Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1016

Xiao Yan said ◎ net], ♂小÷ said ◎ net],

Dare not to make a sound, and impossible to make light. uctxt. com

This is the situation of Jin Kerry’s entire group at the moment, because the Demon Beast is also chasing after them.

In this situation, they encountered an existence that could not be discerned.

The deep darkness is sometimes the protective color of the panic person, but sometimes it makes the fear of the panic person deeper.

Originally they only need to fumble in the dark cautiously, maybe they can escape the hunting of Ding Nose, but something that exists in the dark at this time makes them advance and retreat 2 difficulties.

What could it be?

What effect will the sight behind a smooth object have on their lives?

“A little further, forward?” The soldier with Norman said in a low voice.

“It must be so!” The soldier carrying Jin Kerry was relatively calm, said solemnly: “We are in a very pessimistic situation, at least we have to figure out what is here.”

Jin Kerry listened to the soldiers’ conversation with a solemn expression.

At this moment, he has nothing to do with the basic zero-strength strength. If he rashly puts forward suggestions, it may disturb the judgment of the soldiers.

Based on this concern, Jin Carey chose to be silent, without asking questions, but carefully remembering every word the soldiers said.

The soldier who released the circle to explore the inside of the building was named Murray. His circle is very unstable and obviously has not been thoroughly grasped, but the diameter of the circle is 5 meters, which is very good data. (The fastest update of uc book league)

At the edge of his circle, it was the line of sight to peep at them in the dark, and he only needed to take a few steps forward to detect the source of the line of sight.

However, there are certain risks in doing so.

He didn’t know what was behind his gaze. Although he is still calm at present, who can guarantee that his gaze will not be a sleeping lion?

The scuffles on his heart, coupled with the movement outside, made him deceive himself, and he was unable to take those steps.

“What’s wrong, hurry?”

The two soldiers saw Murray stagnant and urged in a low voice.

After Murray hesitated for a moment, swallowed saliva and said, preparing to take the first step forward, a feminine laughter came from the entrance.

“Hee, find it.”

The words of laughter and incomprehensible content, like Rin’s winter wind, blew on the backs of everyone.


Incidentally, the same thoughts came to mind in the three soldiers.

Just as they acted, the rays of light of the pink light at the entrance, instantly dissipating the darkness in the room.

At this split second, everyone including the Demon Beast stopped moving.

The scene in front of them raised a chill in their hearts.

Under the pink light, just in front of the people of Jin Kerry, there is a transparent glass cabin over 2 meters high, which is filled with slightly muddy liquid without any air bubbles. (The fastest update of uc book league)

And in the liquid stood a grotesquely shaped body.

“what is this?”

Jin Kairui’s eyes trembled after the black frame, as if she saw the victim’s specimen placed in the underground ferry terminal laboratory.

No, it’s actually different than it really is.

The body in the glass cabin is like the wandering gold and silver ingots that use humans as parasites in the maze.

However, a slender eye slit was cracked in the round metal ball, and dozens of tree-like root whiskers extended above the red fruit human body.

On the tail of the whisker, adult fist-sized biological embryos are connected, as well as organs of various organisms, including eyes and hearts …

The source of sight that was previously felt in the dark was the crevices on the dozens of gold and silver ingot spheres living in a transparent glass cabin.

So this is dead?

After clearly seeing the true face of the source of sight, several people, including Jin Kerry, did not think that the strange gold and silver ingots standing still in the glass cabin were dead.

This is a feeling that cannot be explained in words.

Even if the unknown liquid in the glass cabin is slightly muddy, even the scattered objects and thick dust indicate that it has been sealed for many years.

However, they can’t persuade themselves to believe that the gold and silver ingots are dead, especially the embryos above the whiskers, only to make them trembling in fear by their first impressions.

Because they clearly see the biological embryos with diverse shapes-with a seat of human embryos.

Moreover, everything that has been exposed to the liquid without the instrument running is showing no sign of decay.

The gold and silver ingots in the glass cabin shocked Jin Kerry’s entire group, so that they forgot to flee here at this moment.

However, the Nose Nose came from chasing them, but only released the ability to half, then no other action, just 愣愣 looks at the gold and silver ingots in the glass cabin and the biological embryos formed on the flesh.

She saw Demon Beast’s embryo in the embryo of various shapes, thus subverting her understanding of the ancient labyrinth city.

“Shi Shu never disclosed this information … Is it because the information is not important, or because Shi Shu is not omniscient?”

Ding Bi’s face was covered with a shadow, split second thought a lot.

It is the ability of Shi Shu to let the hidden things appear, and it is also the significance of Shi Shu being placed in the gatekeepers.

The information about the ancient labyrinth degree and various information on various parts of the dark continent can be learned through the stone books, which is also an important tool for them to maintain the [balance].

However, these things in front of me are not revealed in the stone books.

Why is there an embryo of Demon Beast in it?

The gatekeepers stay within the body for time, so lifespan is too long to see the end, or in other words, there is no so-called lifespan concept.

At the same time, the gatekeepers lost their ability to reproduce.

This is also the fundamental reason why Ding Nose was attracted by the glass cabin, so there was no immediate attack on Jin Kerry’s entire group.

Dante’s nose came back quickly to his senses, and the pink light cluster condensed on the palm began to ooze the killing intent.

The doubts generated at this moment can be resolved after these humans are resolved.

Ding Bi’s eyes filled with icy killing intent swept towards Jin Kerry’s entire group.


The killing intent emitted by the pink light group suddenly became stronger.


As long as you are at high altitude, you can let Demon Beast have nowhere to start. In contrast, you can’t kill Demon Beast.

As a result, Luo chose to land and, after avoiding the bounce attacks of the three Demon Beasts, went to join the Kings.

He descended on the top of the building and took out ten Kakuzu from the black cat space.

Even if there were powerful enemies around, everyone’s eyes could not help but be attracted by the ink-colored beads on the tail of Kakuzu.

A disaster that had been rendered by Luo enough to destroy the 6 continents was sealed in the tail pedestal beads in this humble dry plant?

It’s incredible …

Just as everyone was feeling, angry roars were heard again from inside the building that was about 100 meters away.

Luo immediately put away ten Kakuzu, looking to where the sound came, coldly said: “The other 3 Demon Beasts will be given to you, I will kill the orangutan face at the fastest speed, and then I will help you.”

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