, Mind Power who can develop the ability of space nature is not in the majority, such as Jin’s space ability that can be used in battle, it is even more rare.

However, even Mind Power players at the level of gold need to shoulder considerable constraints while developing that ability.

In contrast, the space capabilities exhibited by the restorer are powerful.

Perhaps there are constraints, for example, it waits for a few minutes after it enters the space.

For Luo entire group, it is unknown.

In the room, lying on the floor squinting, he passed out.

Her mind was exhausted and she was tossed by the black cat for such a long time. The most important thing was to conceive the child, so that the mind that was difficult to recover was diverted.

Therefore, after the abdomen was penetrated by the prosthetic branch pen, the state fell to the bottom of the valley, and even reached an endangered condition.

When she shouted the last sentence, she was completely fainted.

Goo’s coma caused the black cat to panic and become confused.

Luo couldn’t stand it, kicked the black cat with one foot, and looked at the grunt’s injury.

The flesh and blood on the abdomen was blurred, and blood was flowing out. Fortunately, the branch pen of the repairer was not thick, so there was no immediately fatal injury.

However, Gu’s current situation is not optimistic, and he may die at any time.

Luo decisively took out the burning fairy grass, calculated the weight, and then applied it to Gu’s wound.

Burning fairy grass can recover even broken limbs and organs. It is natural to treat penetrating injuries, but burning fairy grass also has the effect of restoring a small amount of mental energy.

Therefore, Luo must know the amount of roasted fairy grass.

With less, the treatment will not be in place.

Using too many words will make Goo recover too well, but it will become a threat.

All in all, we must hang on to Gu’s life first.

The black cat flew by Luo, and ran back with a crawl, and saw that Luo was being treated for the goo, and the nervousness was slightly relaxed.

On the other hand, Kim entered the room one after another, but not all of them came. Several people were in the other room to protect the logistical members and the Shuangji in the ice coffin.

As soon as they arrived at the scene, Kim saw the wounded and unconscious goo.

Before they could ask questions, Luo explained what happened just now.

After hearing Luo’s words, Jin’s faces were covered with shadows.

This kind of thing is placed on the body, who will not be affected by it.

It is as if you are hiding in a room with closed doors and windows, and then a soul of a deceased has not yet dispersed haunts you.

In that case, let alone emotions, psychological stress will only continue to peak.

“What the hell is that?”

Laobai came to check Gou’s injury, and his heart was full of fear of the book himself.

“The restorer, similar to the beast, was embodied by ancient humans. According to Gu, the ability of the restorer is to ‘produce 10000 things’ and also to ‘hold 10000 things.’ No exaggeration. “

Luo releases the circle and envelopes the entire room.

The restorer was able to appear freely in the 4D apartment, not only him, but everyone who was present was afraid to carelessly.

“In other words, it was attacked by ancient human beings before they came to attack us?” Lao Bai brows tightly knit, as soon as he finished speaking, he found out that he was wrong. The fixer is impossible ‘alive’ until now. “

Golden eyelids droop slightly, said solemnly: “It is the thought left over after death, but also strengthened by death.”

“Yes, for more information about the restorer, you can only wait until you wake up.” Luo quietly looks at the coma, Rin said, “It is not clear what the restorer’s motivation for attacking us was, and Before he passed out, he said that the child was taken away. “


The eyes of all the people present changed slightly.

Luo thinking about the situation of Shi Ji, subconsciously biting his thumb, coldly said: “When the restorer started to work with Shi Ji, it was more like taking away the soul, so whether it is Shi Ji or in the belly, Children may be alive. “

“Of course, this is my guess. If you want to know more, you just have to wait patiently to wake up.”

He suppressed the anger directed at the restorer and calmed himself down as much as possible.

It is an irretrievable fact that Sergey’s death is at present, but if it is possible for him to survive, then he will not let it go.

Kim said solemnly: “But the most difficult problem now is that the repairer can move in and out of the 4-dimensional apartment freely. The worst result is that we are helpless and it is broken one by one.”

“Hey, why do you say such ominous words!”

Old White glared at Jin, only feeling that such words were too much to deal with morale.

However, this is an unavoidable fact.

“King is right.”

A flash of chill flashed in Luo’s eyes, saying: “You have also learned the ability of the restorer, so we must take precautions. From now on, we cannot sleep in separate rooms, and we must always arrange a vigil.”

Speaking of which, Luo clenched his fists: “When everything stabilizes, we’ll save Sergey!”

Everyone heard the words, and their faces were completely blank.

The storm faded away and disappeared from the restorer, 2 hours had passed.

Goo hasn’t woken up yet, and the restorer doesn’t seem to show up again.

Even so, given the space capabilities of the restorer, everyone in the team was tense at any time.

This is an uncomfortable situation, but it is also an unavoidable situation.

While waiting for Woo to wake up, Luo helped Nobunaga make another long knife with the reserve stone.

However, Nobunaga asked Luo to make a second long-handed knife for spare.

The reason he gave is that in this damn place, no matter how hard the knife is, it may be broken, and then it will have a psychological shadow.

Instead of pursuing quality, it is better to prepare a few more knives, thereby prolonging the fighting time.

At Nobunaga’s request, Luo made 2 extra long knives for him.

As a result, Nobunaga was equipped with 3 long knives on his waist. The unsuspecting person thought he was a 3-blade Sabrewielder, but in fact, Sabrewielder who was loyal to Residence Is Closed Chop had no chance with the 3-blade stream.

After dealing with Nobunaga, Luo called Nob alone.

“Luo …”

Nob’s mood was a bit bad at this time.

Luo is aware of this, but now is not the time to take care of Nob ’s emotions, straight to the point: “Nob, it may be difficult for some strong men, but I still hope you can improve the ability of the 4D apartment as soon as possible.”

This may sound like a bit of blame, but Nob knew that Luo didn’t mean it, and took a deep breath, and responded: “Okay, I will try my best to improve it and try to prevent the restorer from breaking through the barriers.”

Honestly, the restorer was messing around in the 4-dimensional apartment, and the most hit was Nobu.

If he had put it before, he would probably be stunned.

However, he didn’t want to disappoint Luo, so he quickly held up spiritual.

Hearing Nob’s words, Luo shuddered and shook his head: “Uh, I’m not referring to this …”


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