Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1032

Among the team, the one who is best at long-range attacks is undoubtedly the Sergeant.

Her Emitter’s air blade, mediated by the sound of a piano, easily cut all the embryos on the scene into blood clots.

The movement of the hand stopped, and the sound of the piano ceased.

However, the little blood clots that fell on the ground were still wriggling and did not seem to die.

“I haven’t shown much threat for the time being.” Kim looks at a squirming blood clot.


Luo slightly nodded.

Looking at the 2 attacks, the defense of these embryos is not strong, the same level as the flesh and blood, nothing more than the comparison of Agility, and a slightly heavy Strength.

However, judging by the signs of blood clot peristalsis, it seems to have the ability to bind and regenerate.

That being the case, there is still not much of a threat, but if it is to be completely resolved, it can only be done with fire.

Luo took out the flintstone and pinched it in his hand.

Nianli turns into the iris of the realm, released from the soles of the feet, and instantly incorporates those blood clots that were chopped up by St.


The many blood clots that were creeping seemed to be controlled by a pair of large air hands, all floating up, then squeezing into a ball and floating in midair.

Luo held up the flint, flickered his thumb, and picked out a small piece of debris.

The fragment, like a fire star, flew over the meat balls gathered by the blood clots.

Immediately afterwards, the field retracted sharply, wrapping the meatballs.


The heat energy contained in the chase flint exploded in the field light ball and turned into a Fireball in the air.

After a few seconds, the flames in the sphere of the realm disappeared, and the blood clot previously wrapped inside turned into a pool of black powder. “All these things were made by ancient humans?”

“Who knows?”

“However, it must be related to ancient humans.”

“Not just a building here, if there were these embryos in each building …”

Luo also thought of this possibility.

If there are embryos in every building, then the growth characteristics exhibited by embryos are not good news.

Fortunately, the mountain ship just came to the ancient labyrinth city. It is estimated that the gold and silver ingot parasites that were originally active in the outer channel were split into ashes, so that they would not become the nourishment of embryos.

This is good news, although the main cause of the embryo waking up is to power up the ruined building …

“How to do?”

Basically everyone imagines the phenomenon that countless embryos cannibalize each other and grow.

Luo looked towards Sheila, asking, “How long will it take for the results to come out?”

“About 30 minutes.”

“it is good.”

Luo A Shunpo came to Sa Ling, tapped the desktop, and asked, “Is the interpretation smooth?”

Sa Ling is lightly startled, looking up towards Luo, her eyes unpleasant, like a sleeping person being forced to wake up, it will be very unpleasant.

Luo has long been used to this reaction of Saling, and calmly repeats what he just said.

Sa Ling shook her head: “The ancient writing on paper is obviously more complicated than on the top of the building and cannot be interpreted in a short time.”

“is it……”

Luo groaned, and strode to Jin He Siji immediately.

Assuming that other buildings also have embryos, they should already be active at this point.

Coupled with the previous indiscriminate bombing of the mountain ship, let alone the vanilla in the ancient labyrinth city, it is estimated that even the gold and silver ingot plant body and the gold and silver ingot parasite were split into ashes.

If vanilla is gone, the motivation to stay in the ancient labyrinth city will be correspondingly weak, and there is no need to face potential threats.

But even if you want to leave, you have to wait for Xiao Ai’s identification result.

As for the interpretation of ancient characters, don’t worry too much.

“Kim, Sergei, let’s go up and see.”

Within half an hour before the identification results came out, Luo decided to go upstairs to check the situation.

Looking at the height of the first floor, there is at least about Twelfth Layer in a maze building.

Only going up the stairs will you know the situation on the 3rd floor and above.

The rest stayed on the first floor, and Luo, Jin, and Shuangji went down the stairs to the second floor.

As in the previous scene with the Sensor used by Yuan, the layout of the room is not much different from the first floor, and the container where the embryos were originally placed is broken into pieces.

On the 2nd floor, not at all I heard something upstairs.

“Go up to the third floor.”

Luo led the way first.

Walk up the stairs over 5 meters to the entrance on the 3rd floor.

The sight is still full of debris, consoles and containers.

It’s just that it’s empty inside the container on the 3rd floor, there are only floating bubbles.

Moreover, the container’s indicator light is on and seems to be working, while the screen on the console is still flashing snowflake waves.

Luo didn’t know if there were any silver metal objects like the one found on the first floor, and there was no field to clean up the debris on the ground.

After all, time is tight.

They will try to explore the structure of a maze building within half an hour.

Afterwards, they went up to the 4th floor, and the layout and current situation of the room changed completely.

There are no more debris on the ground, but walls standing upright separate the originally empty room with many compartments.

Thick dust is piled on the ground, and a small amount of dust mist will rise when you step on it gently.

In order to reduce exploration time, Luo used circles with a blurry look, instead of going into a small compartment.

Release the circle and recycle it.

In just a few seconds, information came back, but there were no major discoveries.

The rooms on this floor seem to be the bedrooms of ancient humans. From every detail, there is a simple style everywhere.

After telling these findings to Kim and Simeji, 3 people went straight up to the 5th, 6th, and 7th floors …

Up to the tenth floor, the structure of the bedroom was basically the same. Nothing special was found.

Subsequently, the three people went up to the eleventh floor and finally saw different internal structures.

At the center of the room on the eleventh floor, there is a circular pool, which covers an area of ​​about two-thirds of the room.

The height of the pool is more than 2 meters. All around the wall is a simple style console. Next to the console is a staircase that reaches the edge of the pool wall.

The rays of light of ying green emerged from the pool and reflected on the ceiling, as the shadow of water and light was floating.

Apart from these things, there is nothing else in the room.

3 people came to the pool, followed the stairs near the console to the edge of the wall of the pool.

When I looked down, I saw that the pool with a small area was filled with unknown green liquid, which was static and no sense of flow.

Above the water surface, 100 green seeds are erected.

Unlike the kind of silver unidentified object found on the first floor, the contents of the pond from the appearance alone are indeed seeds.

As for the seeds of plants, Luo they are not understood.

Seeing the current eleventh floor from the first floor, the background of the ancient humans who once lived here has become more and more mysterious, constantly subverting the existing cognition of Luo and Jin.

That’s completely beyond common sense!

Clansman, who lives in the underground world today, and some humans that Luo hasn’t touched, are evolving in a style different from the humans of the 6 continents in order to survive in difficult environments.

From the existing findings, the ancient humans who established the ancient labyrinthine city are clearly running counter to clansman, more like humans migrating to the 6 continents.

If you want to thoroughly understand everything hidden in a long time, you have to wait for Saling to interpret the content of ancient words.

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