Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1045

In theory, a piece of lichen can easily fill the mind, so to support 2 hours of identification time, at least 3 lichens must be consumed.

As for the actual results, no one knows.

Sheila can probably figure it out. When she is distressed, she can only listen to Luo’s words and concentrate on maintaining mental output.

She thought, as long as the control accuracy is high enough, it may save a lichen.

For twelve hours, Luo had to stay beside Sheila to guard against accidents.

As time passed and 3 hours passed, Sheila’s mentality bottomed out.

Luo quickly took out the lichen and fed it into Sheila’s mouth.

The effect of lichen returning stamina has always been immediate, and the exhausted Sheila suddenly became spiritual.

The process of identification is boring, but for Mind Power people who are used to practicing, it is nothing at all.

Luo waited patiently, her attention always fell on Sheila’s body.

The appraisal process went very smoothly, and after Sheila took the third lichen, the appraisal was almost finished.

When the appraisal was about to end, they had been screening the gold of the items. They ended the mission on hand and came to the sidelines.

No one asked, and Luo did not take the initiative to plan, but Jin guessed that the item that Xiaoai was identifying was the seed of Alcatraz Island.

“I almost forgot about it.” Kim touched the chin.

During this time he was too busy to die, not only to complete the mission assigned by the team, but also to further investigate the ruins, I wished to squeeze the time into two and a half.

So much that he focused on the ruins and accidentally forgot the Alcatraz seeds.

He glanced at Sheila, thinking that Little Love should be able to identify some information about the seeds of Alcatraz Island.

By the end of the appraisal, the crowd was almost around.

After a long time, Xiao Ai opened her black eyes, and at the same time, the color of the tail light changed, which represented the end of the appraisal.


After completing the appraisal, Xiaoai couldn’t wait to spit out the Alcatraz seeds that had been swallowed.

Sheila was put out a breath, and the whole person relaxed suddenly.

Even with lichens supporting her, the spiritual loss cannot be compensated for.

Alcatraz seeds landed on the ground and made a crisp sound, bouncing a few times, and then rolled against the wall.

Luo flashed and pinched Alcatraz Seed in his hand.


Suddenly Luo found that the metallic luster on the surface of the seeds seemed more obvious.

Is it because of the absorption of Hillary?

Because of this feature, Luo felt dangerous before, throwing stone boxes and seeds in the black cat space Kakuzu, and almost forgot.

At this point, the seed changed because it absorbed the mind, and Luo was immediately vigilant.

Without waiting for Xiao Ai to report the identification results, Luo placed the seeds in a stone box.

“How’s it going?”

The speaker is not Luo, but King.

Sheila then noticed that everyone was around and turned to look towards Xiao Ai.

Facing the eyes of everyone, Xiao Ai calmly said, “The guardian plant Udi.”

This is the name of Alcatraz Seed, and Xiao Ai spent 2 or 1 hours identifying little information.

But at least it is better than Luo’s white smoke font. For things like Dark Continent, Luo’s white smoke font often can only identify the name, and sometimes even no information.

Compared with the white smoke font, Xiao Ai’s identification ability has an omniscient characteristic.

On the nature of abilities, they should be semi-fantasy, just like old abilities.

Xiao Ai then publicized the identified information in public.

Udi, a plant that is stationed in a fixed area, destroys any attempt to cross the border.

The motivation has nothing to do with each other’s strength. Regardless of the size and strength of the crossover, the defending plant will always fulfill its instinct, and never step back and kill any crossover.

Moreover, the guardian plant exists forever, from larva to mature form, and then from mature form to larva, and it starts and ends.

Like Udi, it belongs to the middle and lower reaches in the defending plant and is very threatening, but it is not without solution.

Really unsolved behemoth plants are the kind of existence that can completely change a region.

For example, the Aoi body of the guarding plant sea that Luo has seen before, and the “y” shaped leafless trees found by Dong Fuli in Mexico are all part of the guarding plant.

The former threats far more than Udi, and the latter is the inducement that constitutes Mo Di’s survival rules.

Of course, Xiaoai cannot identify two items of information.

As a member of the guarding plant, Udi’s ability to absorb life strength and flesh is not weak, and it can be said to be tricky.

The main reason is that now Udy is just a seed, not a mature form.

After listening to Xiao Ai’s appraisal results, Luo and Jin were even more confused.

According to Xiaoai, the guardian plant should stick to one side, and if it leaves a certain area, it will terminate the eternal Life Reincarnation.

However, this behemoth plant named Udi is still undying and unextinguished even after leaving the place where it should be secured.

And what made them 2 more concerned was that Xiao Ai’s identification information contained a word named [Repair].

Regarding this question, even Xiaoai couldn’t answer it.

Her ability is to dig out the information that is [in itself correct], not to analyze it in depth.

“It seems that the gold and silver ingots can’t hit the Udi 8 pole.” Luo looks at the stone box in his hands, unconsciously thinking of the withering in the ten Kakuzu, and the sea Aoi plant that he once encountered.

These plants from the Dark Continent each have Magical Powers.

“A plant weapon and a fence plant …”

Instead, Jin’s focus is on the prefixes of the two plants.

Is that Title or Category?

Kim personally prefers the latter.

“Anyway, you can’t let this thing sprout.” Luo threw the stone box to the black cat and let him store it.

To be honest, as long as it is used properly, Udi can be regarded as a “weapon”, but Luo will not easily use this double-edged sword unless necessary.

“Is it good to destroy it?” The old white grinned.

“Yeah, I always think it’s a very dangerous thing,” Buha said.

“Like a time bomb?” Noble found a suitable metaphor.

Luo glanced at him, helplessly said: “Not so exaggerated, and the stone box is equivalent to the item that can be sealed, and it is enough to prevent it from touching the mind and flesh.”

Luo still has a slight interest in Udi.

Strange that Udi why not germinate, after all, it has been stored for a long time in the form of seeds, and because of the sacrifices of the Serbos, it has sucked countless flesh and blood, but never germinated.

Is it because of leaving the land it is holding?

Of course, Luo didn’t know the reason of Item, but today Udi absorbs the changes caused by his mind, which makes him very interested, and he won’t take out Udi easily.

“What are you doing here?”

Suddenly, Saling’s voice came over.

The crowd looked around, and saw Saling walking with a tired look, while Bruna crouched on her shoulder.

After 2 weeks of interpretation, and with the help of Bruna, I finally got some useful information.

It is related to gold and silver ingots and is more detailed information, mainly the origin of gold and silver ingots and some information about how ancient humans used gold and silver ingots.

Of course, the origin of the gold and silver ingots is her most unbelievable point.

In layman’s terms, the ancestors of gold and silver ingots were [fictional].

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