Gou cultivates immortality in the wizarding world

Chapter 290: Stars in the sky, killing chickens to scare monkeys!

The star power of the Star Core and the starry sky of the Aoki Spiritual Realm are not for nothing.

In conjunction with Lu Feng's Earth Immortal Dharma about the stars, and nourished by the star power of the Star Core, the stars in the sky of the Aoki Spiritual Realm become more and more real.

The stars were originally as fine as gravel, but now they have grown to the size of a millstone. Although they are still small in the vast sky of the Qingmu Spiritual Realm, the power of the entire starry sky is visible to Lu Feng's naked eyes.

During the Starry Sky Sacrifice in the Aoki Spiritual Realm, Lu Feng referred to the catalog of stars in the sky in the Earthly Immortal World and arranged the stars in the sky. At this time, 365 stars slowly stood out from the stars in the sky. It has the tendency to become the main star of Zhoutian.

Coupled with the Aoki Spirit Realm, Lu Feng invested a lot of effort and resources to cultivate the Sun and Moon Stars. Although the Spirit Realm Starry Sky has only begun to take shape, it is also full of wonders.

Looking at the stars blooming between his fingers, Lu Feng showed a satisfied smile:

This is just the beginning. When I absorb all the cores of the stars, we will see what the stars in the stars can develop into!

The changes in the starry sky in the Qingmu Spiritual Realm made Lu Feng involuntarily think of the Zhoutian Starry Formation in the legend of his previous life. His counterfeit version of the stars in the sky could only imitate one hundred millionth of the power of the Zhoutian Starry Formation. , Lu Feng was satisfied.

The starry sky in the Aoki Spiritual Realm was just a prototype. It was very early. Lu Feng played with it for a while, then put away the star shadow between his fingers, and then turned to look at Elio who was standing at the door:

Lead the way, I want to see what these barbarian tribal totems turned into eggs by wearing horns can do!

Yes, sir!

Hearing this, the anxious look on Elio's face disappeared, and he immediately turned around and walked ahead to lead the way for Lu Feng.

As soon as Mr. Lu Feng came out of seclusion, he brought strong confidence to Elio.

Although there are many tribal totems in this group, they are definitely no match for the master.

Under Elio's guidance, the two quickly arrived at a rough-looking hall in the center of the Black Sky tribe.

The civilization of the Black Sky Tribe is backward in development, and the buildings they build are not very exquisite. However, the Black Sky Tribe only has such a small area. When Elio and the others receive totems from various tribes in the Falling Star Plain, they can only choose the taller one among the shorter ones. The clean main hall was used to greet them.

At this time, fifty or sixty barbarian tribal totems who came to the Black Sky tribe in advance had gathered in the hall.

Each and every one of these barbarian tribal totems has a strange shape. They are ugly and frightening. In addition, coupled with the strong evil power on their bodies and the filth caused by blood sacrifice rituals, a group of tribal totems just stand in the hall. , and the hall where Elio came to entertain the tribal totems was made eerie and overflowing with evil spirits.

In such a hall, Elio originally wanted to arrange for some barbarian slaves to come over to serve tea and water, but ordinary barbarian slaves would go crazy and die if they stayed in such an evil environment for just a moment.

Considering that the lives of barbarian slaves mattered, Elio simply let these ferocious tribal totems stand in the hall.

Lu Feng didn't have the guts to cause trouble here. After Elio left, the tribal totems whispered to each other in the hall, communicating with the tribal totems they were familiar with.

The most discussed among these totems is the current layout of the Meteor Plain.

Lu Feng and Elio walked into the hall, and the appearance of the unfamiliar atmosphere immediately silenced the hall. Each tribal totem closed their mouths knowingly, and all kinds of noise suddenly disappeared.

Stepping into the main hall, a large amount of evil aura hit his face, and Lu Feng frowned slightly.

Sure enough, they are a group of evil totem creatures that often accept blood sacrifices. Just gathering together creates such a powerful evil aura. Fortunately, Lu Feng is not a person who hates evil. Otherwise, seeing so many evil creatures gathered together, he would probably get angry. Pyroblast was thrown down to purify the world.

Although Lu Feng could tolerate the presence of these evil creatures, he didn't like talking to others in such an evil place, so he immediately snorted.


He raised his hand casually, and the sun furnace rose above his head, and a little warm light bloomed from the sun furnace.

In an instant, warm sunlight filled the entire hall, and each tribal totem seemed to be bathed in the warm sunlight.

The tribal totem who was staring closely at Lu Feng subconsciously closed his eyes to dodge, not daring to look directly at the sun's rays. However, he unexpectedly discovered that the warm sunshine was not too dazzling and did not feel any harm.

But just this warm and soft sunshine, bathed in it, made each tribal totem feel that the evil power in the body and the influence of the blood sacrifice ceremony on his mind were weakened a lot, and his mind became clear instantly.

Usually the minds of these totems are more or less affected, and they are full of distracting thoughts. They can only solve this negative impact through sleeping or various ways of venting.

But at this moment, just by receiving the light from Lu Feng, they could feel obvious changes and solved the problem that had troubled them for a long time.

Each tribal totem was bathing in the sunshine of the land breeze and enjoying the benefits. They were all somewhat grateful at this time.

This time, they may have come to the right place.

However, each tribal totem had just enjoyed it for a while, but this comfortable sunbath came to an abrupt end.

It was like when that guy was about to reach his peak, he was suddenly choked by the person below him, and then asked him to stop.

This feeling of stopping even an inch makes these tribal totems unable to move up or down, which is very uncomfortable.

They wanted to continue, but when they looked at Lu Feng, who had entered the center of the hall and was sitting on the throne, they only saw a meaningful smile on his face.

This is a show of force!

The tribal totems present looked at me and I looked at you, and the same thoughts flashed through their minds.

Lu Feng glanced at each tribal totem with a smile on his face, then coughed, breaking the silence in the hall, and said with a faint smile:

Everyone here is a talented person. Since you have come to me in advance, I understand your wishes! Since you are willing to surrender to me, I won't say much else. At least you can see more from me. The long-term future! You have also seen the effect of the sun bath just now. If you join my team, you can enjoy such a sun bath every day! There are many other benefits waiting for you!

Lu Feng's words made the eyes of all the tribal totems present shine.

Since they were willing to come here in advance, they were naturally mentally prepared to surrender.

Now when Lu Feng opened his mouth, he not only offered benefits, but also offered a big deal. It looked more promising than the original Black Sky Totem, and all the tribal totems were naturally convinced.

Seeing the various expressions of emotion on the strange faces of these tribal totems, Lu Feng suppressed his smile, changed the subject, and said seriously:

But I have another ugly thing to say before you become my subordinate. You also need to give a ray of soul origin into my hands so that I can control your life and death. Only with my subordinates under complete control can I safely invest resources in cultivating you. growing up!

As soon as these words came out, the hall fell into silence again.

Each of the tribal totems is somewhat obscured. Before joining the Black Sky Tribe, there was no such means.

Although this is the first time they have seen this method of controlling the life and death of others, they also know the importance of the origin of the soul. Once it is sacrificed, they may not be able to control it for the rest of their lives.

The tempting aroma of Lufeng's pancake gradually faded away, and these tribal totems began to think about whether it was worth it. There was a lesson from the Black Sky tribal totem who abandoned the crowd and fled when life and death was at stake. These tribal totems were also a little afraid that they would not be able to do it again this time. Wrong treasure.

When each tribal totem was thinking about gains and losses, a voice of opposition suddenly came from among the tribal totems.

Colleagues, the life and soul of our tribal totem are free. No one can control our life and death. Don't be frightened by this outsider. He is just one person, and there are more than fifty of us. Let's do it one by one. , no matter how strong he is, he will die in front of us, and then all his treasures will not be left to us to snatch!

The speaker was a black-haired pig-headed man with a sharp mouth and fangs. He was breathing white between his mouth and nose, his eyes were full of greed, and there was an invisible pink color.

The words of the black-haired pig-headed man totem were like the whisper of a devil, full of infinite temptation, like a sharp sword hitting the desires in the hearts of all the tribal totems present.

Tribal totems are a group of evil and chaotic people. They have simple thinking and are full of powerful seductive words. These simple-minded tribal totems often get excited and make some unwise actions.

But before the blood of these tribal totems could control their bodies, they heard a cold word from Lu Feng:

I'll give you a chance to choose, and you'll just slap your nose on your face. You're such a ridiculous little ant!

As soon as he finished speaking, all the tribal totems saw was the greedy black-haired pig-headed man shrouded in a burst of emerald green light.

But after just one breath, the black-haired pig-headed man was full of fear. Only one pig's head fell to the ground and rolled around on the floor of the hall. The black-haired pig's head was full of fear and refused to rest in peace. As it rolled, Looking at the nearby tribal totems, they were so frightened that they all backed away.

I was afraid that I would be caught by this unlucky black pig head.

The tribal totems who are close to the black-haired pig-headed man all know the strength of the black-haired pig-headed man. This black-haired pig-headed man is already in the middle of the third level and is about to reach the late third level.

This strength is also ranked among the top among the fifty or sixty tribal totems in the field, but such a powerful tribal totem, in the hands of this strong man named Tia, can die with just one breath. .

Facing such a powerful enemy, these tribal totems unite, and fifty or sixty tribal totems are enough to kill him for a long time.

Fifty or sixty breaths?

At this moment, Lu Feng once again reminded them of the horrific memories of being randomly hunted and killed by mountain giants like chickens. The desires that had just emerged in their hearts were suddenly wiped away by Lu Feng's power.

After Lu Feng finished dealing with the black-haired pig-headed man totem who wanted to gather a crowd to cause trouble, his cold eyes swept over these tribal totems again. This time, none of these tribal totems dared to show any dissatisfaction.

Kill the chicken to scare the monkey.

Although this method is old-fashioned, it works exceptionally well.

Passing down a method of splitting the soul's origin, Lu Feng just hooked up his hands this time. Each of these tribal totems obediently followed Lu Feng's instructions and offered their share of the soul's origin.

The starry sky shadow appeared in Lu Feng's hand, and the soul origin contributed by these tribal totems was refined into the starry sky of the Aoki Spiritual Realm, lighting up the stars one by one.

This is something similar to the soul lamp method used by Lu Feng before.

It's just that this time the starry sky of the Aoki Spirit Realm is upgraded, the control effect derived from the stars combined with the soul lamp method is stronger, and it can already be used to control these third-level totem creatures.

As long as the totem creatures integrate their soul origin into the stars of the Aoki Spiritual Realm, from then on, they will be bound to the stars in the Aoki Spiritual Realm, and they will share life and death.

In addition to using the stars to control these totems, they can also use their power and divinity to worship the starry sky in the Aoki Spirit Realm.

In the future, Lu Feng plans to open up some spiritual space among these stars to serve as a private place for these totem creatures, or a divine domain, allowing them to develop and grow freely.

In a sense, Lu Feng can be regarded as cultivating a group of Star Lord reserves, or workers, for the future starry sky in the Aoki Spirit Realm.

A total of sixty-three tribal totems were taken under Lu Feng's command in this batch, including fifteen third-level totems and forty-eight second-level totems.

The strongest among them is an armored dragon lizard with the blood of these black dragons, whose strength has reached the late third level; there are still six mid-level third levels and eight early third levels.

After accepting these tribal totems, Lu Feng's men's combat power soared.

However, these tribal totems are all evil creatures. They were seriously harmed by the evil beliefs and blood sacrifice rituals of the barbarian tribes. They still need to be transformed by Lu Feng for a period of time to eliminate the evil origins in them and reduce them to the sins of the blood sacrifice rituals. Barely employed.

After all, this process requires a lot of time and energy.

After collecting all these tribal totems into the Green Wood Spiritual Realm, the evil aura in the hall slowly dissipated, Lu Feng ordered Elio on the side:

Elio, from now on, these tribal totems will be handed over to you. These totems are not weak, but they are too evil and are not good for the growth of the Aoki Spiritual Realm. I need you to help me more and educate and transform these tribal totems so that they can They come into use as early as possible!”

Yes, sir! Elio, who was entrusted with the important task, responded happily.

Evil divine creatures may not be weak in combat power, but they are not a good thing for the Aoki Spiritual Realm.

Blood sacrifices are made at every turn, evildoers are committed, and the lives of intelligent creatures are used for pleasure.

Although there is a large population in the Qingmu Spiritual Realm, it is not suitable for such evil divine creatures to live.

Evil divine creatures can easily cause environmental damage. Lu Feng also hopes that these divine creatures will become the gods of the Aoki Spiritual Realm like Elio and the others, and help him regulate the Aoki Spiritual Realm.

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