Gou cultivates immortality in the wizarding world

Chapter 299 Licolis’ 1344456th layer of abyss!

Looking at the spiritual space relying on the existence of the demon blood pool, the succubus Likoris felt a sense of intimacy and joy, just like an old farmer in the countryside looking at a piece of his own farmland.

I wish I could plant my fields with crops right away, waiting for the harvest and the joy of harvest.

To develop and strengthen the spiritual realm, Licoris heard many methods from Lu Feng.

Looking at the thin layer of land in the spiritual space, Licoris immediately thought of where to start taking care of her spiritual space.

She drove the flesh warship and lowered the altitude. Flesh tentacles stretched out from the warship. The front ends of the tentacles transformed into circles of sharp teeth like a chrysanthemum beast, sucking the land of the ancient plane.

Under the power of the sharp teeth on the flesh and blood tentacles, a large amount of soil was crushed by the sharp teeth and sucked into the tentacles. The tentacles squirmed and transported the mud into the cabin where the demon blood pool was, and then put it into Licoris's body. In the spiritual space.

Dozens of flesh and blood tentacles work together, and a large amount of soil is filled into the spiritual space every moment. Under the control of Licoris, it is compacted and paved to consolidate the land of the spiritual space.

In the process of becoming land in the spiritual space, these soils were soaked in the energy of the devil's blood pool and filled with the breath of the endless abyss.

With the help of the flesh and blood warship and the energy supply from the demon blood pool, Licoris's spiritual realm space developed much faster than when the Aoki Spirit Realm was first formed.

After all, the levels of Licoris and the flesh and blood warship are here.

The effect of the third-level succubus, combined with the third-level flesh and blood warship, is not simply one plus one greater than two.

Time passed, half a month later.

Licoris' spiritual space has expanded to a radius of one kilometer. The land in the spiritual space is filled with the breath of an endless abyss and covered with countless strange-shaped plants.

These plants were randomly transplanted into the spiritual space by Lycoris from the ancient plane. They looked normal. However, after taking root in the land of the spiritual space, they were infected by the endless abyss omnipresent in the spiritual space. They slowly became infected. Slowness becomes distorted and weird.

Lu Feng felt disgusted when he saw this kind of change, but when the three Licoris sisters looked at these abnormal plants, they felt a familiar feeling, as if they had returned to the 1314th floor of the endless abyss.

A feeling of returning home.

Licolis, today we defeated another barbarian tribe. The barbarian warriors and priests in the tribe asked me to keep them for you and bring them over to transform you into a demon!

Succubus Shadowheart came to the demon blood pool, followed by a group of hollow-eyed barbarian warriors and priests.

For more than ten days, Lu Feng and the others never stopped fighting.

The flesh-and-blood warship flew all the way, sweeping from the periphery of the Meteorite Plain and the Savage Forest like a carpet.

Whenever I encounter a barbarian tribe, I will not let them go.

Lu Feng was sitting on the deck of the flesh and blood warship, sipping tea and listening to music. Elio, Shadow Heart, Dolu and others among his men charged forward one by one, defeated the totems of the barbarian tribe, and captured them. .

Those who resisted more fiercely were killed on the spot, and their corpses were handed over to the energy-absorbing ancient tree seedlings for absorption and processing; those who resisted less fiercely and surrendered quickly offered their soul origins, entered the Aoki Spiritual Realm, and accepted Elio's correction education.

The barbarians in the tribe accepted the power of the totem, and the barbarian warriors and priests who committed evil crimes were given to Licolis by Lu Feng for her to watch and deal with.

Licoris's method of treatment was also very simple. She directly drank some of the scarlet liquid from the demon's blood pool and then sent these barbarians directly into her spiritual space, waiting for them to slowly transform into demons.

Without walking in the demon blood pool, the success rate of a barbarian transforming into a demon is not high. Only one out of ten barbarians can transform into a demon, but this also saves a lot of energy in the demon blood pool.

In order to deal with Lu Feng, the demon army that Licoris transformed into in a hurry had spent several years of energy accumulation in the demon blood pool, which made Licoris feel very distressed.

Now that Likolis had to use the energy of the demon blood pool to cultivate her own spiritual space, she was reluctant to waste the precious energy of the demon blood pool on these rubbish barbarians.

Anyway, in the ancient plane, there are a large number of barbarian warriors and priests, which can be said to be extremely cheap consumables.

Even if these barbarian warriors die in the spiritual space, the flesh and blood of their corpses can become food for other demons and plants in the spiritual space, becoming nutrients for their growth.

In the spiritual space filled with the aura of the endless abyss, every plant that survives here has unique skills. Even if some demons are not careful, they will still be planted among the branches, leaves and roots of these plants.

Another group of barbarian warriors and priests entered the spiritual space. In order to prevent these barbarians from being eaten by the existing demons in the spiritual space, Lycoris specially arranged an area in the spiritual space to prohibit the existence of demons.

The barbarians mainly transformed into demons, and under the interference of Licolis' will, they only felt that they would walk out of this area, and then enter an abyss environment where the weak and the strong preyed on them.

Today, there are already many demons transformed by barbarians in the spiritual space, about three thousand of them.

These demons either live alone or in groups, fighting each other endlessly. Demons fall on the ground of the spiritual space at every moment, nourishing the spiritual space with their flesh, blood and souls.

The demon's growth and development, fighting and death, are endless, and Licoris also feels the additional growth of the spiritual space in addition to absorbing the energy of the demon's blood pool.

The existence of these demons is of great benefit to the spiritual space.

Watching the existence of demons and the evolution of the environment in the spiritual space from a god's perspective, Lycoris felt a sense of trance in her heart.

This scene really looks more and more like an endless abyss.

Lu Feng's war in the ancient plane is still going on. Every day, many barbarian tribes are discovered by Lu Feng and then wiped out. Finally, the wizards sent by the Green Tower take over to guide and transform civilization.

Lu Feng's speed was so fast that it put a lot of pressure on the green tower.

In desperation, Ms. Natasha had to give up part of her profits, found some wizard towers in the [Botanical Garden] to form an alliance, and then introduced a large number of manpower to jointly develop the ancient plane.

Several wizard towers worked together to barely ensure the continued development and control of the barbarian tribe.

Lu Feng's arrogant behavior in the ancient plane soon made everyone in the barbarian tribes in the ancient plane feel insecure. A large number of tribal totems had to put aside their grievances between each other and unite to resist Lu Feng's attack. Invasion.

But their resistance was ultimately in vain. Whenever a certain number of tribal totems gathered, Lu Feng would ride a flesh-and-blood warship and descend from the sky, killing all the tribal totems that had gathered to resist.

After repeated attempts, the tribal totems who wanted to unite discovered that those tribal totems advocating a joint fight against Lu Feng had already surrendered to Lu Feng.

They spread the news of alliance among the tribes just to lure the king into a trap and collectively kill Lu Feng.

As a result, the situation was tense for a while. The tribal totems looked at each other and felt that the other party was like a spy who had taken refuge with Lu Feng. There was no longer any basis for trust between them, let alone uniting to continue to fight against Lu Feng.

When they gather, they are like a fire; when they are scattered, they are full of shit.

If the tribal totem focuses on unity and strength in numbers, it would be really difficult for Lu Feng to attack by force.

After all, in the third level, when the numbers have accumulated to a certain extent, Lu Feng really doesn't have the ability to suppress everything with his hands.

But Lu Feng really didn't pay attention to the tribal totems scattered in a pile of sand.

The way these tribal totems obtain power is too crude, and their level of strength is just a ball of bubbles in front of Lu Feng. Even tribal totems like the Black Sky Totem, which have strong divinity in their bodies and condense their domains, also have weaknesses of this kind. As long as they do With targeted attacks, you can easily win.

As a wizard and earthly immortal, Lu Feng had a variety of methods at his disposal, and he was simply crushing these tribal totems who had no power at all.

Many times, Lu Feng could eliminate the tribal totems without taking action.

With the energy-absorbing ancient tree sapling as a treasure, every battle will expand Lu Feng's men's team or contribute a share of their divinity.

During the battle, many tribal totems died in Lu Feng's hands. The divinity in their bodies was absorbed by the energy-absorbing ancient tree seedlings and condensed into divine fruits.

Elio and others also selected the fruit that suited them after the divine fruit matured, refined and absorbed it, and continued to strengthen the divinity in their bodies.

For Elio and others who are on the road to becoming gods, the more divinities they control within their bodies, the better. When the divinities grow to a certain level and they have a base of believers, they can try to light the divine fire. , condense the divine personality and become a true god.

The True God is a powerful being of the fourth level, comparable to the Morning Star Wizard, and can even crush him in his own realm of the Kingdom of God.

However, this process is destined to be long. At least Lu Feng feels that they have no hope of becoming gods before he reaches the fourth level.

Time passes, and in the blink of an eye, more than ten years have passed, and we have arrived at the Flower Moon in Wizarding Era 4078.

In order to digest the gains from the ancient plane and to take care of the progress of the transformation of the green tower, Lu Feng deliberately slowed down the progress. Even so, after more than ten years, the ancient plane was plowed by Lu Feng. .

All the barbarian totems in the entire plane either died by his hands or became his subordinates.

Now, Lu Feng has accumulated 108 third-level tribal totems and 1,024 second-level tribal totems in his Qingmu spiritual realm.

This is only about one-third of the tribal totems in the ancient plane, and the remaining two-thirds have become the materials for the growth of the Aoki Spiritual Realm.

The flesh-and-blood warship galloped in the sky of the ancient plane. In more than ten years, after Lu Feng and Likolis insisted on continuous transformation, the flesh-and-blood warship had changed drastically.

The hull made of flesh and blood has been replaced by hard witchcraft metal, and the strong aura of the abyss on the ship has been wiped away. Only the dark brown mysterious lines on the hull can still make people feel the aura of the abyss.

In the core cabin of the ship, the spiritual space relying on the devil's blood pool has developed to a terrifying radius of twenty kilometers due to Lycoris's unremitting efforts.

The abyss inside is rich, and there are a large number of demons transformed from barbarians living there.

A purple-brown sun hangs high in the sky, scattering a rich aura of the abyss. Bathed in this weird sunlight, the demons on the earth thrive and then survive the competition, either becoming strong or returning to their souls. world.

At this time, Licoris was sitting cross-legged in the purple-brown sun in the sky of the spiritual realm, with the crimson book spread out in front of her, and the crimson aura surrounding Licoris' charming body.

Suddenly, the succubus Lycoris, who was practicing in the broad daylight, felt that her consciousness was falling infinitely, as if she was about to fall into an endless abyss. In this strange state of being out of body, Lycoris It felt as if my spirit had touched some vast existence.

A majestic look looked at her, and then a ray of joy emerged in Lycoris's heart.

She suddenly opened her eyes, and a demonic pattern filled with the aura of the endless abyss appeared on Lycoris' smooth forehead. She reached out and gently touched the pattern on her forehead. Lycoris exclaimed in disbelief. road:

This, this is actually true! The spiritual space I created to trap demons and supply energy was actually recognized by the consciousness of the endless abyss and became the 1344456th layer of the endless abyss! And I also became this layer Demon Lord of the Abyss!”

Sitting upright in the bright sun, the demonic lines on Lycoris's forehead flickered slightly. She only felt that she was completely integrated with this spiritual space at this moment. The power of the entire spiritual space was added to her body, an invincible force. The feeling came over me.

In this spiritual space, oh no, in the endless abyss, Licolis' strength has increased infinitely, and she feels like a god sitting in the kingdom of God.

This is also the power of the demon lord in the endless abyss. With the blessing of a layer of abyss power, even a powerful wizard of the same level will have a hard time dealing with a demon lord of the same level.

Queen Succubus Yura is the demon lord on the 1314th floor of the Endless Abyss. Now, I have become a demon lord on the same level. Your power is truly unfathomable!

Lycoris thought like this in her heart, and thanked Lu Feng from the bottom of her heart for giving her the spiritual space that allowed her to achieve such an achievement now.

Of course, Licoris had never dared to dream that she could compete with the Succubus Queen now. For a sixth-level Succubus Queen, it would not be too easy to deal with a third-level cute demon lord like her. Even Li Even if Keris huddles in the abyss territory, she will be manipulated by the Succubus Queen at will.

At the same time, as the spiritual space was recognized by the consciousness of the endless abyss and became a layer of the endless abyss, Lycoris felt that an essential change had occurred in the spiritual space.

In the center of the spiritual space, the earth suddenly sunk, an aura of endless abyss descended, and pools of blood suddenly emerged from the sunken area of ​​the earth.

Demon blood pool!

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