Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1039

There are 3 members out of touch with the team.

Before the first floor was explored, Netero decided to find the 3 members first.

Unfortunately, they did not know that the three members who were disconnected from the team had basically declared dead.

After confining Kang Zai to the sarcophagus, the team left the room and slowly moved in the direction of the sound.

Where there is sound, it represents the place where the negative mechanical copper life forms converge.

Therefore, the speed of the team is not fast.

If we say that living, then must see the person, die, then must see the corpse, it is actually very difficult.

Because, if a single person is besieged by a copper mechanical life body, it will definitely become a rusty powder, and it will drift around with the breeze in the channel.

The underground ruins are minus 3 floors, silent and silent, and darkness is everywhere.

From here, the structure of the underground remains completely close to the ant nest, and crooked slopes and uphill terrain can be seen everywhere.

There is no correlation between the structures and there is no regularity.

If you can see the entire underground and planar structural diagram, there is absolutely no way to substitute for the builder’s position.

What kind of motive and what is the need to build this kind of underground building that is extremely wasteful of space and energy?

This is an unsolved mystery to any human being.

In contrast, the buildings on the negative ground floor and the negative 2-Layer are flat and straight, and this branched and leafy structure on the negative ground floor is as different as heaven and earth, which are totally 3 different styles.

The structure of the channel is so, and the rooms connected in the middle of numerous channels are also Special.

The bottom of the floor of the room is a large semi-curved pit, and the wall around all around is straight up until the middle of the wall begins to gradually show a certain degree of curvature, extending to the center point of the ceiling.

There are a lot of rooms like this from the negative 3rd floor, but it is far less than the number of rooms on the negative 2st floor and the negative 1-Layer.

And, starting from the negative 3 layers, there is no difference in the number of layers.

In a semi-spherical room on the negative 3rd floor, Beyond’s team was here, and all were there, without losing any players.

In the center of the room, a playground-sized spar is hung, with dense spikes on the surface, and a hedgehog huddled in a ball.

Bright but soft rays of light emanating from the spar within the body, reflecting all around the room.

The spikes on the surface of the spar are long and short, fine and coarse.

Among them, the longest and finest spikes are across the entire room, stabbing on the walls of all around.

The space left between the many spikes is not small, and people can pass through it freely.

Therefore, there is a lot of space left on the walls, and on the walls that have not been taken care of by spikes, there are a lot of gears embedded, just like the spikes on the spar, there are large and small. There are thin and thick.

Gears vary in size, ranging from dense to evacuated, and there are also significant differences in the degree of embedding in the walls.

To get to the negative 3 layer, you must go through the negative layer and the negative 2-Layer.

By the way, the negative layer and negative 2-Layer, you will definitely see the horror of the gear assembly.

Therefore, in the room where the spar is located, there are only a few semi-embedded gears on the walls that look at it, and it will definitely cause deep fear.

However, Bi Yangde and the others, who stood in front of the spar, were calm, as if not aware of the risks hidden here.

“If we are in a game map, then this is the Safety Sector in the settings. The outer gear body cannot enter here.” Paris Stone squinted, looking at the crystals, and his eyes extended to the wall from time to time On the spikes.

Just take a closer look and you can see a drop of water flowing inside the spikes, from the inside of the spar, all the way to somewhere behind the wall.

“And this spar is the process of constantly monding the mond outside the Safety Sector.”

After several days of observation, the Biande entire group found that the tiny water droplets flowing in the spikes represented a copper mechanical life body in the remains.

When I heard Paris Stone, a well-known university professor with mosquito-repellent incense glasses and long hair curling into the mosquito-repellent incense raised his hand and gently scratched his nose, seriously: “I think that the embryo is used to describe the water droplets in the spike Would be more appropriate. “

The person speaking was named Yunji, who was responsible for the translation of ancient texts in the Beyond team.

“Is it meaningful?”

Beside Yunji, there was a man wearing a chef’s hat and a chef’s suit, with black clown makeup painted on his eyes, a strong nose, and black makeup painted under his lips near his chin.

His name is Hornby, and he is a professional food hunter in the Beyond team. Since he has been a member of the association, even the relatively few food hunters have a reputation in the association and a sense of existence weak.

But in fact, every professional hunter that Bi Yangde sees is not weak.

It is just that before launching this operation, they lurked in disgusting associations and never revealed the landscape easily. Before raising the flag higher than Yang De, they hone their strengths in a low-key and relaxed manner.

Perhaps even the members of the Association ’s 2 Earthly Branches may lack an inherent impression of them, but this does not mean that they will be easily defeated.

On the contrary, in the case of non-equal information, the group of members of the association selected by Bi Yangde may not be easily dealt with by the members of the Tenth Earthquake.

After hearing Hornby’s words, Yunji’s hand with a shaved nose slightly speeded up, saying in a very correct manner: “I think it makes sense. With the help of metaphors and descriptions of language, it can make people faster A clearer understanding of the nature of things, you will not understand if you have not attended school. “


Hornby suddenly drew several black lines on his brain. He realized that it was a stupid thing to take Yunsi’s words, and he just shut up.

“Yunji Yunji, would it be better to compare that water drop to sperm? Because it is because the gear on the outside is the egg!” A man licking a lollipop and wearing a mushroom cap came over.

“Well, that makes sense!”

Yun Si heard that the light in his eyes seemed to break through the mosquito-repellent incense glasses.

“Yes, right?”

“Uh-huh, this metaphor is more relevant.”

Yunji quickly nodded. After all, the water droplets transported in the spikes must be fused with the gears to form the copper mechanical life body in the remains.

Therefore, it is perfectly feasible to use sperm and eggs as a metaphor.

Listening to the two of them, the others in the team were speechless.

Bijand did not follow them.

He was closest to the spar, arms around, staring up at the spar, looking up, suddenly said: “Hornby, please help me make some space in the ‘refrigerator’.”

“To understanding.”

Hornby heard and responded immediately.

Paris Stone tilted his head at a slightly more excited face than Yang De, said with a slight smile: “Do you need to reserve a trail in advance?”

Kakuzu smirked than Yang De said, as it should be by rights: “Of course, I’m not a fool.”

He naturally came and simply took nothing away.

Therefore, he would dig out the spar in the room.

It’s just that there are risks in doing so. For example, digging away the spar will destroy the [Safety Sector] mechanism, which will cause the negative 3 layers of various forms of copper mechanical life forms to converge here.

In that case, the difficulty of leaving safely will rise geometrically.

Therefore, be sure to prepare for the road ahead.

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