Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1013

Lichen is a precious material, capable of recovering a little injury and instantly replenishing mental power, and it is self-evidently important for exploring the dark continent. ()

However, the number of lichens Luo collected from Whale Island after processing was quite large.

Nonetheless, during the period of exploring the dark continent, Luo’s main theme was to use it without lichen under the circumstances of less than 10000.

After all, the team has three powerful auxiliary combination capabilities: Bijiji, Nobu and Laobai.

Because of the large inventory, Luo was not hesitating for a long time about whether to use lichen on Giles.

He summoned the black cat and asked him to take out the lichen.

For convenience, lichens are processed into table tennis-sized areas.

Luo took the ping-pong-sized lichen handed over by the black cat and held it in his hand.

Around, the eyes of teammates circulated in the body of Luo and Giles. After seeing that Luo took out the lichen, he understood that Luo’s timeliness requirement for obtaining information took precedence over tactical material lichen.

Luo lay down on the ground, Giles bathed in blood and fainted, paused, folding the lichen in his hand into two and a half.


Everyone looks silent at Luo.

The first second they thought Luo was a bit generous. The next second, Luo showed them what it was called keying.

“Feed him.”

Luo handed the cut half of the lichen to the black cat.

The black cat took the lichen and jumped in front of Giles. He put the lichen into Giles’s mouth, Paulie, and raised his hand to pat Gilles’ face, letting the lichen slip into the stomach faster. .

The effect of lichen is very fast. Shortly after taking Giles, the bleeding speed of many wounds on the body was obviously suppressed, and the exhausted thoughts within the body were instantly replenished. (Fastest update)

The injury was still severe, but the mental ability was supplemented.

So, just a few minutes, Giles slowly opened his eyes.

From passing out to waking up, but only a few minutes.

This is the importance of mental power to Mind Power.


Giles’ half-opened eyelid slammed to the extreme, and the newly added mental force was released along the open fine holes. Then, he dragged his body full of serious injuries, rolled up stably, and split second into combat.

The crowd not at all was frightened by Giles’ sudden action, but at least respect was given, and they were all in a posture to stop Giles at any time.

Because the mental power released by Giles is not to be underestimated, and it is still under severe injuries.

Luo looks at Giles’ overreaction, and he understands how much the culprit that caused Giles’s embarrassment has left him in his heart.

“You ventured in for the purpose of running away, didn’t you? In other words, your behind has a chaser, and now you are doing this, you are shouting at me here.”

Luo glanced over the bizarre stick held by Giles in his hand, and the thought wave that continued to spit out like steam from the air hole was seen by him.

With his eyesight, it was clear that the essence of Nianbo was transformed by Giles’s energy.

From this, it can be presumed that Giles is a Transmuter Mind Power.

After hearing Luo’s words, Giles’ expression changed slightly, although it was not clear why his injuries improved, his mental strength has consumed all his body, and because of that, he has restored that many mental powers.

It’s unknown, but Giles knows that the changes in it must be related to the group of people in front of him. (Fastest update)


Giles quickly regained his mind and instantly entered the absolute state, so as to restore stamina as soon as possible, he looked at the glorious rays of light in the eyes of Luo entire group.

“Sorry, it’s my lost self-control.”

His voice was extremely low, and he consciously put himself on the weak side.

“It’s too late to apologize now. Thanks to you, you have brought in a batch of gold and silver ingots.” Tonpa showed no mercy on his lips, looking in one direction when he spoke.

In his mental intelligence investigation circle, a group of gold and silver ingots came out of the wall building toward their location, apparently attracted by the mentality just erupted by Giles.

Tonpa’s reminder put everyone into combat.

As an outsider, Giles looks at this scene, can not help but look at the plain Tonpa, thinking in his heart: Is the detective Mind Power person …

“I know you.”

Compared to everyone present, Giles not at all paid attention to the upcoming gold and silver ingots.

oh? ”

Old Bai was a bit surprised and was about to ask: How did you know me?

However, Giles’s next sentence made Lao Bai almost strangled by his own words.

“Luo killing Chimera Ants Ant King, also … one of the world’s top 5 Mind Power players.”

Giles stared at Luo and Jin, took a deep breath, said solemnly: “Although very out of date, the most dangerous thing is not the gold and silver ingots in the city, but the Demon Beast that attacked our team!”

He didn’t have extra time to study why Luo’s team was here.

What he said drew everyone’s attention to his body.

“Demon Beast?” Luo’s eyelids drooped slightly, thinking of something.

“There were 5 Demon Beasts who attacked us. Not only can they read, but they also master advanced mental skills, our team …” Giles bit his blood-stained teeth, his voice was slightly hoarse: “No accident Only me should survive, and their goal … is you! “

When talking about this, Giles’s gaze focused on Luo’s body.

He knew Luo was the head of the team.

And he wanted to know why the target of Demon Beast was Luo.

King they were surprised when they heard Giles’ words.

“The goal is us?”

Luo raised her eyebrows, faintly speculating, and a flash of cold glow flashed in his eyes. Then, he faced Giles’s complex and unclear look, indifferently said: “Are you accountable?”

“No, I just want to remind you to flee here as soon as possible because the Demon Beast who attacked our team … is very powerful!”

Giles held the Zen stick tightly, and it was okay to use too much force, allowing the blood on his arm to flow.

Unconscious, he accepted treatment from Luo and the others.

So, even if he wanted to escape immediately, he had to wait for Luo entire group to run before he could leave.

“What kind of Demon Beast?” Luo suddenly asked.

Giles’ eyes were lightly trembled, and he welcomed Luo’s inquiring gaze, said solemnly: “Now that these are not intended …”

“answer my question.”

Luo interrupted Giles’s next words.

Giles was surprised by the momentum emanating from looks at Luo. He opened his mouth and opened his mouth. Kaidou: “I was injured by an orangutan face, Demon Beast. His finger bone is very prominent, and he is good at frontal attack. It should be Enhancer, the other 4 … … “

Then Giles was interrupted by Luo again.

“It turned out to be old acquaintances, no wonder they came to us.”

After Luo sneered, he picked up the severed half piece of lichen, with Paulie half in his mouth.

“Old acquaintance …?”

Giles looked aggressive.

“Luo, is that guy?” Tonpa said solemnly.

“Most likely.”

Luo bit his lichen and swallowed it, walking towards the edge of the building’s roof. A lot of thoughts emerged from the body, making the hair and clothes swing without wind.

“As far as I know, the Demon Beast of the gatekeepers will not actively attack humans. At best, they can only use some kind of disaster to destroy us, but it is obviously different now.”

“But it doesn’t matter. The only way to explore the dark continent is to inevitably kill him.”

Luo didn’t care about Giles, who was shocked to be added, and the others in the team were all insiders. With Luo’s words, he quickly thought of something.

At this moment, the wandering gold and silver ingots previously attracted by Giles ejected from the ground and came into view.

The number of incoming gold and silver ingots exceeded 100, basically humanoid.

“It could have been an ambush, forget it.”

Luo whispered to himself that General White Jade was manifesting in behind. The long sword made of mental power suddenly cut through the sky to sweep the 1000 army and chopped the gold and silver ingots from the air.

Under Giles’s pupil shrinking, the incoming gold and silver ingots were directly destroyed by General White jade’s chopped slag.


The smashing potential, carrying the slag of gold and silver ingots, spread to the distant sky.

“That’s …” Giles.

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