Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1026

Hōng lóng lóng !

The giant paddles moving under the mountain ship are like thunderclouds bursting out of the stage. They constantly release Energy’s amazing thunder pillars, which are continuously split on the maze building below.

I really want to describe that thunder is like rain, the density and coverage are surprisingly high.

In this scene, the people in the 4D apartment can’t see it, but the object who witnessed this scene up close has been replaced by the little nose still in the labyrinth city.

She didn’t know why Luo entire group left in a hurry, but after hearing the first thunder from the mountain ship, she realized the danger and immediately climbed to the top of the building.

The first to enter her eyes was the mountain boat that was making waves.

That huge volume brought a broad and heavy shadow, like a black cloth covering the ancient labyrinth city, and then Energy gathered by numerous pillars of lightning to completely tear the shadow with the purpose of destroying 10000 things below.

When lightning faded away, everything was scorched.

And in those 10000 silent pauses, the shadow of the mountain boat was about to reach Ding Bi.


When Ding’s nose appeared, he felt a chill in his heart. He no longer hesitated and turned and ran.

Hōng lóng lóng !

The mountain boat cut down a number of dense thunder pillars, and the dazzling lightning came from behind, and passed through the body of Ding Bi in an instant and went to a distance.

After the lightning disappeared, Ding Bi’s head looked at the fast-moving shadow on the maze building complex, his eyes changed.

That shadow is the shadow of a mountain ship, which is equivalent to a full-scale bombing zone. If it is caught up by that shadow, it can be described as a disaster.

looks at soon to catch up with his own shadow, Ding nose and heart trembled.

The mountain boat seemed to fly slowly. In fact, the speed was very fast, and the interval between thunders was not long, just like loading shells.

Listening to the constant news from behind, Dingbi was in a heavy mood.

Her Speed ​​is unpleasant, and she can’t be ranked in the clan.

Previously, she was responsible for chasing Jin Carrie’s entire group who fled to the labyrinth city. It was also because other companions took more and less, so she was responsible for the pursuit.

If other Demon Beasts are in charge of chasing, a few people in Jin Kerry will also have the opportunity to hide in a maze building.

Ding Bi was fleeing frantically, but the shadow of behind was pressed over a little bit and kept approaching.

In the stronghold of the gatekeepers, the Demon Beasts who are responsible for clearing the threat are looking at the escaping Ding Nose, and each Demon Beast is in a heavy mood.

Whether Ding Bi could escape the bombardment area covered by the mountain ship, the operation has failed.

Now that the authentication has failed, the Demon Beasts who see the scene through the eyes of True Vision can only pray that Ding Nose can escape the bomber zone of the mountain ship.

But gradually, they found that the shadow cast down by the mountain boat was narrowing the gap with Dingbi.

Continue this way, sooner or later Ding Bi will be caught up by the shadows.

Moreover, the routes on the left and right sides cannot be taken, because the shadow area of ​​the mountain boat is too wide. In addition to running straight, any change of route will only be caught up faster.

The shadow is like death touching Kakuzu, little by little approaching Ding Nose.

And the moment the shadow crossed the body, the nose pumps shrank, the heartbeat speed suddenly accelerated.


Above the head, dazzling lightning appeared slowly.

Within a short while, Lei Qun, who was carrying a powerful Energy, broke down indiscriminately.

Ding Nose, who was at the edge of the Thunderbolt bombing area, was not taken care of, but the shock wave generated by Lei Qun’s strikes in the shadowed area relentlessly lifted Ding No’s body and blocked her escape.

Ding Bi flew out of the bomber bombing area, slammed heavily on the edge of a building Kakuzu, and immediately fell into the aisle.

This fall not at all caused any harm, but it succeeded in delaying Ding No’s escape Speed.

Dingbi quickly got up and found many wandering gold and silver ingots in the passage.

She found gold and silver ingots, and the latter found her.

This phenomenon made her thought of wanting to hide inside the building cut off.

He bit his lip Kakuzu hard and walked down the passageway again towards the top of the building.

When she grabbed her hand on the edge of the building’s roof, heavy shadows came quietly, through her palms, and then the whole passage.


Ding nose raised his head and saw the hull under the dragon ship Demon Beast, and then his pupils were covered with shadows.

But soon, the accumulated lightning broke the shadow in the pupil.

Hōng lóng lóng !

The thunder column plummeted into the passage.

Ding Nose hanging on the wall, and the wandering gold and silver ingots that chased Ding Nose were immediately consumed by lightning.

After the lightning disappeared, smoking scorch marks were visible inside the building and the passageway, as well as dozens of black charcoal bodies lying on the ground.

Ding Nose

Just like killing an ant, the mountain boat continues to fly forward steadily, dropping thunders every few seconds, and continuous strikes on the building complex in the ancient labyrinth city, leaving a black mark.

The interior of the building mixed with metal materials has ushered in the change of Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

The building of the Labyrinth City is a completely semi-enclosed space, because there are too many types of horror creatures on the dark continent, and there are many earth-eating carnivores.

Therefore, the bottom of the building is also a thick floor mixed with metal materials, plus a small number of doors and windows, and it is relatively small, so that the ventilation system inside the building is not good.

The thunderbolts struck by the mountain boat are on the top floor of the building. While leaving traces of scorching black, a powerful thunder current split second passes through the wall, and then turns into countless tiny Razers, raging inside the building at 4 places.

The current came very fast, and it took a blink of an eye to go.

However, at the same time that some flammable items were ignited, the instruments and equipment that had been silent for a long time here were lit by rays of light.

“GuLu 噜”

In the glass cabinets containing gold and silver ingots and unknown embryos, a series of bubbles suddenly popped up.

4 Dimension Apartment.

The crowd gathered, but there was an outsider named Giles.

When Luo returned to the apartment, the Small Fox beast also followed, which was equivalent to disconnecting the outside picture.

No one knows what is going on in the ancient labyrinth city at this moment, but everyone on the scene saw the scene where the mountain ship split out a large range of thunder clusters, so what can be imagined.

Luo silently calculated in his heart the time that the mountain boat had flown, and the black cat became the same, and introduced the terror of the mountain boat to the old white and the others baring fangs and brandishing claws.

The stance was so vivid that it sent a live interpretation of what it was like to be struck by lightning.

Giles came to Luo’s side.

Luo noticed that his head looked towards Giles, differently said: “I know what you want to ask, but I have no obligation to answer you.”

Gilles’ many doubts were blocked in his throat, and then he swallowed hard.

He looks at Luo with a calm look, linking all kinds of information about Luo in his mind.

However, forcing those data to correlate with existing knowledge, the result is a mess.

“What the hell are you?”

In the end, that mass of paste prompted Giles to ask such a mentally handicapped question.


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