Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1008

300 elite soldiers who know how to think, but were killed by 5 Demon Beast instant in one go.

Weak creature.

This is the feeling of several Demon Beasts such as Guzhu after killing soldiers.

However, the life strength fluctuations that Giles showed at the moment made them look sideways.

Deal with the weak first, and then the strong. This until now is the style of the ancient claws.

So, they killed the soldiers first, leaving Giles, who he thought was the tallest in the short.

However, they found Giles not at all so weak as imagined.

The large nostrils of the ancient claws sprayed 2 white gas, and the thoughts wrapped around the finger bone were burning like flames.

He looks at Giles, who released a strong mind, said coldly: “It’s a bit like you guys don’t do it, let me do it myself.”

The rest Demon Beast knew the urine of the ancient claws, had no opinion, and looked towards the temporary base stationed by the Ferry Terminal.

This human was given to the ancient claws, and they needed to sweep away the remaining humans.

Without hesitation, they immediately stepped over the ground’s stubble and fled to the temporary stronghold not far away.


Giles couldn’t understand the language of the ancient claws. When he saw the 4 Demon Beast moved towards the stronghold, his face suddenly changed, and immediately released the mind machine into a bundle of air machines, tied like a chain. Leaving Demon Beast.

However, Demon Beast’s steps were not affected in the slightest.

At this time, the ancient claws only moved a few steps to seal the air machine projected by Giles.

The ancient claw orangutan’s face was glittering with icy murderous intention, and the unusually long finger bone whistled and made ka ka.

Giles’s attention was forced to teleportation, because the ancient claws also locked the machine.

“The existing forces in the stronghold can’t stop these Demon Beasts. They can only pray that the soldiers in the stronghold can last longer.” Gilles’s zen stick steadily stood in front of him, thinking in his heart: “I To resolve this Demon Beast as soon as possible, the sooner the better. “

Ancient Claw looks at Giles, suddenly said, “Your weapon.”

At this time, the language in which he spoke turned out to be the lingua franca of 6 continents.

Giles’ eyes changed when he heard the common words spoken by Ancient Claws.

“It looks good, I will leave it.”

The common vocabulary of ancient claws seems to be infamous, and a few words will pause.

Giles shook his heart, and immediately waved his arm without a word, driving the air holes at the end of the Zen stick to eject dozens of air blades, and moved towards the ancient claws.

He was puzzled, but did not have the time to solve it.

Kill ancient claws at the fastest speed, this is what he absolutely must do now.

The ancient claw looks at the air blades coming from the crowd, sneer and raised his hand to shoot forward.

The thick finger bone, shaped like a blade, struck the incoming air blade, like a pair of scissors plunging into a balloon, and with a bang, the dozens of air blades were directly scattered by a single palm.

At the feet of Giles, he was charged, and the jet-blade was just a tentative attack. As a result, he could not threaten the enemy in the least.

In other words, the way to win is only one of the most dangerous melees!


The sand and stones beneath Giles exploded, and the holes at the end of the Zen stick sprayed out air waves, becoming propellers, which accelerated the instantaneous explosive power of Giles.

His courage was so amazing that even after seeing Demon Beast’s strength, he still chose direct attack.

That short distance of several dozen meters is just an instant.

Giles rushed to the front of the ancient claw, and the mental power within the body quickly passed along the arm to the Zen stick, and through the change, a shock wave was ejected from the hole.


The Zen stick originally hung on Giles’s behind, with the shock wave transformed by the mind, waved to the ancient claw in front of him.

When the stick shakes, the speed is fast, and a crackle is made.

In the face of Giles’s heroic frontal hit, the ancient claw didn’t dodge or hide, or at that moment he couldn’t hide at all, and could only choose to resist.

And he did the same, holding up the double-handed, tenacious and long finger bone on top of his head, blocking the zen stick that hit his head.


Such as the bang of the iron collision suddenly rang through the spot.

The ferry station team at the base, and the Luo entire group in the ancient labyrinth city, heard this loud noise.

The ancient claw traverses the double-handed, forcibly resists the potential of thunderbolt, which is enough to smash the 1000-pound boulder, and his strong body is completely motionless.

After the sound reached the distance, the two sides stood on their feet, and then they realized that there were numerous cracks in the hindsight.

“As a human being, the force is barely qualified.”

Ancient Claw evaluated Giles’ thunderbolt with a close-up gesture.

Gilts appeared on Giles’s forehead, and in the eyes of the ancient claw glittering Ling Ling killing intent.


A large amount of mental energy was injected into the Zen stick at once, and the tail flame of the tail surface suddenly burst into the sky, forming a reaction force, pushing the stick body to continue to press the double-handed of the ancient claw.

Strong and uninterrupted Strength, suddenly the feet of the ancient claws began to sink.

The Strength of the two sides is deadlocked, and no one can break free in a short time.

“It’s useless, but it’s the final struggle.”

The ancient claws on the weak side are messy and do not stare at the shock wave emerging from the hole of the Zen stick.

Turn life strength into shock wave properties

With these 2 tricks alone, if you exchange for other companions, you might fall miserably in a very easy task, and then be killed with a stick.

What a pity you are facing me.

The indifferent expression of the ancient claws was mixed with icy killing intent.

The previous 2 offenses have allowed him to figure out the approximate strength of Giles.

The Demon Beast family refers to the Strength within the body as life strength, while the humans on the six continents call it mind or energy.

Giles is a member of Transmuter and can turn Qi into a shock wave. Ironically, Giles has always advocated Enhancer’s offensive style.

Therefore, although his moves and techniques contain the characteristics of Emitter and Transmuter, they serve melee combat.

Even so, his strength is strong enough to rank among the top 5 in the human world.

But the ancient claws he faces today are also the Kakuzu color of the Demon Beast family whose battle strength can be ranked in the top 5. The contrast between Demon Beast and the individual battle strength of humans is not at all a level.

This can be seen from the fact that 5 Demon Beasts of Ancient Claw killed 300 soldiers in a single charge.

Eyes at At the shock wave transformed by the mind, the Demon Beast in front of him kept pressing down, but Giles didn’t have any hint of joy in his heart, but a deep sense of crisis.

“The opponent is an amazingly tough Enhancer. The gap between me and him is huge!”

A grave expression emerged from the bottom of Giles’ eyes, and after confrontation, he realized that Demon Beast’s strength was horrible.

In this way, let alone solve it as soon as possible, it is already 10000 fortunate to be able to hold back.

With this judgment, a trace of despair that Giles was unwilling to admit, just sprouted slowly in his heart.

It will all go out.

Will fail.

I can’t help thinking about this.

Therefore, you cannot fall down!

On the other side, the remaining 4 Demon Beast with no difficulty stepped into the temporary base of the ferry terminal.

The remaining soldiers stationed there were well prepared to attack the Demon Beast who had broken in.

However, the natural gap in strength is not what external firearms can fill

At the same time, Luo looked towards the direction outside the city in the ancient maze.

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