Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1107

No warning, no movement.

The three stone wall squad members standing on the fire stand seemed to have been separated by an invisible long knife.

Everyone present was maintaining [Ning] at all times, but they not at all saw any attacks related to mental ability.

There are no fluctuations and no entities.

The sudden phenomenon caused a slight change in Biyang de entire group.

Pariston quickly glanced at the blow marks on Gray Mu’s cockpit, his eyes narrowed, and said, “Is the injury rebounding …”

Than Yang De frowned, as if he heard something interesting.

Rebounding this feature is his framework for Mind Power.

And Paris Stone’s guess is not unreasonable, because the only people who were attacked were Gray and 3 Emitter’s stone wall team members.

Others are not stupid, and judgment is made at once.

But the real tricky part is that they can’t see the Scarecrow’s counterattack.

But the good news is that foreign objects can fend off the scarecrow’s counterattack.

This can be seen from the cracks in Gray’s cockpit.

“Don’t hurry.”

A reminder from Paris Stone, he immediately looked at the Scarecrow.

Suddenly, he felt there was something wrong and looked closely at the appearance of the Scarecrow.

At this moment, the Scarecrow took the initiative to attack, summoning a large group of slap big Crow, and moved towards the Biyang de entire group within the channel.

Gray raised his muzzle subconsciously. Even without the ammunition support of his teammates, he could shoot a munition himself, but the formidable power was not strong.

He hesitated before pulling the trigger, and eventually chose to pull the trigger.

It was just that he repaired a crack in the cockpit before pulling the trigger.

The tongue of fire gushed, and the ammunition flew out of the muzzle, hitting the incoming Crow group.

Suddenly, the Crow group burst apart over the passage.

The bomb shattered the Crow group and disappeared into the air.

Without the ammunition support of the Emitter teammates, the formidable power and stamina of the ammo obviously became much weaker.

However, formidable power is enough to destroy the Crow group, that is, there is no spare power to attack the Scarecrow.

After killing the Crow group, Graym remained vigilant.

The expected counterattack not at all occurred.

Maybe it has to do with the number of attacks.

Gray calmly said, “I’m going to make a bait to bring out its weaknesses.”

“it is good.”

Than Jande is nodded.

They consciously pulled back.

This is Gray’s intention to trigger the Scarecrow’s ability mechanism once again, and then let them observe closely to try to find the Scarecrow’s weakness.

Looks at the teammates backing, Gray Mu crosses the middle of the passage, looks coldly at the scarecrow stepping on Crow.

The muzzle lifted and the tongue of fire burst.

A bullet burst out, blasting the scarecrow into pieces.


Gray was musing in his heart.

When the Scarecrow returned to its original state, it fired a munition to destroy the Scarecrow.

“2 times.”

Gray Mu silently thought of the number of words that defeated the Scarecrow, and never stopped outputting his power.

Outside the war zone, Beyond entire group concentrate attention completely looks at Scarecrow’s movements.

Soon, Graym defeated the Scarecrow for the 2th time.

But no surprise, the Scarecrow was back to where it was.

At the same time, a crisp sound of cracked glass sounded in the passage.

Gray’s cockpit again cracked several obvious cracks, and was about to break apart.

The fissures were not so obvious when they were first attacked.

This explanation, the scarecrow’s unknown mechanism of counterattack damage, may increase the formidable power with the number of times.

“What did you find?”

Gray took this concern to heart, first glanced at the severely cracked cockpit, and then asked his teammates.

“No.” Beyond frowns saying, “What about you?”

With the exception of Paris Stone, who looked thoughtfully, shook his head.

Under the premise that they were psychologically prepared, they still did not find out how the Scarecrow hit the damage to Graym’s cockpit.

Moreover, the crack appeared in silence, there was no movement at all, showing a horrible strange feeling.

If the injury is not blocked by the reinforced glass of the cockpit, but directly affects the Gray body in the cockpit, then there is no solution.

Seeing that they did not find any more than Yang De, Gray was a little disappointed, and immediately said solemnly: “The number of times is ten and two, and the damage from the second counterattack is obviously stronger than the first. I don’t know how many times I can resist.”

Miao Haier conservatively said: “I don’t think its Speed ​​is fast, so there is no need to entangle it, just throw it away.”

“Agree, tangling with this weird guy is really hard to please.”

After contact, more than half of the team members did not consider it necessary to take on meaningless risks.

As they continued to comment, the Scarecrow struck again.

In addition to the undead character, the Scarecrow’s Speed ​​and the released Crow have a lower threat level than Yang De’s.

Seeing at the Crow group, Gray Mu blasted his thoughts again, destroying the Crow group and the Scarecrow.

The next second, the Scarecrow returned to its original form.

Before the unknown, Biyangde did not want to rush into attack, and widened back.

Paris Stone looks at a slight scarecrow with a slight gleam in his eyes.

He found that at first was completely a scarecrow in incorporeal form, and as it was constantly destroyed and then returned to its original state, his body seemed to start showing a little entity.

From this, he speculated that as long as the Scarecrow showed more physical parts, it might be able to cause harm to the Scarecrow.

Until then, the Scarecrow may take at least 5 counterattack damage.

Judging from the cracks on Gray’s cockpit just now, the damage from the second counterattack should only be enhanced, not multiplied.

In this way, it is actually acceptable to solve the risk of scarecrow.


Paris Stone looked at the reaction of his teammates.

As Miao Haier said, as long as the Scarecrow Speed ​​is not fast, you can completely avoid this battle.

After all, this is not an rpg game. Defeating the scarecrow will not explode the equipment, nor will it give them experience.

Thinking of this, Paris Stone was temporarily silent.

Bijand looks at Scarecrow again torn into pieces by Gray, thinking for a moment before making a decision, saying, “Slide.”

Avoiding meaningless battles has always been one of the rules of hunter action.

Knocking down the Scarecrow will not bring any benefit.

Bi Yangde still tends to avoid.

After hearing Bi Yangde’s words, the crowds without the slightest hesitation put their minds on their legs and prepared to throw away the scarecrow.

The first mover was Bi Yang De, who turned and ran.

His action is equivalent to firing a gun.

Others in the team followed closely behind.

The timing of their retreat was when the Scarecrow was torn.

After the Scarecrow has returned to its original state, he can only force the looks at the escaped Biyang Deentire group.

Avoiding the scarecrow is not difficult, but it will make the team’s journey back to the ground longer.

What Biyangde didn’t know was that the route followed by the Scarecrow might be slowly drawn to an entrance, where a dark shadow stood still.

I do n’t know anything about the arrival of [Gu] in the Luo entire group of 4D apartment.

I don’t know her arrival or her intentions.

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