Gou cultivates immortality in the wizarding world

Chapter 313: The Secret Technique of the Tree Ancestor, Territory Building!

Even in the human empire called Holy, there are good and bad God-given lords.

Threaten other people's lives for your own greed.

As long as the benefits are big enough, someone will naturally be tempted.

However, the residents of the Aoki Paradise are not just wandering around without roots. With the Aoki Paradise behind them, after sensing the danger, these two unlucky guys who became god-given lords were sent by Elio to fire dragon Taoist soldiers, who quietly took over. The two sent them off.

Away from the place where they awakened their god-given lords, the current Holy Empire is still in a peaceful and stable situation.

The Holy Empire was so powerful that it went on a killing spree in the Empire just for two threatened residents of the blessed land. The movement was too big and could easily lead to investigation and targeting by the entire Holy Empire.

It was inconsistent with Lu Feng's strategy of quietly entering the village, so the Fire Dragon Taoist soldiers just quietly took away the two residents of Aoki Blessed Land and stayed away from this place.

When you go to other places, you can easily change your identity by changing your appearance and continue to lurk.

The Holy Empire, which was still in the Western Middle Ages, did not have the ability to control every inch of land and the information of every resident.

Otherwise, other residents of Aoki Paradise would have to spend a lot of effort lurking in the cities of the Holy Empire to collect intelligence!

With these twenty God-gifted Lords transformed from residents of the Aoki Blessed Land, Lu Feng and the others gained a better understanding of the special profession of God-Gift Lord.

The profession of God-given Lord requires the blessing and care of the gods behind the God-given Continent in order to obtain it.

After watching the birth process of twenty God-given Lords, Lu Feng also saw some secrets in the birth process of God-given Lords.

This process is more like a running program set up on the God-given Continent. As long as an intelligent creature that meets the basic requirements of a God-given lord approaches a church on the God-given Continent, it can easily trigger this in front of the statue of any true god. program, and then send the blessings of the gods to transform the intelligent beings who meet the requirements in front of the statue into a god-given lord.

This transformation process has already been programmed on the God-given Continent.

It probably doesn't require the gods to be distracted or spend any attention.

If you meet the requirements, you can naturally transform into a god-given lord.

As for why it must be in the church of the true god, Lu Feng guessed that this was to create a name for the god and convey the message that only by believing in the true god can one become a powerful god-given lord. After it is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, it is used to expand the belief in the true god and collect gods Give the continent the power of faith.

This is a very practical and efficient means for the gods.

The basic requirements for becoming a god-given lord are also simple, that is, the mental strength must reach a certain standard, which is basically three times that of ordinary people, and they must not be soldiers who have undergone military building modification and strengthening.

This simple request is particularly simple for those from Aoki Blessed Land.

They usually enjoy the spiritual nourishment of the Aoki Blessed Land, and are strong and strong. Their average physical fitness is four to five times that of ordinary people in the God-given continent. In addition, cultivation education has been popularized in the Aoki Blessed Land, and they all have a certain level of cultivation. This threshold does not exist for the residents of Aoki Blessed Land.

Another point is that the traces of cultivation on these residents from the Aoki Blessed Land do not affect their ability to become God-given Lords. Otherwise, these residents would have become the existence that everyone in the True God Church on the God-given Continent would shout about.

After becoming God-gifted Lords, the residents of the Aoki Blessed Land experienced some special changes in their spiritual power due to the integration of a special power.

It seems to be closer to the earth. If you integrate into the land, you can establish a connection with the land under your feet. If you integrate for a long time, you can refine the unclaimed land under your feet into a territory of your own and become a veritable lord.

At the same time, the core of their spiritual space was also integrated with the special power that transformed their spiritual characteristics, and a mysterious rune was condensed, giving the god-given lord a unique lord talent.

If a lord owns a territory, these special lord talents can be added to the territory to completely change the natural environment and biological characteristics of a land.

From this lord's talent, which was almost like changing the world, Lu Feng could smell the characteristics of the laws of heaven and earth.

The lord's talent allows manpower to affect the environment of heaven and earth. This is an incredible ability. It almost feels like the prototype of the domain!

Lu Feng studied the lord's talent and found it incredible.

If this method continues, as the god-given lords progress through bronze, silver, and gold, and become stronger and stronger, and reach the golden stage, they seem to be able to regard the lord's talent at the core of the spiritual space as the starting point for understanding the rules of nature.

Follow him all the way and use it skillfully. Such a lord's talent will be of infinite benefit to understanding the laws of nature.

And their territories, the enslaved troops, and the residents who love their lords.

Lu Feng seemed to have seen a small prototype of the Kingdom of God.

God-given lords develop all the way. Isn't this a stable route from scratch to becoming a god?

Could it be that the fundamental purpose of the God-given Continent is to cultivate gods, and these God-given lords are the reserves of the gods? Perhaps, this continent is a testing ground for the civilization of gods to cultivate gods.

Lu Feng felt that he had vaguely guessed the truth about this alien plane.

If this is really the case, there may be more than one god-given continent like this in the starry sky nearby.

But, what does this have to do with me? Blanco and Evelyn have already uploaded the information about this alien plane to the top management of the Botanical Garden. When the powerful wizard of the Botanical Garden discovers the existence of this starry sky, maybe there will be another one here. Become a battlefield between two civilizations!”

Lu Feng muttered in his heart.

There is no peaceful existence between the civilization of wizards and the civilization of gods.

The development of wizard civilization requires a lot of resources, and the best place to produce resources is in various alien planes.

The development of the civilization of the gods also requires resources and population, and their goal is also the alien plane in the starry sky.

When wizards and gods meet, there is basically no good outcome.

In the eyes of a powerful wizard, a god is a prey covered with treasures. The divine godhead can be used to understand the laws and create secret treasures; the flesh and blood of the god are precious alchemical materials and raw materials for weapons; the kingdom of God is also a plane within the wizard's body. The favorite thing about space, the plane space refined into the body can greatly enhance the wizard's background.

In the eyes of gods, the same is true for wizards.

The wizard's treasure, soul, and the plane space in the body are all precious treasures. If they are dismantled and broken down, they can be put to their best use to improve themselves.

In the long-term civilizational war, the two civilizations have long been feuding with each other.

In the starry sky, where two civilizations meet, the vast starry sky area is the venue for the battle between the two civilizations. Countless wizards and gods fall on the dangerous battlefield of civilization every moment.

If an alien plane like God's Continent, which can be called the training base for gods, is discovered, Lu Feng believes that the wizarding civilization will definitely launch a targeted attack on the starry sky where God's Continent is located.

Lu Feng could never imagine what this starry sky would look like by then.

That kind of battle was not something that a newly promoted Morning Star Wizard like him could participate in. Lu Feng felt that it would be better for him to take advantage of the God-given Continent before the vanguard of the wizard civilization came to this starry sky.

The most valuable thing on the Godsend Continent is the system on the Godsend Continent that can quickly cultivate gods and create powerful cannon fodder.

Lu Feng's men entered the God's Gift Continent and collected information everywhere. In addition to several God's Gift lords, they also collected information about some military units and buildings.

This special building standing on the territory is actually more than just a military building.

In addition to military buildings like the Warriors Guild, there are also administrative buildings such as council chambers and cathedrals; auxiliary buildings such as blacksmith shops, tailor shops, and docks; and defensive buildings such as city walls and arrow towers.

After a series of buildings are constructed, the territory of the God-given Lord can be turned into an iron barrel-like defensive fortress.

For example, the territory of Dunes is a mess, with nothing except a military building. The lord who serves as the core of management built it himself, with no special use at all.

Dunes is the shadow of the Mad Lion family, and the surrounding lords dare not touch him. If he was in some areas with a slightly chaotic order, a laxly guarded lord like Dunes would have been devoured by the nearby jackals and tigers. Clean, no skin left.

However, all kinds of territorial buildings are good, and God-given lords still need to spend a lot of resources to build them.

First of all, the god-given lord must obtain an architectural drawing of a territorial building. This drawing records the various resources and construction diagrams needed to build a territorial building. It also contains the most critical thing in the territorial building, the alchemy circle.

When constructing a territorial building, the god-gifted lord spreads the architectural drawings on the open space of the territory, and then adds the bricks, stones, earthwork and wood to build the territorial building. Then he also invites some territorial residents to participate in the construction, brick by stone, to build the main body of the territorial building. , and finally the God-given Lord needs to invest the most critical soul coins to activate the alchemy circle in the architectural drawings and activate a territorial building.

The completed territorial buildings have special powers. The military buildings can recruit troops, the administrative buildings can help the lord strengthen the management of the territory and boost the people's morale; the auxiliary buildings can help the lord efficiently build weapons and armor, and manufacture various auxiliary equipment; defensive buildings , the city wall can provide all-round protection for the territory, and the soldiers standing on the city wall can also receive some auxiliary effects to improve their ability to let go. The arrow tower can allow the troops standing in the tower to gain long-range shooting capabilities. If it is built Equipped with a ballista, it can also greatly improve the defense capabilities of the territory and eliminate incoming enemies outside the city wall.

Various territorial buildings have excellent functions, but architectural drawings are difficult to obtain.

Ordinary auxiliary buildings, defensive buildings, and administrative buildings are all easy to buy. As long as you have enough soul coins, you can buy them in the Church of the True God.

However, the architectural blueprints of the military units that determine the strength of the territory can only be purchased in the Church of the True God for the two most basic types of units, and the highest level can only be sold to the black iron level.

warriors and archers.

God-given lords who want to obtain the architectural blueprints of other military units must either join the Holy Empire, join various churches of the True God, or join a noble family like the Mad Lion Family. Only by joining the force and making contributions can they obtain the architectural blueprints of other military units.

As for the drawing of various drawings, it is even more top secret among top secrets, and there is no explanation at all on the surface.

There is even a saying circulating in the world that as long as one can obtain a manufacturing method of territorial architectural drawings, one can become a great nobleman who has been passed down by the Holy Empire for thousands of years.

Lu Feng didn't know the specific situation. His men's lurking time was still short and they had not yet obtained more in-depth information.

However, Lu Feng believed in these secrets. As his men lurked deeper, the truth would eventually come to light.

Time passes, and another month passes in the blink of an eye.

In the training room of the green tower, Lu Feng was still studying the secret method of Morning Star Tree Ancestor.

It took Lu Feng more than a month to understand less than 1% of the fundamental secret method of Morning Star. It was very difficult to comprehend and required a lot of time to ponder and comprehend.

However, it is difficult to return, and the effect of Shuzu's secret method is even more powerful.

By practicing the secret method of the Tree Ancestor, an energy-absorbing ancient tree can be planted in the plane space within the body, assisting the Morning Star Wizard to create the plane space within the body. The wizard himself has the origin of the energy-absorbing ancient tree planted in the plane space inside the body. In the same way, if one is prosperous, both will be prosperous, if one is deprived, both will be deprived.

Once the energy-absorbing ancient trees in the internal plane space are cultivated, there will be an extra backup energy source during battle, which can exert the effect of one plus one greater than two, and the combat power will soar.

Lu Feng felt that this secret technique of the Tree Ancestor was very similar to his Green Wood Sutra of Immortality.

However, his Aoki Immortality Sutra is more focused on building the Aoki Spiritual Realm. Apart from giving Lu Feng a long life and a body full of vitality buffs, it hardly improves his combat effectiveness.

Lu Feng usually fights and summons energy-absorbing ancient tree saplings. Most of them rely on the energy-absorbing ancient tree saplings to fight on their own. They do not have the ability to join forces with each other and superimpose attacks.

Therefore, Lu Feng was still very interested in the secret method of Tree Ancestor.

In his Aoki Paradise, the energy-absorbing ancient tree saplings have been cultivated by him for so many years. They are continuously fed with various resources and energy, and their strength is almost equal to his.

After he comprehended and learned the secret method of the Tree Ancestor, combined with the powerful energy-absorbing ancient tree saplings, Lu Feng felt that his combat power could be doubled in an instant. Combined with the powerful Aoki Paradise, he might be able to dominate in the Morning Star Wizard stage.

Lu Feng attaches great importance to the improvement of combat effectiveness. Lu Feng is fully willing to spend the time it takes to understand the secret method.

Time passed, while Lu Feng understood the secret method,

In the Aoki Blessed Land, the residents of the Blessed Land that Elio and the others are always paying attention to have also advanced the strategy of God's Gift Continent to the next node.

Under the leadership of twenty god-given lords and the protection of the Fire Dragon Taoist soldiers, they passed through the safe and peaceful hinterland of the Holy Empire and entered the junction of the Holy Empire and the beast empire of the orcs.

There are constant battles here and it is the most chaotic place.

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