Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1141

Nob’s room is the largest in a 4-dimensional apartment, and it is also a room where people often move.

Luo and Gu’s room is the third-smallest room in a 4-dimensional apartment.

As an idle room, it is most suitable to hold Goo.

When Luo and Go are talking in the room, the rest of the team can see the situation in the room through Nick Small’s Small Fox sitting on the black cat body.

However, Nob suddenly came in terror.

Capability originates from the nature of the capable person. It is quite strange that Nob will have this performance in an absolutely safe 4-dimensional apartment.

Regardless of doubt, Luo strode to Nob.

Probably because of seeing Luo, Norb’s frightened expression was relieved.

Luo walked through the door to the largest room in the apartment.

Nob followed closely, for fear and fear, he forgot to close the door.

Luo came to another room, glanced over, and took the scene into the eyes, his expression could not be changed.

In the center of the room, a book with a size of about 2 doors is erected, but more accurately, it should be standing instead of erect.

Because the bottom of the book stretched out 2 thin black legs of Matchstick People, supporting the book to stand upright.

In addition to 2 black thin legs, there are also 2 black long hands.

The cover of the book, as far as the material is concerned, is the same as the bark of a dead tree. Above the surface, there are root-like veins, exuding an old breath.

It seemed that the strange book was framed with bark.

Around the team, all the players were waiting for it, the body was flowing with strong thoughts, and the bark books that suddenly appeared.

Skeletons who have always been out did not at all participate, he was standing at the edge, his body was shaking, and the red light in his eyes was also very unstable.

He is afraid.

Luo glanced around the uc book alliance quickly, his brows locked deep, and immediately opened the fine pores, releasing his mind to cover the whole body.

Could it be that this is the gossip?

Regardless of how the book itself came to the 4D apartment, the timing may be too coincident, right?

Moreover, the body of the book has no sense of mind, and standing there is just like a dead thing.

Compared to Gu’s powerful description, the book in front of him reveals the atmosphere of the weak.

Therefore, although the teammates waited for time, they did not actually panic. Even the timid Nick did not show a scared reaction at this time.

As for Nobu ’s fear, it is all about the ability of 4D apartment.

After all, the place that is considered to be the safest is broken by something, and even if that thing doesn’t look great, it can have a huge impact on Nob.

In addition to Nobu, there is still a strange performance of people who are still one, that is, skeleton people.

Luo glanced in a hurry and saw that the skeleton was shaking, and then reminisced about Gu’s description of the restorer, Luo was highly vigilant, and his heart was a little disturbed.

“Luo, it, it suddenly appeared, without any warning.”

Nob stood beside Luo, the fear in his voice lingering.

Teammates all took a quick glance at Luo, and then focused on the body of the book.

Although the book itself feels like a weak person, it can be worthy of attention because it can mess into a 4-dimensional apartment alone.

“You step back.”

Luo looks at the book himself, cautiously instructing everyone to pull away first.

After hearing Luo’s words, the crowd did not hesitate to do so, stepped back and distanced themselves from the book.

The teammates stepped back, and Luo moved forward, gathering with them.

Tonpa came to Luo’s side and stared at the book calmly.

Luo glanced at Tonpa’s response. Tonpa, which has always been most sensitive to risks, was so calm at this time. What is this plan?

Generally speaking, it means that the book itself is not dangerous.

However, if the book is really a restorer, it cannot be based on common sense.

“Luo, do you want to take the initiative?” Tonpa asked.

“No, just watch it change.”

Luo is very cautious. If this book is really a restorer, they don’t seem to be qualified to take the initiative.

The key is……

Luo eyes Kakuzu peripheral vision glanced at Nobu.

The random entry of the book also means that the 4D apartment will no longer be absolutely safe.

This reality will cause some psychological pressure on the team.

Moreover, the book itself did not feel dangerous and stood still motionless.

Because there are no five officials on the bark, some information cannot be captured based on the look, and the book does not actively talk.

The main thing is that I can’t feel the sight from the book.

uc Shumeng himself stood there, and relying on the Sensor alone, he felt that there was nothing there.

What the hell is this?

Everyone was vigilant and confused.

Anyway, they are all Incursio.

Thinking of this, such as the more belligerent Uvogin, he is ready to attack, and only when Luo hits him, he will rush to the front.

There was silence on the court, with the image of deadlock hidden.

After entering the room, the book has no movement, like a sculpture.

Time passes under such stalemate.

For a full 5 minutes, the two sides played over what it means to be indifferent.

Just then, everyone suddenly felt that there was a line of sight on the body.

That sight came from the book himself.

It was as if the book opened its eyes suddenly.

The sudden sight made everyone’s nerves more tense.

Then, the book finally made a move, and saw that he stretched out his long black hand and touched the protruding veins on the bark. He actually pulled out a branch like a pen and pinched it in his hand.

Immediately, a narrow slit was opened in the center of the book cover, slowly revealing an eyeball that was painted with a black ballpoint pen.

When the eyes were completely revealed, a breath of soul storm, passed through everyone’s body in an instant.

The bodies of the people were shocked, and the sound of sorrow and sorrow was heard between the ears, as if various injustices appeared in front of their eyes.

Of all people, the only one was not affected in the slightest.

At this moment, the book finally showed strong signs.

After opening his eyes to release the breath, the book man suddenly looked towards the skeleton man hiding at the periphery.

Feeling the sight from the book himself, the skeleton man was paralyzed on both knees, kneeling to the ground, and the red light violent in his eyes showed his emotions at the moment.

Fortunately, the book’s eyes only stayed on his body for a moment, and then he turned to Shi Yanji’s body.

The edge of the book’s black eyeballs like a graffiti trembled suddenly, and then, the branch pen in his hand pointed at Shuangji, at the same time, the book automatically turned pages.

Without seeing any sign, she saw the shock of Shuangji’s body, and the luster in her eyes disappeared instantly.

In a black and white, there was a faint consciousness of the appearance of Shuang Ji, rushing out of Shuang Ji’s chest, submerged into the pages of the book that was being turned by the thunder.

After everyone reacted, they only saw the stone harp slipped from the hand of Sergey Ji to the ground, making a loud noise, while Sweezy was standing still, within both eyes dim, and her body’s mentality was also Dissipate quickly.

“Skiji ?!”

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