Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1095

100 meters distance, not too far.

When the mask man came flying like a ghost shadow, Sambica was dumbfounded.

The virus is useless?

Before the complete doubts had time to spawn in his head, Menqi once again greeted the masked man.


The kitchen knife hit the masked man’s fingernails up and down, and a dazzling spark came out.

Much stronger than himself, pressing the blade along the blade.

The wound that had just been treated shortly was squeezed with blood again.

Menqi clenched her teeth and frowned.

At the moment, she didn’t have the time to think about why Zambia’s virus had failed.

Just to resist the attack of the masker, it brought her a high power burden.

Continue this way, double-handed may be obsolete.

Despite this concern, Menqi had to brace oneself.

Because Menqi responded in time, so that Saqiu had enough time to spend their lives, all are dignified looks at mask people.

Qi Duo noticed the movement coming from behind, hurried quickly, and then saw the mask man fighting with Men Qi.


Among the team, Qi Dao, a doctor, is well aware of Sambica’s virus formidable power.

However, this masked unknown species has developed therapeutic antibodies in offensive and defensive battles with deadly viruses?

Eyes at Men Qi fell into a fierce battle. A few people around Qiqi rushed to support him, but their attack was the same as Men Qi. It fell on the masked person’s body without pain and itching. It had no effect.

This absolute gap is enough to make people desperate.

After all, they are not members of the main battle.

Pion’s idea was used to identify ancient texts and had nothing to do with fighting.

Saqiu ’s idea is to eliminate negative emotions, and it can also smooth or kill the enemy’s fighting intent, but he has already tried it, and his power is useless to mask people.

Qi Dian Nian uses the four diagnostic methods of hope, smell, question, and diagnosis to make the target compulsorily into an absolute state.

However, her idea needs to be based on known prerequisites.

It ’s like a doctor. If you do n’t have sufficient medical knowledge, even if you have completed 4 diagnostic procedures, you will be able to know the patient ’s illness.

For Qi Duo, the masked person is a purely unknown existence that exceeds her cognitive limit, so even if she silently collects information about the masked person, she has not been able to reach the conditions for the ability to open.

Taking a step back, their frontal combat capability is not even as strong as Men Qi.

In this way, the aid effect they can achieve is also extremely limited. Special encounters an unscrupulous enemy like a masked man, and is helpless.

Even the rigidity of the entire body can’t break the defense. What methods can be used?

Ka-cha !

Within the venue, the sound of a broken bone suddenly sounded.

Immediately, it was Menqi’s scream.

She was broken by the mask person’s sudden knee-lifting action, causing the entire arm to show the opposite “l” shape. The pale bones even penetrated the skin and were exposed to the air with blood.

Masked people have always used double-handed nails in the battle.

So much so that he suddenly felt an epiphany in a martial arts move and hit Men Qi completely unprepared.

Fortunately, Men Qi followed Lin Nie for a period of time. At critical moments, she pushed herself away from the mask man with the help of soft power techniques.

Otherwise, the masker’s next move is enough to take her head away.

Although the distance was opened in time, the price was a loss of balance.

In this case, if the mask man insists on chasing, then Menqi is absolutely dead.

Strangely, the mask man not at all pursued, but instead attacked Sambica?

Seeing this scene, Men Qi was startled, completely forgetting her situation and the pain from the right hand arm.

When I realized it, Yinda helped her remove the impact in time.

Menqi froze, and immediately jumped down from Yinda’s body, bearing the pain, and asked, “Your injury?”

“Although serious, but not fatal, barely possible fight.” Yinda’s face paled slightly, and she glanced at Menqi’s bones, which broke through the skin, said solemnly: “President resisted most of the pressure of the breakout, so this enemy”

Before the words fell, he was picked up by a rough voice: “This enemy can only be solved by us.”

The speaker is a baboon.

He rushed forward and blocked in front of Sambica.

Seeing that the baboon stepped forward, Sambicana almost jumped to the heart of his throat, and then slowly fell.

“Sambica, I will leave it to you.”

The Da Baboon greeted the masked man after he dropped a word.

Sambica understood the meaning of that sentence.

On the field, only her virus can have a clear effect on the masked person.

Although it is not clear how the Masked Man solved the Skid Rabbit Virus, at first is indeed effective.

In other words, the baboons will help Sambica create opportunities for Sambica to once again manipulate the virus inside the body of the masked man.

Da Baboon greeted the masked man, drew short, and avoided the masked claws of the masked man. He immediately stretched out the double-handed, precisely holding the masked man’s wrist.

Suddenly, the baboon’s body swelled in a circle, and there were blue muscles on his arms. The visible strength of the naked eye fluctuated and flowed quickly over the muscles.

Even the baboon’s cheeks and forehead are shaking with thick blue tendons.

At that moment, he exhausted Strength throughout his body just to control the masked man.

If possible, also think about being able to pinch off the mask person’s wrist.


It’s like pinching your wrist.

Not to mention pinching off the mask man’s wrist, the restrained double-handed is slowly pressing towards the face of Da Baboon.

At close range, even through a mask, the Da Baboon can feel the cold sight from the mask man.

“Where does this guy’s Strength come from!”

There are incredible rays of light in the eyes of the baboon.

He had already thought of increasing his Strength, but he was still not as strong as a man with a tall, thin mask like a bamboo pole.

It’s no wonder that the man on the tenth Earthly Branch couldn’t stop him, and it’s no wonder that he was sent to the rear of the team.

When Da Baboon and the Masked Man stalemate, Qi Duo rushed to Men Qi to deal with her injuries, while Yin Da, who came from the injury, touched the Masked Man behind.

If there is any threat to the masked person on the court, it is estimated that only he, Da Baboon, and Sambica.

Injury into battle, this is actually very irrational behavior.

However, the manpower is very tightly compressed. Just to resist the attack of copper mechanical life forms, it takes more than 5% to build a line of defense.

If it weren’t for Netero to withstand the pressure, there would be a shit stick in the mask, and the association team would have been overwhelmed.

While the Baboon barely restrained the mask man, Yinda came to the mask man behind, ignoring the risk of wound chapped, passing the whole body strength and mentality into his fist, and then hit the back of the mask man.



The dull sound sounded, and passed along the passage, reaching far away.

The Beyond team who was breaking through heard the sound.

The Lou entire group, who was going deep into the ground with high efficiency, also heard the sound.

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