Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1109

Human aging is related to cell division.

The reduction in potential air volume is also related to cells.

Nitolomide has the effect of increasing lifespan. Previously, after they took Luo, they only slightly increased their potential energy. Regardless of lifespan, the effect was not very clear.

Maybe it’s because they are still young that the effects in this area are not reflected.

But if it’s Netero, the effect should be obvious.

Among the people present, the one who most expected the effect, except the members of the association, was Bisji.

She is the source of the heart, and she is also a discople of Netero.

With this more layer of relationship, she is naturally more attentive.

Except Luo was thinking about how to abduct Sambica, everyone else was quiet looking at Netero who had just devoured Nitolomy.

After counting the numbers, nothing happened.

Netero closed her eyes and felt the changes within the body.

Outsiders can’t see his changes, but he knows that Nitolomy did have an effect.

The potential volume within the body is continuing to grow.

It’s like a half withered flower, slowly recovering its vitality.

The process that is happening within the body can be clearly felt by Netero.

Such a change, the emotion that comes first is not excited, nor excited, but moved.

The body, even the energy, is moving towards ten years or even 20 years ago, or even longer.

He didn’t need to go to Peak, but something changed and he was already content.

“That’s the effect of Nitolomy.”

After a moment, Netero slowly opened his eyes.

In his eyes, there was a ray of light.

“President, how’s it going?”

Seeing Netero eyes opened, Qi Duo asked eagerly.

From the appearance alone, nothing has changed.

The mind flowing in the Netero body is as quiet and steady as ever, without any change.

Netero laughed, instead of speaking, he opened his fine pores and released his thoughts to the maximum.

Once the gas field is formed, air waves are generated by the feet.

Until now, all seemed very quiet, in this brief moment, was injected with a full of vitality.

looks at Netero body There is a change of qi, and everyone’s eyes are slightly bright.

This is obviously stronger than ever before, in other words, Nitolomy produced an excellent effect.

Netero’s breath let Luo escape from thinking.

He looks at Netero, brows slightly raise, said with a smile: “The effect is not bad.”

Netero lamented: “Well, it should be about 20% stronger.”

“It seems that the older you get, the better the effect of taking nitolomide.” Kim touched the chin, interested: “If Dong Fulisi is still alive, his strength may be maintained at Peak level . “

“This possibility is very high.” Tonpa echoed King’s statement.

After seeing the effects of Netero after taking Nitolomide, it is easy to imagine the current template of Torich.

“But nothing seems to change?”

“After all, it can only be used to increase lifespan, but not to become young.”

“Presidents have said so, and the results are very good.”

The changes brought by Nitolomy are the result of the joy of the members of the Association.

President is the signature of the association after all, and strength is one of the hard conditions.

Such changes have slightly dispelled the sorrow over the members of the association.

Netero had a faint smile on his face, and the effect of a Nitolomi made his mind float.

In this way, the probability of completing the mission can be increased accordingly.

Luo seemed to see Netero’s thoughts, but from the very beginning, he knew that Netero was going to hit him to the end.

Can’t stop it, and impossible to take their own team to take risks.

Therefore, what he can help is to give Netero some important supplies, such as Nitolomide that Netero is taking now, such as the burnt grass that can treat injuries.

And these sponsorships are the pavement for Sambica to stay.

Netero recovered 20% of its strength during the Peak period, which is good news, but soon, another good news followed.

The old Bai guy was so lucky that he brushed out the breath of 2 Archangel and healed Yinda and Da Baboon.

Two of them had the worst injuries and would take a lot of time to treat.

Now I have brushed out the breath of 2 Archangel and saved a lot of effort.

The subsequent good news suddenly made the Association see the dawn.

Luo took Netero away in time for a solo conversation.

Under the premise of the Association’s insistence on pursuing Biyangde’s team, Luo certainly did not want Sambika to follow.

He knows that although Sambika’s ability is overbearing, the weakness is the physical Power.

Just like porcelain dolls, they may break at the touch.

If the head-to-head people of Biyangde are confronted, even if the association can win, it must be a terrible victory, and Sambica will definitely be on the list of sacrifices.

This possibility is 100%.

Luo is very determined.

So he called Netero into a quiet environment, and straightforwardly spoke of the effects of lichen and burning grass.

Listening to Luo’s precious supplies, Netero glinted in his eyes.

“I’ll give you some lichen and burned grass, but Sambika has to stay with me, and I need some help from her.” Luo demanded.

Netero was very emotional, but he couldn’t directly accept it and said, “It’s necessary to ask for Zambia.”

He wanted to agree directly, but he could not decide for Sambica.

“Is that so?” Luo looked pale.

Netero narrowed his eyes and looked at Luo up and down, thinking that this guy is usually very fine, why is this so slow on this matter?

Convincing Sambica to stay, Luo was the best person to come forward.

Netero wanted to remind Luo, but after thinking about it, if he reminded him, he couldn’t justify asking for lichen and burning grass.

Thinking of this, Netero said earnestly: “I will convince Sambica for you. After all, according to you, the healing effect of burning grass is stronger than Sambica’s ability, and I also know the weakness of Sambica. It is indeed a very risky thing for her to participate in the fight together. “

Luo heard the words light up, nodded and said: “OK.”

Afterwards, the dust that left Sambica settled.

Confronted by Netero, it is naturally very easy.

Obtaining valuable supplies from Luo, replaced by Sambica’s team.

In this regard, the members of the association do not have any opinions, after all, the role of lichen and burning fairy grass is too explosive.

This is equivalent to two players of the same level playing against each other, but one player has no medicine, and the other player has red medicine and blue medicine.

This is what lichens and burned fairy grass do.

Zambia’s stay left many people feeling strange.

Menqi tried her best to eliminate her sense of existence, and her complex eyes quietly turned in Sambica and Luo body.

There is envy, but more is lamentation and uncomfortable.

Although Netero President let Sambica stay, how could she not know that Sambica’s stay must be related to Luo.

With a little bit of thought, you can guess why Luo stayed with Sambica.

Because of this, Men Qi is so uncomfortable.

She silently looks at Luo’s back, and finally looks towards Machi.


Menqi slowly lowered her head.

Anyway, can’t cry.

With regard to Sambica’s stay, Menchi could see, and Machi was no exception.

However, she is not jealous, but as a woman, there should be some alertness.

She was thinking that when the association’s people left, must interrogate Luo.

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