Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1122

The huge goo hangs like a mountain across the eyes of everyone.

Her appearance hasn’t changed much, but the mental ability to cover her body actually increases with her size.

Normally, whether it is Demon Beast or Mind Power, there is a maximum numerical apparent volume, and it does not change with body size.

Among human Mind Power people, who can double their body size basically do not exist.

Take the black cat, for example, he has a limit of about 6-7 times, because he can only support that many apparent strength.

However, the Goo in front of him does not seem to be limited by this law. Even if the volume becomes as large as the mountain, the mental force that covers the body surface does not decrease a little, and it is still covered on the body.

In an area far from the scene, Nick’s fox beast transmitted the image near the black cat and projected it on the rocks.

Bisji and the others saw a huge goo, and their faces were shocked.

They were naturally surprised not by the volume after the change, but by the mental power that covered the body, which was almost unprecedented.

For example, they have been in the dark continent for some time. Although they have not seen the behemoths that Luo can not describe in words, they have also seen many huge creatures.

However, for the first time, they saw that a huge creature could maintain the [strong] state?

Too scary?

It was hard to hide everyone’s surprise. Unimaginable has such a large volume. After the increase in mental strength, it can exert a strong destructive force.

Looks at projection The huge goo in the picture, the red light in the eyes of the skeleton is gliding at a faster frequency.

He seemed to think of something, but among them was a silhouette of a black cat.

If you tell that possibility to side humans, I’m afraid to sniff.

After all, that possibility is like night and day.

But that’s why Goo can do that.

“How can I get away …”

The Skeleton quietly glanced at Sergey in Iceburg’s face, lamenting in her heart.

He certainly felt that the overall strength of this human team was very strong, but he could also see that this team was marching toward the abyss.

Therefore, he didn’t want to follow him into the abyss.

Over the ruins, the changes evoked by Gou also surprised the people on the Beyond team and the association team.

The horror that belongs to the dark continent is gradually revealing to them.

The people headed by Qiduo, at this time, were deeply aware of what a dark continent is.

Bi Yangde, shocked and shocked, did not lose the motivation to challenge the unknown.


Bi Yangde showed a complex expression mixed with fear and excitement.

The thought of beings like Go could be everywhere on the dark continent, so I couldn’t tell if I was afraid or excited.

At the very least, he will be afraid, but he will not flinch.


Jin Yang head looked at a huge goo, his eyelids kept beating.

His eyes quickly passed, and fell on Luo’s back.

In this case, should you just pull Luo into the game space and then quickly get out of the battle?

King was thinking about it, but Luo not at all gave him any information.

Is Luo planning to fight?

Within the circle of war, Luo looks at Guru that expanded with the apparent volume of the volume, with a deep surprise in his eyes, it was inevitable that he was also scared. As for the black cat, it was like ten Yellow Ox, only Thinking of pulling Luo away.

The previous goo, also combatable.

just now?

The black cat thought it would just slip away.

However, his almost incoherent discourse did not cause Luo to react in any way.

Because Luo didn’t plan to flinch.

It is not that he wants to see if the monster in front of him is a paper tiger, but that temporary avoidance is meaningless.

The opponent was a gatekeeper, and still came towards them.

If you do not solve it now, it will always be a weapon hanging above your head, and you may fall anytime, anywhere.

Moreover, the other party obviously has the ability to track, otherwise how do you know they are here?

Comprehensive consideration, Luo did not avoid the war decisively.

While resisting the sound of Goo’s roar, he pulled back a distance.

Now he probably has a big eye.

The difference in volume between the two sides is too big, also significant in volume …

The giant goo seemed to become more irritable, suddenly stopped roaring, and looked down towards Ant-like Luo.

Suddenly, the silver thorns in both ears and even the back were stabbed towards Luo with a force of 1000 kun.

That scenario is like someone holding an iron can of Coke to smash ants, and it’s not just two cans, but dozens of cans not just.

looks at Dozens of giant silver thorns fell straight down, Luo’s face changed, and when he jumped into the volley, he jumped directly onto one of the silver thorns, and after that, he ran on the silver thorns.

In the distance, compared to Yang De, they saw that Luo not only did not run, but also wanted to fight against the grown-up Goo, only to think that Luo was crazy!


Than Yang De took the initiative to stay away from this right and wrong place as soon as possible.

Immediately, while watching the situation behind them, they went in the other direction.

Above the silver thorn, Luo was running wildly, trying to go directly through the silver thorn to go to Gu’s head.

He could see that the three beast eyes that were present were all red, floating cold and angry killing intent.

Suddenly, the silver thorns around them came close together, especially in front of them, a silver thorn pressed down.

Luo’s eyes changed, he jumped up, and summoned General White jade.

I saw General White jade raise his knife upwards. To Luo’s surprise, this knife actually cut the silver thorn aside and cut a deep gap.

“Defense weakened?”

Luo’s heart moved slightly, was it really a paper tiger.

Thinking of this, Luo was fierce for a while, but went back and returned, once again driving General White jade, cutting across the gap.

Those who are watching the situation are seeing a silver thorn cut off by Luo, falling to the ground, and making a loud noise. For a moment, the ground was shaking, just like their mood at the moment.

It’s too crap.

At this moment, Bi Yangde’s mood is like this.

But how could they know that Luo had killed many behemoths in the deep sea.

Although those deep-sea giant beast not at all have diffused into the whole body, it is not the existence of human beings that can sanction.

After chopping off one of the silver thorns in Luo, Luo suddenly felt at the bottom of his heart and put Allah directly into the black cat space.

In this case, the role of Allah is almost zero.

However, there are not many measures that can be taken at present, namely Golden Cudgel, which can be freely enlarged and thickened, a powerful mixed toxin, which can release high-temperature Energy’s flint.

After realizing that Goo’s defense was not strong, Luo’s mind suddenly revived.

The first method he thought of was a mixed toxin strengthened by the Surprise Box.

When he thought of it, he would inject the mixed toxin that he had accidentally stored into a silver spine.

Ants are better than elephants, which are scarce in nature.

Maybe toxins are one of them.

However, Luo not at all has high expectations.

After injecting the toxin, he continued to move closer to Goo’s head.

During this time, he cut off three silver thorns of Goo, but for Goo’s huge size, such damage is very weak.

But in contrast, Goo didn’t hold Luo so easily.

And, because of its size, she hadn’t realized that Luo injected a lot of mixed toxins into her within the body.

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