Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1054

Suddenly, the dwarf skeletons were so encumbered, but everyone present would not despise him.

The mentality that was so substantive just now was in their eyes.

If it wasn’t for the skull man to surrender in advance, it would take some effort to win him.

Seeing Jin so easily promised to let go of himself, the Skeleton Man couldn’t get up, always felt that there was something waiting for him to get in.


The skeleton asked cautiously.

At this time, everyone came around.

“Of course.” King maintained a smile and said seriously: “It’s just that you have to answer me a few questions.”

“no problem!”

How could the Skeleton Man choose at this moment? First, he quietly glanced at the expressionless Shuang Ji, and immediately faced the Jinkang nodded.

“Xiao Nana, put us on the headphones too.” Lao Bai looks at Bruna, saying insultingly.


Bruna responded softly, extending tentacles, clinging to the crowd, and pulling everyone into the same chat room.

Skeleton looks at Bruna’s action, surprised: “I remember, you are Bru’s!”

“um, yes.”

Bruna’s dark eyes reflected the silhouette of the skull man, but there was no special response to the words of the skull man, but he answered the words of the skull man directly.

“No, in the eradication operation a few hundred years ago, the Bru people were extinct.” Skeletons wondered.

“Because our ancestors migrated to within the body of Rock Island Crab, they survived,” Bruna said.

“I said Xiao Nana, it is necessary to be anti-bone, don’t let others say anything, you are nothing.” There was a little helplessness in the old Bai tone.

“Ah? I’m understood.”

Bruna is well nodded.

Kim stared at the red dots of light in the skull’s eye socket and said seriously, “You know a lot.”


The skeleton said low-key.

“What did you mean by the clearing operation?” Jin smiled at the point.

The skeleton was silent for a while, and the red dots of light in the eye sockets expanded slightly, said solemnly: “In short, it was a major rectification operation against the entire dark continent circle. Of course, from the position of a weak side like me, Said, it was a cleansing operation. “

Speaking of which, the Skeleton looked subconsciously towards Bruna, in an admirable tone: “It is a matter of utter extinction for a race like Bru’s hands-free chicken, but it’s really a loss to her Ancestors could make such a bold decision in that situation. “

“Thank you.” Bruna smiled.


The skeleton man shook his head slightly and immediately looked towards Kim: “You said, just let me know a few questions, and hurry up now.”

Kim nodded, said with a smile: “Well, but I regret it now.”


Skeletons turn pale with fright.

Although everyone couldn’t see it, the tone of the skeleton people could show a little.

“Don’t worry, as long as you don’t threaten us, then we won’t do anything to you.” Kim calmed down first, and then went straight to the subject: “I see that you seem to know a lot of things, so as long as you ask them out, we will Will let you go. “


The skeleton was silent.

But that’s nothing to him.

“What do you want to know?”

“No rush, let’s get to know each other first, you can call me Kim, and the person who stated the facts is Tonpa”

From King’s point of view, the Skeleton Man is an intelligence gift package that he took the initiative to deliver, but he was not in a hurry to set out the information, but first introduced his teammates to the Skeleton Man.

Before communicating, knowing each other by name is the most basic etiquette.

Soon after the introduction to the Skeleton Man, Kim asked, “What’s your name?”

“Forget it early, just call me a skeleton. Anyway, I was a skeleton anyway.” The skeleton man laughed at himself.

Of course, no matter what look he made, it was invisible to outsiders.

“It’s okay, I’m curious whether you were born that way or did you become like this because of some change?”

“Have you ever seen a skeleton that can breed offspring?”

Skeletons stared at Kim with an idiot’s look.

Kim felt it, but was not angry, and asked, “How did you become like this?”

“Because of a song.”

The Skeleton gave a subconscious glance at Sergey.

Kim raised an eyebrow, probed: “Dark Sonata?”

“what is that?”

Skeleton Man wondered.

Kim thinks Agility and asks, “Demon Lord’s song?”

“how do you know?!”

The tone of the skullman was hard to conceal.

There was a flash of light in the bottom of the golden eye, and instead of answering the skeleton’s question, he took a look at the picture reflected by the fox beast, and then continued to ask: “What is the Demon Lord in your cognition? “

lava geocentric area.

Luo picked up the fourth Sage Herb, which was not affected by the surrounding heat.

This is a restricted area for humans, but Luo can like a fish back in water.

“Where have all the turkeys gone?”

Searching all the way, the black cat who couldn’t find the turkey was disappointed.

Luo glanced at him and continued searching for the burning grass growing on the floor of lava.

When I came here before, I accidentally discovered the burning grass, so I don’t think it is so rare.

Now coming here is actively looking for burning grass, but let Luo realize the rareness of burning grass.

Not to mention that it is difficult for humans to set foot in this place. Take Nitolomi and vanilla for comparison.

In order to find more burning grass, Luo and Black Cat went deep into the heart area, while guarding against the deep movements.

Going deep like them is actually a dangerous move.

If you encounter the last wave of lava, it’s really hard to say whether you can exit in time.

But in order to get enough burning grass, Luo had to venture further.

The four places are all red rocky grounds exuding high temperature. Occasionally, whether it is the top of the cave or the wall, the lava unrolled bolt of white silk will be splashed, let alone the ground covered with lava.

Luo is always watching these signs while searching for burning fairy grass.

Once the splatter frequency becomes high, you need to weigh whether you want to go further.

Luo wanted to find more burned fairy grass, while the black cat missed the turkey.

A man and a cat passed through a large flat lava ground and came to the edge of a cliff, but the scene in front of them changed like Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

What greeted them were dozens of lava rivers flowing through the river, flowing out from the cave openings everywhere, turning into a waterfall, intertwined in the air, like bridges.

The turkey that the black cat misses, but like a duck, slides down to the bottom along the waterfall lava, then shakes its feathers and swims leisurely on the lava river.

The black cat immediately locked one of the turkeys, and Luo was shocked, but noticed that there are not only turkeys in the lava waterfall, but also other large and small species totaling more than ten species.

Moreover, even the Fire Element body that was withered in Whale Island is can be seen everywhere here.

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