Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1071

In order to prevent himself from being caught by a sneak attack, Potter did not use [Circle], he would not jump to high places, and he would not waste his thoughts to frequently destroy the brick wall piles of the debris.

Under various considerations, he lacked the means to find out where the stone wall team was hiding.

But he was not in a hurry. He chose to work slowly and carefully, and was waiting for the arrival of copper mechanical life forms.

He believes that as long as the copper mechanical living body enters a specific range of the stone wall team’s hiding place, it can immediately sense the members of the stone wall team.

Even if one member is selected, the facts are different from his imagination.

Ming Akashi wall squad has a total of eleven people, and the copper mechanical life forms come from several directions, enclosing more than half of the area in the room, how could it not be able to find one?

This makes no sense.

But in fact, Potter couldn’t think too much. Instead of wasting his thoughts on attacking the copper mechanical life forms coming to him, he introduced them into the range of the induction bomb.

“bang bang bang!”

With Porter’s frequent movements, the copper mechanical life body that followed him kept triggering bomb traps, which caused a violent explosion.

These bombs that can detonate at close range can kill ordinary Mind Power people, but they cannot leave any marks on the copper mechanical life.

In this way, Potter took a group of copper mechanical life forms to make a noise in the room.

As long as the area where the bomb was detonated was eliminated by Porter one after another.

This is the most basic judgment.

As more than half of the room was affected by the bomb, the team of stone wall was like throwing a stone and see it sink without trace in the sea.

Porter was puzzled, and in the case of ensuring his own safety, the behind copper mechanical lifeforms were resolved one by one.

Until the last copper mechanical life became fragmented and scattered to the ground, the stone wall team still did not shoot.

Potter picked up an energy stone, and Rin’s gaze fluttered all over the place, his frown narrowed.

It’s not impatience, it’s doubts nowhere.

Strikes to kill more than 100 copper mechanical life forms wasted a lot of his thoughts, and he impossible in order to find out the hiding place of the stone wall team, so as to waste more thoughts to level the debris in front of him.

Potbai stopped for a while, looked at the area not affected by the explosion and the fighting, and after a moment of silence, walked towards that area.

At this moment, without any warning, bomb traps that had been handled in a subtle way were actively detonated.

The high-temperature heat wave carried the gravel, engulfing the approaching Potter White.

The stone wall squad forbeared for a while, and finally it started.

They no longer have expectations for the pre-set traps, because the opponents who stepped into the room were 3-Star level terrorist hunters or top-level Enhancer Mind Power players.

Therefore, as long as Potter enters the area of ​​[Bear Catching Trap], they will decisively take action instead of relying on a bomb to seriously hurt Potter.

It was at this moment that members of the Stone Wall squadron appeared after actively detonating bombs connected by 3 rings.

The areas where the bomb fell over and the areas where the copper mechanical lifeforms passed through were members of the Stone Wall team.

The position where they appeared was clearly beyond Potter’s surprise.

One area is avoiding the induction of copper mechanical life forms?

Another area is to avoid damage from bombs without using mental power?

Potter didn’t have enough time to think about the reason. When he took off from the explosion range, a 2m-high oblique brick wall fell in front of him, and the fully-armed Gray Mu aimed his muzzle at him.

It is no exaggeration to say that the sudden appearance of many members of the stone wall team is like drilling through the entrance and exit of the 4-dimensional apartment.

Before they manifested, they existed like air, and also demonstrated their powerful terrain combat capabilities.

Gray’s body’s weapon cockpit sat with three members of the Stone Wall squad, while Miao Haier, who had previously appeared, stood beside Gray’s.

It doesn’t make sense at this point to explore why Mühaier was able to appear here.

Fight, split second started.

Gray fired immediately after aiming Potter White at the muzzle.

The barrage transformed by mental power exploded in Potter’s body instantly, and the other two members of the stone wall team also raised the guns that were realized through mental power and opened fire on Potter’s side and back. .

For a moment, the inescapable net-like barrage concentrated on Potter’s body.

da da da da …!

The surface of the amazingly hard floor tile was shattered by Gray Mu’s ammunition, splashed with gravel and smoke, and put Potter in it.

Set fire for 5 minutes.

This is the unconventional duration of the Stone Wall Squad after taking the Set Offensive.

Normally, the enemy or a team is settled by setting fire for one minute, but now the enemy is Potter White.

Consecutive release of ammunition with amazing frequency, even Emitter Mind Power, has to bear a lot of burden, even extremely strenuous.

However, with the help of Gray’s mobile arsenal, each member of the stone wall team can easily convert Qi into ammunition quickly, and then attack the enemy.

For 5 minutes, Porter was drowned in the bullet rain.

The stone wall team does not need to worry about the overheating of the firearms, nor wastes a little time because of changing the magazines.

In this high-density set fire attack, even if Potter is the top Enhancer Power, everyone in the stone wall team will think that Potter is immortal and disabled.

The diffuse smoke obstructed the vision, and the Stone Wall team focused on the situation on the field.

Suddenly, the smoke was swirling by an air current.

The stone wall team responded extremely quickly and pulled the trigger again to fire.

But it was not as fast as the air in the smoke.

Porter not at all was killed by set fire and was not maimed.

He highlighted the smoke and dust, moved towards the direction of the coming.

There, there are 2 members of the stone wall squad with guns.

After passing the bullet rain from behind, Potter stubbornly resisted the shots from the two stone wall squad members, quickly detected the double-handed, and pinched the heads of the two.

Instead of crushing his head immediately, he ran the two people in front of him like a little chicken.

As it should be by rights, the firecracker-like gunfire suddenly ceased.

Miao Haier looked towards the porter body of two of his companions behind, and his cold eyes glanced across the many bloody bodies of porter white.

5 minutes of high-density gathering did not make Poter lose his battle strength.

“Suggest to fire.”

Gray Mana’s mechanized sound came from the cockpit.

The eyes of the three companions sitting in the open-air cockpit changed slightly, and their faces actually did not show a too obvious reaction.

Miao Haier frowned, quickly considering the gains and losses.

At present, Porter is injured, and the chances of saving his companion are zero, so he should not be restrained by the so-called “hostages”, but must chase while winning.

“You won’t sacrifice for nothing, and the Norwell Fund will never let us down.”

Miao Haier knew that this was a race against time, and she was decisively giving a command with a gesture.

As a result, the muzzle sprayed out the mind flame again.

Potter, who held two members of the stone wall squad, sighed in his heart.

This result was actually what he expected.

However, the next battle will be absolutely right.

It may not be possible to kill everyone in the other party, and it is possible to confess your life here.

Potter Byakugan suddenly cooled down, and his thoughts were directly injected into the within the body of the two stone wall squad members, and immediately moved away towards the nearest enemy, threw away.

Those 2 corpses, Crush in the air in vain.

Flesh and bones, carrying thoughts against thoughts of aggression from aggression.

At the same time, Potter took the initiative to attack the pain caused by the injury!

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