Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1139

What Gu says is based on his own standpoint.

What is truly horrible is in human imagination.

If this view is applied to the Mind Power system, it is not wrong.

It can be said that imagination is the source of human innovation, but for Mind Power, imagination is the source of creation.

The complete realization of the imaginary object is itself the most powerful argument.

It’s just that Mind Power people don’t know how much time and energy can be filled to turn imagination into something.

But ancient humans, as mentioned, could easily do this.

Luo looks at, after a moment of silence, he said, “I will give you a month. In exchange, you must know everything.”

Gumly nodded, in order to give birth to the child, she chose to compromise.

“I’ll come back tomorrow.”

Luo was not in a hurry and turned to leave.

He made a vague gesture, and Nob, who was in another room, immediately opened the door.

Walking past the door that appeared out of nowhere, Luo disappeared in front of Go and Black Cat, and then the door disappeared together.

In the smaller room, there are only two goo and black cats.

Goo looks at where the door disappeared. After half a ring, I suddenly ate the food in the bowl.

The black cat looked silently at the side, and suddenly smiled.

On the other side, Luo returned to the original room.

Everyone else was there. When Luo came back, they gathered together.


King asked first.

This is the issue that he is most concerned about and the issue that most people in the team are more concerned about.

“Well, start asking tomorrow.” Luo looks at Jin, said with a smile: “If you want to ask a question, you can write it on paper and give it to me.”

“That is natural.”

Even when he heard the joke in Luo’s words, Jin still accepted it.

Regarding the dark continent, there are too many questions about East Ricoh.

“Luo, will the disaster on the dark continent be all humanized?” Tonpa said curiously.

“Maybe, maybe not.”

Luo shook the head, looking thoughtful: “But there is no doubt that a small number are indeed humanized.”

Only this, Luo dare to be so determined.

The remarks made in the imprisonment room had a certain impact on the team.

Interested teammates are hard to suppress curiosity, while uninterested ones such as Uvogin are less important.

There are 2 surveillance images reflected on the wall, one is the ruins outside, and the other is the room where Go is located.

Before tomorrow arrives, Luo has to take a good rest and think about tomorrow’s conversation.

And now, he finally has a little bit of energy to pay attention to the black disc suspended above the ruins.

Luo stood in front of the wall, quietly looking at the black disc in the picture.

He didn’t worry about the situation at the association, at least, the page of Netero’s book hadn’t been blacked out.

As long as Netero is alive, there is a way to take the rest of the team out of the dark continent.

Presumably, after going through many failures and understanding of the current situation, Netero should decisively give up the mission and leave the dark continent with the survivors.

The association’s trip was considered a failure, but it was not without its gains.

Just write what you see and hear during this period of time into information, and it will be a stepping stone to open the door of v6 to re-establish a cooperative relationship.

“That thing, I don’t know how long to stay here.” Nob stared at the black disc in the picture.

“It doesn’t matter how long we stop, we can afford it,” Luo calmly said.

“Then we should hide until this thing leaves?” Old Bai asked.

“Of course, there is no need to fight. Try to avoid it.”

“That is also true.”

Everyone probably guessed that the black disc came from nothing more than the masked man who had been taken off before.

However, the masked corpse is not found in the ruins, and the core energy is in their hands, just don’t know how long this black disc will take away all the patience.

All in all, just wait slowly.

For tomorrow’s conversation, Luo didn’t pay attention to the black disc for too long, and went to rest.

And Jin them, they began to think about the question to be thrown to Gu.

Early the next morning, Luo hadtily ate the breakfast prepared by Buha, and then came to the room where Gu was.

as it should be by rights, so is the black cat.

With Go and the black cat’s gaze, Luo came to them, and sat cross-legged.

Without polite words, nor intending to talk about routines, Luo went straight to the topic: “I thought a lot of questions, but after thinking about it, I always felt that I would miss something, so I might as well let you elaborate … life experience.”

Goo looks at Luo, coldly: “I thought you would first ask Dong Fuli.”

Luo laughed, seriously: “No rush, we have time.”

The muttering was silent, but it was quite simple. At the request of Luo, he expounded his life experience.

Aside, the black cat suddenly felt 100 times spiritual.

“In the era when I was created by humans …”

Gu began to recount the experience since birth, and Luo and Black Cat were listening silently.

It was an extremely long life experience, described in words, and it was also a lengthy introspection.

However, Luo wouldn’t mind.

Under Gou’s narrative, Luo finally had a general understanding of ancient humans.

At that time, humans were very powerful, and they came to the top of the dark continent’s food chain.

The ancient people depended on Mind Power, which is based on modernization.

As if without any restraint, let your imagination run wild and create something from each and every one.

Goo is also one of the beasts created at that time. The beasts created with her are not a minority.

Until the human who created the beast dies, some of the beasts will disappear, and some of the beasts will survive and get rid of the controlled situation.

However, in that cruel living environment, even if there is a lucky beast that survives, it will be controlled by the living human beings.

Goo is one of them. Even if she survives, she is still in a controlled situation, like a tool, constantly creating benefits for humanity.

Until an opportunity came, her fate changed, and the situation on the dark continent ushered in a purge of Heaven and Earth.

Gu’s self-report is concise, just talking about the context, not talking about the details.

“You humans, there is such a sentence, called playing with fire **.”

Cooing with coldness, in fact, the origin of this sentence was learned from Dong Fuli.

Luo didn’t speak and waited.

“The ability to turn life strength into anything has made humans powerful, but it is also because of that powerful ability that human beings are in decline.

Gu suddenly glanced at the black cat, and then retired silently.

“With no restraint, they created more and more objects and beasts. In the end, they created a book that can produce 10000 things!”

“Also … a book that can hold 10000 things.”

“It is these books that have caused humans to be backlashed.”

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