Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1078

Inside the site, visible buildings can be counted on one’s fingers.

Countless copper mechanical life forms are squeezed underneath, making the existence of the ruins even weaker.

Looks at this scene, even Luo, who is the strongest in the team, is also under great pressure.

If the threat level of a copper mechanical life entity is c, then their overall rating must be a, because the overall horizontal line is higher by the quantity level.

“This amount … is so amazing.” Nob glanced at Luo’s face.

“Sympathy.” Old Bai wiped the sweat seeping from his forehead, and said arduously, “If you don’t look closely, you really don’t see any ruins.”

“The real site is under the ground, not the ground.” The skeleton said suddenly.


The timely reminder of the skeletons was not mentioned in the previous disclosure of relevant information.

Therefore, after hearing the skeleton people’s reminder, the old white people were a little surprised, and a little surprised.

If there are only those ruins on the ground that can be counted on one’s fingers, then the motivation for surveying is really lacking.

However, the ground is full of seemingly dangerous copper mechanical life forms. Isn’t it more exaggerated under the ground?

“So, do I, we, want, go in, the remains, inside the site?” Nick stuttered.

Hearing Nick’s words, everyone couldn’t help but look towards Luo.

Tonpa thought to himself that he was scared enough by a copper mechanical life form last time, and here simply was an uncountable number.

However, the copper mechanical life forms here seem a little different from those encountered.

“Do you think Dong Fuli will be interested in the ruins?”

Luo stomped his foot slightly and motioned for the black cat to stop.

When the black cat received the command, it immediately stopped moving, standing on the transparent foothold made by Luo in the field, and looking down at the copper mechanical life body that was turbulent because of their arrival.

“Surely interested!”

Hearing Luo’s question, Sarah did not have the slightest hesitation complied.

Luo glanced at Saling helplessly, thinking that the person who was most interested was you.

King looked down at the scene and said seriously: “If it was me, I would definitely go in and see.”

“Me too, but I will make a decision based on the degree of risk. In this case, without the support of my teammates, I would definitely take the risk of it.” Sheila said softly.

“Indeed, in this case, the feeling of isolation is definitely bad.” Bisji sighed.

“But Dong Fuli is alone, no matter how great he is, it is difficult to deal with these things, right?” Buha Suona said.

Before meeting the Skeletons, they may still doubt that Dong Fulisi is a true lone walker.

But according to the information provided by the skeletons, there is almost no need to doubt.

Dong Fuli is indeed a solo adventurer.

Well, the problem is here too.

Alone, will he risk breaking through the obstacles of countless copper mechanical life forms?

If Dong Fulisi is less likely to leave footprints inside the ruins, is it necessary for the team to take risks for this?

People like Sa Ling and Jin Zhi, no matter what, definitely want to go inside the ruins to find out.

The likes of Nob and others pay more attention to the risks to be taken in this operation.

In a complete squad, decisions are usually made by a few mechanisms that obey the majority.

However, Captain’s decision often plays a role in determining the wind direction.

Therefore, Luo’s decision usually has a final effect in this completely different situation.

Go, or not?

The final decision has not yet come out, but Tonpa and Black Cat issued warnings at about the same time.

Tonpa was really shocked by the amazing amount of copper mechanical life underneath, so rare that he made a mistake and did not detect the attacker’s arrival in time.

The black cat is not involved in the topic, so he can always pay attention to the situation underneath.

So when the attackers moved towards them from the bottom up, he was less alert than Tonpa, and was able to find the attackers at the same time as Tonpa.

Coming were a group of black Crows, all black, with white eyes and dazzling ghost eyes.

Crows are small, but they are very numerous.

They crowded into a ball, but did not affect their respective flight, and the target was clearly directed at the black cat hovering in the air.

The sudden appearance of the Crow group has made the copper mechanical life forms more irritable.

“I come.”

Si Ji Ji offered to ask.

She has rarely participated in the discussion and decision of the team, usually not much, but if the team is in danger, she will always come first.

Black and white thoughts surged on her body, then flowed onto the double-handed, with a ready-made black stone harp in the blink of an eye.

The sound of Qingying’s piano suddenly started, and the numerous air blades visible by naked eye flew towards the Crow group.

chi chi Chī!

A lot of gas blades are cut in the Crow body, just like cutting tofu, and split second will crush the aggressive Crow group to Crush.

However, there are no feathers or blood.

The Crow group was chopped into numerous fragments by the air blade, and then slowly disappeared into the air as if it had never appeared.

Seeing Sergeant’s shot, the Skeleton Man could not help shrinking his neck, although he did not have a neck.

“It’s mad.”

Luo looks at where the debris disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, there was no small movement.

The crowd moved towards the place where the sound came, and found that the site was not only full of copper mechanical life forms, but also existed.

An … Scarecrow?

Deep in the ruins.

Crunch … crunch …

Harsh rubbing sounds echoed in the channel.

Broken copper blocks are scattered on the dusty masonry floor.

Fragments of spar exuding faint rays of light, mixed in many copper blocks.

Three white swallowtail butterflies fluttered in the passage, landing lightly on the shard of the crystal.

Just stopped for a while and saw the rays of light of the spar dimmed.

Crunch … crunch …

The masker kept scratching the smooth mask with his pointed nails and headed towards the other side of the passage.

Soon, he came to a “y” -shaped bifurcation junction, stopped immediately, tilted his head slightly, and stared silently at the bifurcation junction.

The white swallowtail butterfly slowly falls on the head and shoulders of the masked man, slowly inciting the wings.

It seems like they don’t know the way, and it seems like they have difficulty choosing.

The masker stood motionless in front of the fork and stopped scraping the mask.

A moment later, footsteps came from one of the channels.

The white swallowtail butterfly stopped at the mask man’s body seemed to be disturbed, inciting his wings to fly into the air.

The masked person suddenly looked towards the passage of footsteps.

Quietly killing intent.

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