Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1087

Withstanding the pressure from the life form of the copper machine, coupled with the deep position of the underground ruins.

In this way, how easy is it to want to successfully break away?

The failure of the Safety Sector is like a big mountain, fiercely pressed on both sides of the body.

They were full of confidence because of the existence of Safety Sector, and also fled because of the disappearance of Safety Sector.

This uncomfortable feeling of not being able to grasp the current situation is silently shifting Shadow Transformation’s emotions than Bi Yangde and Netero.

After all, there is a limit to ability, and you want to act wilfully, far enough to see the end.

Wouldn’t it be ironic if the elephant was killed by a group of ants?

At the very least, neither Bi Yangde nor Netero wanted to fall in such a humble manner.

In any case, it is necessary to bring the team out of the ground.

They think so.

There are 2 heads.

The violent riots of copper mechanical lifeforms also soon affected Luo’s team.

It is impossible to know the number of copper mechanical life forms in the underground ruins. The only thing that can be sure is that there are very, very many.

Therefore, when the aisle was full of copper mechanical life forms, Luo entire group had to make a choice.

Should it go deeper into the ground, or return to the ground?

“Go in or back out?”

Stony’s tone was still cold.

Luo glanced at the teammates around him, read the answer from their eyes, and then smiled softly and said calmly: “Go in.”

妲 s Slightly nodded, attacking the piano.

No. 7 Rhythm, Rush!

The sound of the piano suddenly felt like a blade, divided into scores of tens or even 100, in a spiral sequence, blasting towards the copper mechanical life body squeezed in the channel.

The sharp air blade cut all copper mechanical life forms into pieces.

However, the space of the passage is limited, and even if the copper mechanical life is broken and died, it is still blocked, turning the passage into a dead end.

The rear of the team has the same result.

Facing such a result, the head of the black cat of Luo pats, said with a slight smile, “It’s over to you.”

The black cat smiled bitterly, forcibly lifted its appetite, and then became huge, swallowing the wreckage of the clogged copper mechanical life one after another.

He was like an industrious cleaner, sweeping away the wreckage of the copper mechanical lifeform in no time.

“Let’s see what’s going on underneath.”

Looks at the channel swept by the black cat, and Luo walks ahead.

The team members followed closely without feeling a little nervous.

Beyond’s team and the Hunters Association team at the bottom of the ruins wanted to return to the ground as soon as possible, but the Luo entire group who entered the ruins chose to continue.

With lichens and 4-dimensional apartments, Luo entire group is full of confidence.

The main attack was on Shuang Ji’s piano blade, supplemented by General Luo’s white jade, and the team advanced all the way, destroying the copper mechanical life blocks in front of it, leaving no room for it.

As we went deeper, the terrain began to change.

“An ant nest structure?” Kim speculated.

“Mostly, I don’t know what kind of considerations ancient humans used to build their homes like this.”

“What if this site was not built by ancient humans?” Someone suggested.

No one can answer this hypothesis, including Kim and Sarah.

Perhaps, there is such a possibility.

The team kept going down and down, and the number of copper mechanical life forms encountered on the way continued to increase, increasing.

In order to solve the obstacles of the copper mechanical life form, Shuangji’s mental energy was quickly consumed.

looks at Strange Ji’s extremely terrifying Emitter lethality, the members of the Skeleton Class are already numb.

So far, they still don’t see where the upper limit of Sturgeon is.

All I know is that the destructive and large-scale killing phenomenon shown by Sturgeon really gave them a sense of security.

Unlike the violent slaughter of Shuang Ji, Luo’s style of dealing with copper mechanical life forms is much more refined.

He started with General White Jade. Later, when he felt that it was too thoughtful, he switched to the kill mode. Specifically, he converted the mentality to Maimang and smashed the energy crystals of the copper mechanical life body.

But in that way, the spiritual loss is very serious.

So he changed to another method, which is domain.

Incorporating all the copper mechanical life forms in front of the field into the realm, and then dismantling each and everyone is considered an artistic conquest.

There are two great gods like Shuangji and Luo. Even if it is gold, there is nothing to do. Just hold the two thighs and shout 2 on the side.

The high-efficiency killing of the team has gradually accelerated the speed, and the lichen is continuously consumed.

Even if the endless stream of copper mechanical life forms comes, it will not stop the footsteps of Luo entire group.

In this way, the Luo entire group went deeper into the underground ruins. As for Biyangde and Netero, they were also trying to come to the upper level.

Whether the two sides can meet is still unknown.

Moreover, the two sides behind each have a danger that cannot be underestimated.

One is the scarecrow who was thrown behind by Luo entire group, and the other is the mask man who got [Core Energy] and was about to leave.

Bronze mechanical life forms are treated equally, and have also become a barrier for scarecrows and mask people.

However, it is too easy for them to solve the style of copper mechanical life forms.

Copper mechanical life forms can’t hurt the scarecrow, they can only be slaughtered unilaterally by the scarecrow.

On the mask man’s side, I don’t know what method was used, but all the copper mechanical life bodies that moved towards him were automatically disintegrated before they approached.

That scenario is very similar to Luo using the field to dismantle copper mechanical life forms.

The masked man is holding a spiral crystal called [core energy], just like holding a chicken.

When walking quickly, the white-haired human on the top of the spiral crystal is completely motionless, like a stone sculpture.

He moved towards the copper mechanical lifeform he attacked, just like the eagle guarding the chicks, far more irritable than his counterparts in other positions.

It seems that the [core energy] held by the masked person is the lifeblood of the copper mechanical life form.

Even so, in the face of the mask man act wilfully, none of the copper mechanical life forms attempting to recapture [core energy] became tarnished wreckage.

“It’s a waste here.”

“Just, just disappear.”

The mask man spit out a series of obscure syllables.

He crossed the mask and looked at the wreckage of copper mechanical lifeforms on the ground.

Stepping over the wreckage, the masked man left the place.

His advancing speed is far better than that of Young’s team and Hunters Association team.

As time passes, all parties are advancing, advancing at the fastest speed.

About 5 hours or so, the masked man saw the end of the front passage, there was a burst of golden light glittering, and at the same time he felt … the fluctuation of life strength.

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