Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1074

The pages suddenly turned black, which meant that someone died at that moment.


Luo looks at the dark pages, and close the book after half a ring.


Hearing Luo suddenly said Potter’s name, Bicciton was puzzled, as was everyone else.

Luo withdrew the book and explained, “Just now, Potter died.”

Everyone was shocked when they heard what they said.

Porter was hailed as the hunter closest to Netero President. Why did he die?

“How come to die?”

Old Bai was surprised, and asked questions without thinking.

“do not know.”

Luo shook his head, and the book could only remind him of the moment someone died on the page.

As for how Porter died, he wanted to know more than Lao Bai.

Golden eyes reveal thought, said solemnly: “The team of the association is also in the dark continent, and may be in danger.”

Luo looked towards Kim, asking, “Do you have a list of members of the association’s operation?”

Jin shook his head and said, “No, but the members of the ten or two Earthly Branches should be there.”

There was a look of anxiety deep in Bi Siji’s eyes, saying: “The association’s mission is strikes to kill Bi Yangde?”

Luo and Jin glanced at each other, while nodded.

This time when I came to the Dark Continent, they did not agree with the goals of the association, so they did not blend in.

At this moment, the news of Potter’s death suddenly came, and I did not know what was going on with the association.

You know, Porter was the top Enhancer Power, and even he was unfortunately sacrificed, and the rest of the association’s team may be in a bad situation.

No one speaks, the sound of the wind is isolated by the realm, and the black cat is silent on its back.

After a while, Luo looks at Bisji, comforted: “Relax, Netero takes this action very seriously, and must have picked a lot of elites into the group.”

“I know, but Potter is better than me, even he …” Bi Siji couldn’t hide the heavy meaning in his tone.

She is a source of heart. Although she is a Transmuter, her kung fu and physical fitness can perfectly match the characteristics of Enhancer.

However, Transmuter is Transmuter after all, and against the Enhancer, the body still has to suffer.

So, in terms of battle strength, she is not as good as Porter.

“I don’t know what happened to them, but they chose to land on this land after they had realized their enlightenment, and we … the same way.”


“It’s not good for us to think unilaterally,” Nobu reminded.

Bissie glanced at him, and remained silent.

As an old man in the team, she certainly knew this.

Luo stared at the distant sky and sighed in his heart.

Even if it is a hair of Netero body, if the book is sealed, he will be able to Sensor to show the approximate direction of Netero.

But the distance is vague and there is no specific concept.

Therefore, even if the Sensor can show the approximate direction of Netero’s location, Luo may not go to them.

Who knows how far the two sides are, and this is a dark continent, and you can’t just walk anywhere.

Everyone was tacit and did not mention this topic again.

Although the news of Potter’s death did surprise them …

30% before.

In the room that was hit by a lot of firepower, Potter was a must-kill, and eventually failed to penetrate Gray’s cockpit.

If it weren’t for Graym’s realization of the military device at a critical moment, Potter White might be able to rely on this punch to open up the situation and thus destroy the stone wall team.

Unfortunately, there is no such thing.

Gray’s Innate Skill, which can be described as a disadvantage, and the brave and fearless actions of the three stone wall team members completely killed off Potter’s chance to win.

It can only be said that the two are indispensable, but the stone wall team did it.

The barrel oscillated and shot at Potter White from a short distance. With the impact of the munition, he flew Potter Hakuda out.

Without companions to provide [Mind Ammunition], Gray’s Emitter attack is obviously not as strong as before.

Potter ate a series of munitions, but he didn’t even hurt his skin.

Already on the verge of desperate situation, he was keenly aware of this, and also vaguely guessed the secret of the stone wall team’s cooperation.

However, everything is too late.

When his punch didn’t work, the situation was already leaning towards the stone wall team.

Miao Haier’s entire group saw that Gray was all right, and immediately sighed in relief.

If Graym is beaten by Potter White, they have to consider retreating.

While Potter White was hit by a cannonball, the remaining members of the Stone Wall squad quickly leaned towards Gray.

“Gray, you are a genius.”

Miao Haier saw Gray Mu’s military device, and suddenly he figured out the joints. He wished to pull Grey Mu out of the cockpit and kiss him fiercely.


He glanced at the three corpses with murky flesh, and sighed in his heart.

Good job, brother.

Gray got up, and silently looked at his companion who had given his life to defend Porter’s straight fist in order to protect him / her.

If they had not weakened some of their strength, even if the sk military device was realized in time at that time, Potter’s boxing power would not be completely removed.

It’s so thrilling, just now …

To be honest, there is also a bit of luck in it.

If he hadn’t mastered the skill of realizing the sk military device, it is estimated that he is now dead.

Without him, the Stone Wall squad could be beaten one by one by Porter.

Fighting is like that.

If you buckle it, you can have a snowball effect.

Gray thought silently.

Miao Haier’s gaze shifted, looking towards Gray Mu’s cracked cockpit, and asked, “Can it work?”


Gray complied, and immediately used the mechanism of the modernization system, but wasted some thoughts, leaving the damaged place intact.

At this point, the stone wall team has only 6 people left.

Miao Haier used his eyes to signal the players to substitute the companion who had just died.

Soon, three companions took the initiative to jump into Gray’s open-air cockpit.

Each of them is an Emitter Mind Power, whose role is to provide [ammunition] for Gray, and the two cooperate to release a fire strike stronger than the conventional Emitter formidable power.

Not far away, Potter White stabilised his shape and looked diligently at the stone wall squad that revived.

He finally realized that the stone wall team had the secret of emitter and modernization.

“Good horrible Mind Power …”

Potter stared at Gray Mu as it was.

That robot, wrong, Mind Power in that robot is the backbone of the stone wall team.

“As long as we are careful enough, we can create another opportunity.”

Potter took a deep breath. When the back lane was intercepted, he dragged his severely injured body and, in a roundabout style, again charged towards Gray Mu.

Unfortunately, the professionalism of the stone wall team is terrible, and they will not make the same mistake 2 times. I did n’t give Potter a second chance.

Porter’s previous injury was the last straw that crushed the camel.

After taking away the heads of two members of the Stone Wall team again, Potter fell unwillingly and became a corpse with 2 sores and 1000 holes.

Strong unwillingness caused a ray of black gas to flow from Potter’s body.

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