Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1018

If a pyramid level is listed between the gatekeepers and humans, then in the ancient claws, the gatekeeper’s Demon Beast will be at the top of the pyramid, and humans can only live at the bottom of the pyramid. uctxt. com

This cognition even goes deep into the soul.

So that when he was “humiliated” by Luo twice in a row, his inner anger was self-evident.

You know, the Luo entire group that was going to return to the 6 continents at that time was ran around by the ancient claws.

Today, the positions of the two sides seem to have changed substantially.

When the body was cut in half by Luo, the ancient claws calmed down instantly, and the blood that was not boiling within the body also quickly cooled.

“The previous 2 attacks were painless and itchy, but this time they could break my defense because of that rusty knife?”

“But I didn’t feel the pain or bleeding. What’s strange is that I can still control my lower body.”

“Is this his ability?”

The thoughts of the ancient claws quickly turned, and the split second in his head flashed several thoughts.

The body’s two-part wound was in the abdominal cavity and was cut diagonally from the rib area on the right to the left.

This injury is enough to cause death, but because of the hand of God, the life strength of the ancient claws within the body is not at all.

His upper body first touched the ground on the roof of the building, and the unusually large double-handed finger bone slammed on the ground, causing the impact to push the upper body away from Luo.

At the same time, the half-legged pedals that were also dropped were on the top floor, and chased the upper body of the ancient claws. ()

The cut off upper body and lower body almost simultaneously made a distance-opening action, which also defeated Luo’s attack from the chase.

“It’s very adaptable, and it’s also good at switching emotions.”

Luo, who was chasing after him, was slashed with a stab, and surprised at looks at the upper and lower parts of the ancient claws that quickly opened the distance.

He didn’t expect the ancient claws to adapt to the power effect produced by the hand of God so quickly and make the most reasonable response in the shortest time.

Although the hand of God does not cause pain when it hurts the target, it can be like this scene where the body is chopped into two and a half. It usually distracts or stuns. It can rarely do two things in a short time like the ancient claw At the same time, control the upper body and upper body at the same time.

But Ancient Claw did it.

After the ancient claws avoided Luo’s pursuit, they pulled the distance to a safe range before stopping.

The lower half of the body walked to his upper half of the clone, and the two-part body stood side by side in this way, which seemed strange.

Because the wound was cut obliquely, resulting in an uneven cut surface, the lower body can rely on both feet to stand, but the upper body cannot, and can only be double-handed to support the body.

“The regeneration ability is useless.”

The ancient claws who completely calmed down tried to use the regeneration ability, and wanted to grow a lower body again, but it had no effect.

Immediately, he stared coldly at Luo, who was holding the knife.

The failure of regeneration ability is obviously related to the ability of the other party. (The fastest update of uc book league)

Never bleeding and being able to control the body. Although the explanation body was cut in half, it was essentially not at all injured, so the regeneration ability would be invalidated.

In other words, this weird ability is purely a nemesis of regeneration.

But … it has little effect.

The ancient claw eye Kakuzu peripheral vision glanced down at his lower body, and the hand supporting the ground was directly embedded into the high-hardness floor mixed with metal.

Luo raised Allah in front of him, not to mention that the current potential energy is enough, and also the support of lichen, so the next battle does not need to consider the conversion rate of mental power.

“Minimize the threat before executing it later.”

Luo’s gaze shifted slightly, and his body suddenly penetrated into the air and disappeared.

“So fast!”

On the other end, the ancient claw’s expression was frozen, the double-handed and feet moved at the same time, and the upper body and lower body divided into two jumped in different directions.

At this time, Luo’s figure was revealed, and he slashed into the air.

The ancient claw eyes avoiding Luo’s attack with ambition, double-handed was shot backwards in the air, shaking out two impact circles, forcing the body to change direction in a hurry, turning back to Luo standing on the top floor.

At the same time, the lower body hiding in the other direction was also on the ground with two pedals, and suddenly turned to attack Luo.

It was another doing two things at the same time with a 100% fit rate, while controlling the upper body and the lower body to apply a pinch to Luo.

“Didn’t expect it!”

Glittering Rin in ancient claw eyes killing intent!

Facing the double-sided attack of ancient claws, Luo’s mouth Kakuzu picked up slightly.

He had to admit the power of the ancient claw, even if the body was cut in half, the mobility and control did not decrease much. Among the enemies that encountered many, only one ancient claw could do this.

On this basis, if the ancient claws dodged evasively, it would be difficult to kill him in a short time.

Now he is attacking, but it is the thing he is most willing to see.

“It seems Giles’s guess is correct. Your style is in favor of Enhancer, and I like it the most.”

After being sneaked in his heart, Luo summoned General White jade decisively.

Between the white light surging, the majestic General Rin Rin’s white jade appeared out of nowhere, welcoming the upper body of the ancient claws attacked from the left, and Luo raised his sword to the lower body of the ancient claws attacked from the right.

Powerful like the kind of perverted physique of the gatekeepers, even if the lower body can only be attacked with both legs, it has offensiveness that cannot be ignored.

Luo waved the knife and fell, slicing towards the lower body of the ancient claws that came over.

At the same time, General White jade drove the long knife into the ground behind Luo.

The two sides fighting each other collided almost simultaneously.

The strong double-handed of the ancient claw’s formidable power directly pierced through the blade of General White jade across Luo behind, but failed to crush the long sword, so he could not send the finger bone into Luo’s back.

On the other side, Luo opened a local area and pre-emptively covered the lower part of the ancient claw that struck him, and immediately cut sharply across the cross-section of the lower part of the ancient claw. 2 legs divided into 2.

The damage caused by the hand of God was not painful, so that when the crotch of the lower body was cut in half by Luo, the ancient claws were not realized at all immediately.

In addition, General White Jade’s long sword and mighty body blocked his sight, which resulted in him being unable to obtain information immediately.

However, according to the feeling of the feet touching the ground, a complete information chain was formed in an instant, which was transmitted to his nerves in the air.

The lower body was cut in half by …

After obtaining this information, the ancient claw expression changed, slamming the life strength, bursting out between the double-handed embedded in the white jade’s blade, and forcibly crushing the white jade’s long knife.

Immediately afterwards, I passed through the legs of General White jade unabated and pointed at Luo who was close at hand, while controlling the legs that were cut in half to leave.

“Are you understood now?”

Luo looked back at the ancient claws that broke through the line of General White Jade, squatting abruptly with his knees, and avoiding the finger bone that came from the head towards moving away, and his sight briefly crossed the ancient claws.

Ancient Claw saw the calmness and chill in Luo’s eyes, and Luo saw the shock and after-anger in Ancient Claw’s eyes.

“How stupid your proud offensive is.”

Then, after the intersection sight was staggered, Luo ’s left hand, which had not previously done anything, was facing upward at that moment, passing through the middle of the ancient double-handed forward-straight, and then fiercely slammed on the ancient chin .

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