Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 112

There are many styles of boarding, but the captain of the Goddess has always only focused on one of them, that is, racing.

Relying on water to overcome danger, although courageous, is categorized as reckless.

Persuading others with the wealth of the body to obtain conditions that are beneficial to themselves. Strict speaking is not a trick, it is a stream of making good use of its own advantages.

Leaving aside a few people who choose a different path, there are also many people who choose to race.

In the eyes of the old captain, the boat race in the reef area deserves his attention.

The undercurrent in the reef area is very peculiar. It is a large-scale spiral undercurrent that is constantly rotating. As long as it crosses the edge of the circular undercurrent, it can take the boat into the shoal, and it can also take the boat out of the reef area.

In this undercurrent, there are irregular undercurrents and many reef rocks.

The residents of Mavando will not explore the roots of the undercurrent, but will adapt to nature and find a way to cope.

The old captain watched the reef area. There were more than 300 people who had entered the undercurrent circle with the oars. Wherever they saw, there was a capsize. The captive candidate was taken to the reef, waiting for the undercurrent. Return the wooden boat.

It is this vivid portrayal that highlights Luo’s sense of existence, so that the old captain immediately noticed Luo.

Is there a clear gap between the light of rice grain and the glory of Haoyue?

“The measures are in place, but they are a little bit worse, is it because of that fatty …” The old captain held Telescope, followed Luo’s movements, and completely abandoned the other candidates.

Luo did not realize that he had become the subject of observation, and he was concentrating on the paddle, passing over a piece of reef with the current.

After starting the boat race, he realized the potential difficulty, because more than 300 ship ships are in the reef area at the same time, so he must choose the route more carefully to avoid being disturbed by other wooden ships.

This is different from the usual training. The overturned ship ship, when it hits the reef, ignores the undercurrent, like a tennis ball with elasticity, and can fly from any possible direction.

It is made of special material. It will not be easily damaged when it is encountered when it is turned over, but it will cause trouble for others. This is good and bad.

Even the old fishermen, who are most familiar with the reef area, dare not say that they can live safely in this environment.

Therefore, the most correct boarding style is to pay a fee, from the teleportation of the 2 ship in the port to the Goddess, the disadvantage is that you must race against time.

“There are many ways to board a ship, but I like to cross the reef area by boat.” The old captain whispered coldly snorted and said to himself: “Because this is the most stupid method, but I just like to welcome difficult Stupid. “

This is different from the usual time when fishermen go back and forth. There are too many people entering the reef area together, which looks disorganized and more difficult.

All candidates in the entire reef area were listed by the old captain as a fool, but it is this fool who is the group the old captain likes.

Luo didn’t know that he was listed as one of the many idiots by the old captain. He looked ahead and smiled at Kakuzu when he was riding the wind and waves.

Occasionally, the wooden boat that flew in the sky never caused Luo trouble.

The group of candidates who first took the boat to the sea was basically taken to the reef, waiting patiently for the next opportunity, then they all noticed the existence of Luo.

“How did that guy do it?”

“He seems to be able to control the wooden boat with ease.”

Many candidates stared at Luo with amazement.

Some candidates on the reef also had the opportunity to continue trying, because they held the wooden paddle tightly while capsized, and the person who loosened the wooden paddle completely lost the opportunity.

After a while, the candidates who entered the reef area were almost wiped out. They were waiting for the next opportunity. They were all silently watching Luo walking through the reef area.

They can see a lot of flying wooden boats, which is a very strange scene. There are several bad luck eggs occupying a relatively small area of ​​reef rocks. They were smashed into the sea by flying wooden boats.

At this moment, the over 300 ship wooden ships that were toppled became a more troublesome obstacle than undercurrents and reef rocks.

First-come, first-served advantages … is here.

If it’s one step faster than anyone, then Luo doesn’t have to face more troublesome obstacles.

However, Luo always smiled when Bu Hazhen did not dare to act blindly without thinking.

He could easily resolve all obstacles with Mind Power, but he didn’t.

This is a rare experience. Using Mind Power will make this experience boring.

He noticed all the wooden boats and saw countless routes. After taking into account the chaotic wooden boats, he picked out the most correct path, avoiding the wooden boats and reefs and moving towards the periphery. Close to the sea.

On Goddess, the old captain put down Telescope and burst out laughing, which surprised the crew.

“The captain laughed?”

“How long haven’t we seen the captain laugh like this?”

“It should be a year, right? I remember the last time I laughed when I took advantage of the tide.”

“I remembered it, I almost overturned the ship, but fortunately it was all right, and it was a rare bumper harvest.”

“But that kid is pretty good.”

The old captain did not care when he heard the whispers of the little bastards. He took a deep look at Luo who was about to rush out of the reef area, took out the wine bottle hanging from his pants pocket, and poured his head up.

After blowing most of the bottles, he turned to the captain’s room and shouted at the crew on the deck: “I’ll go for a while, call me at ten or two.”

Upon hearing the words of the old captain, the crew were all complied, and they were each standing on the edge of the deck, ready to accept the candidates who would come over.

There are only 300 places. Even candidates who pass through the 2 ship ship have to compete for places and always implement the first come first served rule.

In the reef area, under the incredible attention of a group of candidates, Luo was able to rush out of the reef area with Bu Hayu. At this time, Bu Ha’s tense expression came loose.

Two people approached the Goddess and were boarded along with the ship.

After getting on the deck, Luo didn’t pay attention to the other candidates and was not idle. He borrowed fishing rods and bait from the crew and found a place to fish.

After seeing the fishing rod in Luo’s hand, he also borrowed from the crew, but was rejected.

He came to Luo’s side and said muffled, “Luo, why are they willing to borrow your fishing rod instead of me?”

Luo looks at the buoy on the sea, said with a smile: “Maybe I’m handsome.”

Bu Ha thought about his chin, and said after half a ring, “That’s it.”


… ..

There were exactly 300 people successfully boarded.

Except for Luo and Bu Hadai, candidates who chose to compete in the boat were annihilated.

The 2 ship ship at the port received more than 1000 candidates, and then docked at several hundred meters on the Goddess side. The more intelligent candidates jumped into the sea and were picked up by the Goddess crew.

After the first arrival reached 300, Goddess set sail and headed towards the sea, leaving the remaining candidates disqualified.

Candidates who came to Marfando estimated that there were more than 3000 people, and 90% of them were wiped out before the hunter test officially started.

Goddess has a lot of people on it, and Luo has no suitable place to practice. He spends time fishing at the stern of the boat every day.

According to the memory of the original book, the ship should encounter a storm, which is also one of the tests, but it has been calm and tranquil for several days.

So the ship slowly moved towards Peter continent, one of the 6 continents.

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