Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1006

“Artificially created?”

Jin’s face gradually wavered, and in surprise, he had doubts about it.

He could see that the crescent pattern engraved on the ground was a graphic text, but could not further understand it.

Among the team, only Saling has this possibility.

“I’m not quite sure, just …” Saling touched Kakuzu, the patterned edge of the graphic text, calmly, “Because of the graphic text, some information is easier to read.”

“But these words alone are not enough. I’m going to look at the roofs of other buildings, or …”

Having said that, Saling looked towards the metal door leading to the building that had previously been discovered by Bahab.

The crowd followed Saling’s sight, and looked towards the door not far away.

“Enter inside …”

Jin Shen groaned and looked at her teammates Sheila, Bruna, Buha, Lao Bai, and Saling.

Needless to say, Bruna has zero battle strength.

Sa Ling’s strength is okay. It is not a problem to serve as the main combatant. Relatively speaking, Sheila and Lao Bai are positioned as logistical aids, and their frontal combat capabilities are not strong.

That is to say, besides himself, only Baha’i was able to reach the qualifying front line.

Although Kim is also curious about the interior of the building, it is not wise to explore the interior of the building in this situation.

He looked towards Salim, who was bewildered, saying, “The decision to enter the building can be waited for Luo and they will come back to discuss it. Before that, we can go to the roof of the building elsewhere.”

Lao Bai nodded echoed: “No one knows what unknown danger is lurking in the building. As for us, it is best not to act blindly without thinking.”

Sheila apologized and looked towards Sarah, and whispered, “I also feel like I have to wait for Luo to come back before making a decision.”

In addition to having a good opinion of eating, other things simply follow the trend.

As for Bruna, in the situation that has been settled, she voted for Salin’s friendship.

“Let’s go and take a look at the roofs of other buildings.”

After more than 5% of the members objected, Saran rubbed her forehead gently.

She is not the kind of unreasonable person, and also knows that most of the battle strength in the team is taken by Luo to look for vanilla. Even if she wants to enter the building to investigate at this moment, she must wait for Luo to come back.

The buildings in the ancient maze are not far apart, and Salinentire Group easily jumped to the top of another walled house.

When the dust accumulated on the roof of the building is lifted off, the same form of graphic text is reflected in the eyes of everyone. From the appearance alone, it is very similar to the graphic text on the previous building.

“Is it the same text?” Buha said doubtfully.

“It doesn’t seem to make any difference.” Old Bai carefully studied the text on the ground.

Kim and Sheila’s perception is the same, can not help looking towards Saling with a look of contemplation.

Paying attention to the inquiries of his teammates, Salin Nodded said, “It’s the same.”

“So what do these ancient words record?” Old Bai asked curiously.

“The origins of the city and bullion.”

Sa Ling looked at the old white and said, “According to the written records, among the ancient humans who lived here before, there was an ancient human who I couldn’t recognize a specific name brought back from the outside a plant, which is gold and silver ingots.”

“And the human who brought back the plant died shortly after, and the people in the ethnic group found that the blood of the corpse within the body became some unknown liquid metal. After contacting the air, the liquid metal will change in a short time. Into a solid. “

“Since then, based on information left by the dead man, ancient humans have confirmed that this phenomenon is related to the plant that was brought back.”

“Since then, ancient humans began to build cities, but they did not at all to cultivate the gold and silver ingots brought by that dead human being. Instead, they used the infection and transformation characteristics of gold and silver ingots to directly transform them with living things. Produce sufficient quantities of metal as quickly as possible. “

“So this city built by ancient humans was built with … countless living bones.”

Everyone was surprised when they heard the words. They knew that the gold and silver ingots contained an unknown infection and transformed into a highly toxic substance. They also saw the approximate volume of the gold and silver ingots hosted on other creatures.

So how much life has it taken to transform such a big city?

Kim squeezed his chin and wondered, “There are many places that don’t make sense. We have been in contact with gold and silver ingots, and there seems to be some differences from what is written in the text.”

“Yes, there are many contradictions in the interpreted content. If it is not graphic text, I will actively doubt the reliability, but these are graphic texts, and I am willing to trust the information I interpret.

Sa Ling said to Jin Nodded, “It’s just that I always feel that somewhere is contradictory, but I don’t know where the specific contradiction is, so I need more information, but it seems …”

As she said, she looked away and looked at the top of the surrounding buildings, said solemnly: “The roofs elsewhere don’t necessarily have what I want.”

Everyone looks at her silhouette, all silent.

There was silence on the court.

After a while, Kim calmly said: “In short, look elsewhere.”

Outside the ancient labyrinthine city, the place where the ferry station is stationed.

After Gilles got the vanilla, he led the remaining players out of the maze and merged with the outside team.

The vanilla was uprooted, and was transferred to a special transparent glass cover instrument by the scientific researchers who came with the team. I was afraid that even a little of the vanilla would wither.

The person in charge of logistical research is a spiritual old man. Even a loose robe can’t hide his well-built figure.

He held the glass cover as if he was holding the invaluable Supreme Treasure, and then he looked at the soldiers who came back with undisguised disappointment on his face.

There were 700 people in and only less than 300 people returned.

In other words, half of the troops dropped in, but only brought back a handful of vanilla.

It is really difficult to compare losses with results.

“Is this what you get?” Scientific research old man to ask a question, when already knows the answer.


Giles bowed his head slightly, his voice containing shame.

The research old man turned to look at the veins of shimmering leaves in the glass cover, saying, “That’s not enough.”

“I know that after the soldiers have rested, I will continue to lead the team into the maze city to search for vanilla vanes.”

“Well, it’s hard.”

Research old man nodded, and immediately moved towards the temporary tent holding the glass cover.

The results of the first search were too horrible, he not at all will hope all over the combatants.

“As long as vanilla can be successfully brought back to the imaginary continent, there is the possibility of cultivation.” Scientific research old man thought.

As he was about to step into the tent, there was a noticeable commotion behind the stronghold.

He couldn’t help but stop, looking in the direction of the commotion.

Giles, who was watching the scientific research of the old man approaching the tent, immediately looked in the same direction.

Several dignified soldiers hurried forward and reported to Giles: “Captain, the enemy was found in the direction of the forest. It is 5 Demon Beasts, which are moving towards us.”

“Demon Beast?”

Giles browses slightly raise.

In front of the tent, the scientific research old man stepped off his feet and entered the tent very simply.

The attacking enemy was Demon Beast, not at all surprised him.

Because the Demon Beast of the 6 continents comes from the dark continent, then it is not a big deal to have Demon Beast on the dark continent.

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