Gou cultivates immortality in the wizarding world

Chapter 272 Two Flower Shadows, Death Mantis Evolves!

People without thought, he must worry about!

Being prepared for a rainy day is a good habit Lu Feng has developed over a long period of time.

The ancient plane is a welfare plane issued by the [Botanical Garden] to the Green Tower. It is estimated that the strength of the Green Tower has been assessed and the threats in the ancient plane that are beyond the capabilities of the Green Tower have been eliminated in advance.

But now the upper limit of the Green Tower is not Lu Feng. The wizard Tia who is comprehending the rules of the Golden Law is the ceiling of the Green Tower's strength.

According to this standard, as long as there is no strong person of the fourth level in the ancient plane, the [Botanical Garden] will consider the ancient plane to be within the range of the green tower's combat capabilities.

Lu Feng also has to be responsible for his own life and safety, in case he enters the gate of the ancient plane and is blocked by a strong man from the ancient plane.

Lu Feng, an ordinary third-level master, didn't take it seriously.

In both the Western World and the Earthly Immortal World, Lu Feng, a third-level master of the same level, had killed more than ten people.

But if Lu Feng were to meet a third-level peak powerhouse like the God of Steam and Mage and the head of the Taiyi Sect in the ancient plane, even though Lu Feng was already a mid-level third-level wizard, he would still have no choice but to run away.

Therefore, for the sake of his own life, Lu Feng was still prepared to accumulate more trump cards and ways to deal with the enemy.

Lu Feng and Wizard Tia have already agreed that they will slowly begin to invade the ancient plane in one month.

There was still plenty of time, and for Lu Feng, there was still a lot of time to prepare.

Green tower, in the living room on the thirty-fifth floor,

Lu Feng gathered some fresh high-end ingredients from the Qingmu Spiritual Realm and gave them to Luo Ke to practice witchcraft cooking.

There are energy-absorbing ancient tree saplings, and the demonized plants and medicinal materials in Lufeng Qingmu Spiritual Realm are growing particularly vigorously, full of spiritual energy, and many of them are fresh and delicious.

Luo Ke, who had been studying witchcraft cuisine recently, saw stars in his eyes when he saw the fresh and high-quality ingredients that Lu Feng brought out.

Looking at Luo Ke who was busy preparing fresh ingredients and trying various witchcraft dishes, Lu Feng began to think about the preparations he could make now.

He is currently in the middle stage of the third level wizard, and 80% of his strength is in the Aoki Spiritual Realm.

In just one month, it is simply unrealistic for the Greenwood Spiritual Realm to make great progress. The growth of the Greenwood Spiritual Realm is due to the accumulation of resources.

Lu Feng is still counting on going to the ancient plane to get some resources. There is no other way to make money quickly.

Unable to improve the Green Wood Spiritual Realm, Lu Feng could only think of other ways.

Lu Feng went to find Wizard Tia and obtained three third-level witchcraft models suitable for him through the teacher's advice to enrich his methods.

Wizard Tia knew the pressure on him and was more generous with his attacks.

The three third-level witchcraft gifts given to Lu Feng were all of good quality, namely: Two Flower Shadows, Natural Blooming, and Tree Realm Birth.

Considering the time limit, Lu Feng chose the third-level witchcraft [Two Life Flower Shadows] that focused on life-saving ability to start learning.

After learning this third-level witchcraft, you can communicate with the power of nature, enter a state of invisibility within the scope of nature, increase your movement speed, and at the same time create a clone condensed by natural power according to your current image, which can control movement at will. .

Once you practice to an advanced level, you can even create multiple natural clones at will.

Enemies of the same level, without corresponding means, cannot see through the invisible state and natural clone of the caster.

Whether it is used to escape or to sneak attack and destroy the enemy, it is an excellent third-level witchcraft.

The ancient plane is a wild scene, with natural environments everywhere, and the third-level witchcraft of Two Life Flower Shadows will definitely shine in it.

As for the other two third-level witchcraft,

[Natural Bloom] is a compound witchcraft that combines both offense and defense, as well as control methods.

When casting, you need to guide and gather natural energy in advance. After a certain period of time, the natural energy will be released to obtain a shield and slow down nearby enemies. After a delay, it will suddenly explode, causing a large amount of natural damage and stunning the enemy.

If the enemy has low resistance and weak resistance, [Natural Bloom] can be regarded as a perfect field control damage skill.

Another third-level witchcraft [Birth in the Tree Realm] is a semi-domain witchcraft.

When released, it can forcibly create a magical forest around it, directly changing the environment.

However, the magic forest created by witchcraft needs to be rooted in the earth and cannot be moved. There are considerable restrictions on its use against enemies.

With the energy-absorbing ancient tree saplings and the Green Wood Spiritual Realm around, Lu Feng is not lacking in attack methods.

Moreover, with his life-hungry character, even if he started a fight, he would only take action decisively when he determined that the strong would defeat the weak and the more would defeat the less. These two witchcrafts were not very attractive to Lu Feng now.

After he has fully mastered [Two Lives Flower Shadow] and improved his life-saving ability, and when he has free time in the ancient plane, Lu Feng will concentrate on learning and practicing these two witchcrafts.

He has the cultivation experience of the third-level natal witchcraft [Ling Cui Realm], the divine enlightenment of the God of Nature and Trees, the assistance of energy-absorbing ancient tree seedlings, and the improvement of the qualifications of the Wood Spirit Vein.

With the accumulation of various advantages, although [Two Lives of Flower Shadows] is Lu Feng's first third-level witchcraft, it is not difficult for Lu Feng. He is confident that [Two Lives of Flowers and Shadows] will be mastered within a month. 】Understand it thoroughly and construct a third-level witchcraft model in the spiritual space.

While Lu Feng was learning the witchcraft [Two Life Flower Shadows], he also did not forget to supervise his subordinates in the Aoki Spiritual Realm.

Elio, Sulis, and Greda, the three goddesses are all working hard and practicing hard.

One month is not much time, but it can also allow them to improve a little and enrich their methods.

The Golden Skeleton King in the Holy Bone Altar is still sleeping.

However, the aura on Dolu's body was obviously much stronger than before he fell asleep. The golden skeleton of his body also began to grow from the broken spine. Now it has grown hip bones and two new thigh bones.

It seems that it won't be long before Dolu will be able to regrow his legs and regain his full body.

At the same time, Lu Feng also had a premonition.

When Dolu completes the golden skeleton, it may be the time when Dolu reaches the middle stage of the third level.

In addition to the four third-level experts under his command, the villagers in the Green Wood Spiritual Realm also began to actively prepare for war at Lu Feng's request.

The Ancient Plane is quite large, and it is not a small plane like Alice and Tyus.

According to the energy level classification, the ancient plane should be regarded as an intermediate plane.

After all, the ancient plane was also the place where fourth-level strong men were born.

Even if the powerful wizard Huo Huo robbed a lot of benefits and killed the strong ones, after all, the foundation of the medium-sized ancient plane is still there, and he will not be downgraded to the Alice plane and Tyus. The miserable state of the plane.

When Lu Feng was fighting in the ancient plane, he attacked strong men. The villagers under him might also be put to use.

The weapons and potions needed to prepare for battle will always be put to use.

Be prepared.

Looking at the busy Qingmu Spirit Realm, Lu Feng still felt that he had too few available men.

I don’t know how many third-level masters there are in the ancient plane. He only has four people and one death mantis puppet. After all, it is still too few.

If possible, Lu Feng would also like to get a few more third-level masters to raise in the Aoki Spiritual Realm.

When encountering a battle or ambushing an enemy, summon your little brother at any time.

The enemy thought Lu Feng was a third-level master, but as soon as they started fighting, five or six third-level masters jumped out, full of surprises and surprises.

Neither the Wizarding Way nor the Earthly Immortal Way can be achieved quickly. Now the only way I can achieve it quickly is to plunder it from the Western World and use the remaining five divinities!

Lu Feng tasted the food Luo Ke had just cooked and thought a little tangledly.

Divinity is rare, and Lu Feng doesn't want to waste it carelessly.

However, after struggling for a while, Lu Feng gritted his teeth and planned to use all five divinities in his hand.

These divinities have been filtered by the energy-absorbing ancient tree seedlings, and formed into divine fruits hanging on the branches of the energy-absorbing ancient tree seedlings.

To be honest, it was no longer possible for Lu Feng to sell the five divine attributes of the divine fruit through the green tower channel.

After changing his form and becoming a divine fruit, no one dared to ask for it, and Lu Feng didn’t want to expose his ability.

[Botanical Garden] Sitting on a super giant energy-absorbing ancient tree, the divine fruit refined by refining divinity is definitely not from his family. There is no semicolon. If someone recognizes it and leads others to kill and seize the treasure, then it will be a disaster. Big loss.

At the same time, just hanging these sacred fruits on the branches of energy-absorbing ancient tree seedlings is really a waste.

Especially now that Lu Feng is about to go to the ancient plane and the road ahead is full of dangers, Lu Feng feels that instead of hanging the divine fruit on a branch as a decoration, it is better to make the best use of it and use divinity to cultivate a few gods.

As long as he develops a third-level combat power, Lu Feng will be able to gain a lot of strength.

Beating the few with more, surrounding and beating, all that matters is quantity.

However, when it comes to divinity, it also pays attention to fit and fate. Some creatures have integrated into divinity, but they can only reluctantly integrate and have no way forward. However, some things are highly compatible with divinity. After fusion, they can exert one plus one than two. Effect.

It is best to have high-level, high-quality, good compatibility, and then integrate divinity.

Lu Feng inspected the Qingmu Spiritual Realm and began to look for creatures or items that fit the five divinities in his hand.

Lu Feng's first discovery turned out to be the Death Mantis puppet in his hand.

This puppet is actually very consistent with the divinity of the God of Hunting.

The Death Mantis Puppet was placed next to the divine fruit where the God of Hunting's divinity was condensed. The fruit actually began to sway on the branches, as if it would fall to the ground the next moment, running and becoming one with the Death Mantis Puppet.

Although the God of Death Mantis Puppet is just a puppet, in Lu Feng's hands it can also perform mid-to-late third level attacks.

Limited by the Death Mantis Puppet's material and energy furnace, the Death Mantis Puppet only has the power of one hit, but it is also a powerful trump card in Lu Feng's hand.

Lu Feng was also overjoyed when he discovered that the God of Hunting's divinity matched that of the Mantis Puppet, the God of Death.

When I turned around and thought about it, I somewhat understood the logic behind it.

The Death Mantis Golem is an alchemical golem designed by a powerful alchemist wizard to imitate the Death Mantis, a powerful supernatural beast in the wizarding world.

The Death Mantis was born to be an extremely powerful predator in the wizarding world.

The hunting instinct has long been engraved in the body, flesh, and even soul. He spends his life not eating, but on the way to hunting.

The puppet made by the alchemist wizard imitated the appearance of the Death Mantis, and also imitated the charm and essence of the Death Mantis. With the wizard's alchemy skills, the powerful Death Mantis puppet was refined.

Of course, in addition to the essence of the Death God Mantis as an alchemy puppet, Lu Feng also added some of his own modifications to the Death God Mantis Puppet after buying it, which may be one of the reasons.

Lu Feng made a special sacrifice to the God of Death Praying Mantis according to some methods of blood sacrifice and refining treasures in the Earth Immortal Method.

The current dark body of the Death God Mantis is also engraved with a layer of blood-red lines that penetrate into the origin of the puppet's body. These lines allow the Death God Mantis to absorb evil spirit, hostility, murderous energy and other breaths to temper its body during the killing. .

As long as you kill more enemies and the stronger the enemies you kill, the Death Mantis Puppet will naturally improve.

At the end of the sacrifice, you can even make it bigger or smaller, lighter or heavier, all from the heart.

Some of the magic methods in the Earthly Immortal World are so powerful that Lu Feng doesn’t know how far he can use this method to sacrifice the God of Death Mantis. However, in the past killings, the God of Death Mantis ambushed the members of the Nine sects and the Western Region Alliance in Lu Feng. I killed several third-level masters at that time, and there was indeed some improvement.

The improvement of the blood sacrifice of killing also coincides with the meaning of hunting.

In Lu Feng's opinion, the various accumulations on the Death God Mantis Puppet may be the reason why it, a dead puppet without intelligence, can fit in with the divinity of the God of Hunting.

Since the two are so compatible, Lu Feng doesn't want to beat the two of them.

He directly picked the divine fruit from the branches of the energy-absorbing ancient tree sapling, then opened the core energy pool of the Death Mantis Puppet, and then stuffed the divine fruit of the God of Hunting into the core energy pool.

Practice has proven that dead objects like puppets can also be fused with divine fruits.

As soon as the divine fruit of the God of Hunting fell into the core energy pool of the Death God Mantis, it turned into a pool of golden liquid with a hint of dark red and merged into the core energy pool.

The golden-red divine liquid starts from the core energy pool and spreads to every part of the Death Mantis body along the energy circuits in the Death Mantis body.


Amidst the slight sound, on the head body of the Death God Mantis, a golden-red divine light shone in the two big black eyes, and a brutal aura of killing and hunting bloomed from the body.

It gives people the oppressive feeling of being targeted by a ferocious predator that will not stop until death.

Under Lu Feng's gaze, the body of the Death God Mantis slowly transformed under the power of the divine fruit, incorporating the divinity of the God of Hunting. Its aura became more powerful, and it looked like a puppet coming to life.

However, this transformation process did not happen in one go. After Lu Feng observed it for a while, he left with no interest and began to look for objects or people that matched the remaining four divine attributes.

Soon, Lu Feng made another gain.

The divinity of the God of Light fits the little sun that Lu Feng has always hung on the stage.

That magical weapon called the Sun Furnace.

The sun and light really go together!

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