Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1089

The arrival of the masked person, along with [core energy] broke into the eyes of several people in Yinda.

The structure of the spiral crystal, and the red fruit man whose white hair is obscured by the top of the crystal and cannot see the face, are all noticeable factors.

But in less than a second, the eyes of several people in Yinda were locked on the masked person’s body.

“So strong mind …”

Yin Da 愣愣 looks at the thoughts emanating from the masked body.

As an analogy, compare Yinda’s maximal maintenance of vitality to Fire Insect, then the masked person’s apparent energy is a third wheel.

The gap between the two is obvious.

Miltonston’s facial expression grave, and the face of the two actual hunter elites are also not good.

In the battle of Mind Power, this kind of apparently amazing guy is the most difficult existence.

In other words, is that guy wearing a mask really a human?

His eyes glanced over the skinny torso of the mask man, incidentally paying attention to the towering spiral crystal that the mask man held like a tadpole.

It’s hard to imagine that this guy has something to do with the Beyond team.

In fact, they cannot confirm the origin of the Masked Man for the time being.

At the very least, they don’t consider this mask person to be Yang De’s person.

The main combat personnel behind the team are all highly alert to the movement of the masked person.

The Masked Man came to the edge of the circle and stopped.

Those 3 white swallowtails not at all came out, but turned into patterns again, printed on the smooth mask.

“Not weak, but troublesome, to get rid of …” the masked man said in a tone without any emotion.

The Yinda people who focused their attention on the masked person’s body all heard the words of the masked person.

It was just a language they didn’t know, and they didn’t know what the mask man was talking about.

But at this time, the change of life was beyond expectation of a few people in Yinda.

The copper mechanical lifeforms that had gathered in front of them, despite the attacks they launched, were all moved towards the Masked Man.

Between that act, especially irritable.

If the copper mechanical living body can make a sound, it is presumed that the passage will be filled with the sound of anger enough to overturn the ceiling.

The endless stream of copper mechanical life forms flowing from the branch roads no longer rushed to Yinda, but attacked the mask people who had just arrived at the scene.


Yinda they looked silently at this scene, wondering.

But that’s … okay?

Just as they thought so, the scene in front of them changed their faces dramatically.

Three white swallowtail butterflies emerge from the mask, flying slowly around the mask man.

And the large number of copper mechanical lifeforms that came together and rushed to the mask people suddenly disintegrated at the same time.

A large number of wreckages fell to the ground with energy crystals, making a loud noise.

The mask man just stood there, and did nothing, and cleared the surrounding copper mechanical life form …

“see it?”

In Myerston’s eyes, there were rays of light unique to the mind, and his expression was dignified.

Yin Da is heavily nodded, and he also uses condensation to cover his eyes. Like Miltonston, he has a very dignified expression.

The two of them reacted so much, not to mention the two actual teammates.

In the case of using Ning, they clearly saw that there were countless thin lines of thought, connected in series between the white swallowtail butterfly and the mask.

The number of thin lines of thought was astounding, entangled in a ball, making a lot of irregular gaps.

However, the lines, which seem to be tangled in disorder, give people a very neat illusion.

But this sense is not the point, but the process of destroying the copper mechanical life by the thin line of mind is too easy.

Although the defense of the copper mechanical life is not too strong, it is not weak.

But the thin thread of thought like hair, fluttered in the past, and the copper mechanical life form was disintegrated, and it was not two, but a large group.

“It’s tremor.”

I do not know when I came to the rear of the team, given the basic reason why the Nianli thin line can easily disintegrate the copper mechanical life.


“It can be understood that the amplitude is very small, but the frequency is very high. Because of this, then the thin line of force will have that lethality.” Qi Duo’s eyes were full of grave expression, and she looked at the entrances of several branches.

After the copper mechanical life form on the scene was cleared by the mask person, there was still a continuous stream of copper mechanical life form entering the field.

However, the re-filled copper mechanical life forms have no meaning to them, but instead have a clear goal of attacking the mask people.

This phenomenon puzzled them, and they were completely happy that they did not raise.

They are more willing to face copper mechanical lifeforms than the abilities shown by masked people.

“Although I don’t know very well, that guy can’t be tempted at first sight, while the copper mechanical life is taken by him, otherwise we speed up the break?” Yinda suggested.

Qi Duo didn’t speak, and the eyes behind the lens closely stared at the spiral crystal held by the mask man.

What exactly is that thing?

Are humans on top?

Living or dead?

Vaguely, with the keenness of being an incurable hunter, Qi Duo thinks that the reason why the masked man can attract the hatred of the copper mechanical life forms may be related to the spiral crystal.

It ’s just that the crystal looks at is similar to the sea urchin crystal in Safety Sector …

At this time, a large number of copper mechanical life forms fell out of the safe distance of the masked person.

The clearance efficiency is really horrible. It can be said that it has completely exploded the efficiency of their entire team. The side is also explanation. The underground copper mechanical life form does not threaten the unknown person at all.

Seeing this, Qiduo was in a heavy mood, but he did not expect to use the copper mechanical life form to hate the masked person to make a fuss.

The priority now is to confront the masked person.

“I’ll talk to the President …”

Qi Duo said that half of them suddenly stopped, and saw the mask man who had just finished the copper mechanical life body moved.

The masker just shook her hand, and several shadows suddenly broke into Qiduo’s sight, and immediately, her pupils shrank sharply.

“Be careful!”

Yinda reached out and pushed Qi Duo.

After pushing away Qiduo, for the next limited time, Yinda wanted to avoid the shadow of the masked man, but he quickly thought of behind teammates.

If you dodge, the consequences will be disastrous.

Between light and flint, Yinda made a choice.

He laboriously identified the trajectories of the coming shadows, and immediately condensed the mind, covering the body and arms with a thick layer of mental defense, and later turned into a shield and ran across the team.

The dark shadow, however, is a man with a fingernail close to 20 cm long.

Just a shake of his hand, he flew away and shot towards Qiduo.

Just after Qi Duo was pushed a few steps, when Miltonston raised a yellow card, just when the two actual teammates were worthy of making a defense action.

The three nails struck penetrated Yinda’s arm and chest in a zigzag pattern.

Go straight through the arm, straight into the body, and with blood, puncture a few centimeters from the back.

Yinda was only groaned, and deep doubts arose in her eyes.

The condensed mental defense was so easily broken.


Seeing that the nail spikes pierced Yinda’s body, Qiduo could not help cried out in surprise.

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