Gou cultivates immortality in the wizarding world

Chapter 210 Fish monsters are also fish and can be caught!

The two fire dragon Taoist soldiers waited for a while in front of Grolls' painting, and then caught two fish monsters summoned by the ritual.

Hey, little fish monster, don't be afraid.

The fire dragon Taoist forcefully carried the fish monster to the experimental platform in front of Lu Feng, waiting for Lu Feng's research and processing.

In the situation where he was unable to resist, even the fish monster, as a monster, had big watery eyes full of fear.

For a moment, they all doubted their identity.

Who is the monster?

In fear, the three fish monsters also thought about resisting, but when they were smoked by the hot fire from the fire dragon Taoist soldiers, they became limp.

Under the training of Lu Feng, the fire dragon Taoist soldiers were extremely full of fire. How could a little guy like the fish monster be able to resist it?

The three fish monsters were unable to resist at all and could only lie limply on the experimental table, allowing Lu Feng to slaughter them.

It's a pity that this painting can only summon three monsters and then it becomes ineffective. What a waste!

Lu Feng looked at the faded painting after summoning the fish monster and said with regret.

It was my first time to come into contact with the extraordinary creatures in the Western World. Naturally, the more experimental samples the better.

It's a pity that the fish monster summoning ritual passed down by the Grols family is very simple and has very limited effect.

Lu Feng also learned about the origin of this fish monster summoning inheritance from Grolls.

It is said that Grolls' ancestor was an ordinary fisherman on the seaside. One time when he went out to sea to fish, he encountered a fog and accidentally saw some strange things in the fog.

After luckily escaping from the fog and returning home, Grols's ancestors locked themselves in the fog without eating or drinking, and created a painting that summoned the fish monster. With the help of others, Grols' ancestors also A foundation was laid in a small seaside town and passed down to a large family.

But as it has been passed down to future generations, the ritual of summoning fish monsters has become increasingly difficult to use, and few people have succeeded.

Without the help of the fish monster, Groles' family has become worse from generation to generation. By Groles' generation, his family has been in decline, and he is the only male left in the family.

Grolls' story sounds a bit miserable, but Lu Feng doesn't care about these things. He is more concerned about the fish monsters and other monsters in the Western World.

After activating the ritual summoning and obtaining fresh materials, Lu Feng returned to his old profession as a wizard and began to study fish monsters.

Soon, a fish monster was dissected into fine pieces by Lu Feng's hands. With the research, Lu Feng also summarized various data about the fish monster.

The fish monster is an ordinary water monster with low strength (physical fitness is about 1.6 times that of ordinary people). It can swim and breathe in the water. After landing, it can breathe through the skin with the help of body fluids to maintain combat effectiveness for five to eight days. The body It can secrete a fishy liquid that is slightly corrosive. It has scales attached to its skin, which can resist stabs and slashes from ordinary weapons. Its weak point is that it is afraid of fire and strong light.

A very ordinary monster. Apart from the special effects that come with the summoning ceremony, there is nothing new about it.

The ferocious appearance and strong body are easy to use against ordinary people. It is not unreasonable for Grolls' ancestors to make a fortune from fish monsters.

But against the same kind of extraordinary creatures, its combat effectiveness is extremely low.

Lu Feng compared the mirror monster he caught with the fish monster. One mirror monster can kill three to five fish monsters. If it is in a place with a reflective surface, the mirror monster can even kill three to five fish without any injuries. Strange.


Lu Feng ordered as a limp fish monster was thrown at Grolls' feet.

Here, take this fish monster and see if you can control it!

According to Groles, their family's bloodline has the ability to control fish monsters. When Lu Feng remembered this, he threw the remaining fish monsters from the experiment to Groles and let him try it out.

This? Although the family's inheritance has taught me, I haven't tested it for many years, and I don't know if it is useful.

The fishy smell of the fish wafted into his nose. Grolls smiled awkwardly, but under Lu Feng's sharp gaze, he still recalled the family inheritance and went up to try it.

Grolls took out a small knife, lightly cut his finger, let out some blood, and dripped it on the fish monster's forehead scales, then closed his eyes and concentrated, chanting a low spell.

As he recited the spell, Grols's face gradually distorted, and the blood flowed faster under his skin, turning it red. It was as if he was communicating with existence in the dark. Weird power condensed on his body, and the smell of sea water wafted in the air. .

It's interesting! I also tried this spell with the villagers, but unfortunately it didn't work at all. It seems that the bloodline of the Grolls family is also the key to this spell ritual!

Looking at the changed Grols, Lu Feng's eyes flickered, as if he wanted to see through the being communicated by Grols' spell.

It's a pity that Lu Feng has never practiced any eye skills, nor has he studied some heavenly magic. With just his strong mental power, what he observed seemed to be through a layer of frosted glass, and he could not see things clearly.

It can only be vaguely felt that the spell communicated by Grolls was a strong man related to sea water.

It seems that I still need to strengthen some enemy and exploration methods when I have time! After the initial resource accumulation period, whether it is to fight on the planes after the third level or to explore the Western World, my current methods are completely insufficient. Lu Feng Frowning slightly, feeling deeply inadequate.

Grols' ritual is still going on, and it goes very smoothly. Through the ceremony, Grols is connected to the spirit of the fish monster. As long as the fish monster is subdued, Grols can command the fish monster at will, which is equivalent to There is an extra fish monster thug.

After coming out of Lu Feng's small spiritual realm, the fish monster was frightened by the miserable state of its companions. Even though it was a monster, it still had basic psychological instincts. It dared not resist, so it simply lowered its head to Grolls.

With Lu Feng's intimidation, Grolls easily subdued the fish monster.

Bounce, jump, catch a paper ball.

Groles, who got a new toy, was very happy as he directed the fish monster to do some simple actions.

Being able to command a fish monster, he is now considered an extraordinary professional.

If he were to return to his hometown now, just by relying on his ability to command fish monsters and the practice of those scriptures, he would probably be able to easily regain the glory of his family's ancestors.

However, I'm afraid the boss won't let me go so easily.

Well done, next you should practice the Green Wood Sutra of Immortality, practice commanding the fish monsters, and have the ability to protect yourself, and then move to a bigger house to make life and practice more convenient! The rest is to wait for half a month. Let’s start school!”

Lu Feng glanced at Grols' current room and said with disgust.

Yes, sir!

After receiving a large bag of gold coins from Lu Feng, Grols held it in his arms. Feeling the boss's heavy concern, he nodded vigorously and agreed.

Go home, what home?

If you continue to follow the boss, it will be absolutely easy to restore your family.

The Grols family in the seaside town is not as honorable as the Grols family in Voorhees City.

A few days later, Grolls moved out of the cramped apartment building.

Then came the news that Grols, a poor painter, had some bad luck and sold a painting and made a lot of money.

The residents in the apartment building all had red eyes with envy.

If Grols hadn't been quick and quick, moved into the midtown area of ​​Voorhees City, and rented a three-story building away from the apartment building, I don't know how many people would have come to visit him!

Living in a small single-family building, the spacious space made Grols feel refreshed.

His reputation as a good-luck painter also spread, and he even got some business cooperation for custom paintings.

Voorhees City was at the forefront of the steam age. All kinds of things were booming, and advertising came into being.

However, Grols cruelly refused all commercial cooperation. He didn't know his own painting level. Although it was good, it was not at the level that he could become a painter. Otherwise, Grols would not have lived such a good life before. Embarrassed.

With the gold coins given by the boss, Grols has no financial worries for the time being.

Therefore, he is now concentrating on practicing the Aoki Sutra of Immortality and practicing commanding the fishmen according to the boss's instructions, in preparation for entering the inner courtyard of White Oak University.

The boss needed him to enter the inner courtyard. Grols accepted the money and received the favor, so he naturally went all out.

Lu Feng has seen Groles' actions these days.

Grolls is not bad, at least he is not stupid, and he seems to be a character who has lived a long time.

The amount of gold coins given by Lu Feng could also be regarded as a test for Grols.

If he can't handle it well, Lu Feng will be ready to choose someone else.

The use of brainless subordinates is also a burden.

While Grols was busy practicing, Lu Feng was also studying Groles' bloodline.

The inheritance of the Grols family requires the power of Grols' blood. Without the power of Grols' blood, the painting drawn by others is just an ordinary painting and cannot be used as a sacrifice to summon the fish monster.

If you can figure out the secret of the Grols family bloodline, you can use it on the villagers of the Qingmu Spiritual Realm, or arrange it into a ritual and refine it into a wizard's secret treasure.

Summon the fish monster, control the fish monster, and you can start a production line.

The strength of the fish monster is low, and it is of little use in the Qingmu Spiritual Realm.

But the thing behind the fish monster is a good target for Lu Feng.

The extraordinary world of the Western Region is very different from the world of earthly immortals. Just the summoning ceremony and playing with various monsters are very smooth. Lu Feng also wants to learn from each other's strengths and weaknesses and learn some advanced experience.

At Lu Feng's request, Groles selflessly contributed some of his blood.

Because of Annie's experience, Lu Feng also learned some methods of blood wizards, so it was not difficult to study Grolls' bloodline.

In two or three days, Lu Feng found the difference between the bloodline of the Grols family and ordinary people.

Is the source of the bloodline a curse? A powerful being cursed the ancestors of the Grols family, but it did not bring harm to Grols. Instead, it gave the Grols family more control over fish monsters. Ability, this cannot be regarded as a curse, the Grolls family should have become a dependent of that existence because of the curse, the fish monster is also a dependent of that existence, and the Grolls family is a higher-level dependent than the fish monster.

Lu Feng looked in the direction of the Grolls family seaside town, and seemed to see a strong man living in the sea.

After figuring out the principle of this bloodline, everything is easy! I don't have the habit of turning my villagers into other people's dependents. This is fine. I will cultivate a few copies of this curse, then refine it into a secret treasure, and control it through restrictions. Just fine”

After figuring everything out, Lu Feng mobilized his men, and soon a fishing rod was made by Lu Feng.

The whole body of the fishing rod is emerald green, with large-scale forbidden incantations painted on the rod body. The aura shines, making it look extraordinary at first glance.

The fishing pole is made of the branches of energy-absorbing ancient tree saplings. It is made of thick material. I planted the curse in Grolls's bloodline into this spiritual tree. I nourished it with the wood energy and continued to grow the curse. At the same time, I used restrictions and curses to Wen binds the curse so that the curse will not affect fishermen. When using it, just put the bait made of incense and will power on the hook, find a puddle of water, and you can continue to catch fish monsters.

Lu Feng found a villager from the spiritual realm, collected a puddle of water in the small spiritual realm, and then asked the villager to start fishing with the fishing pole he made.

Under Lu Feng’s instructions,

The villagers skillfully hang bait, plan hooks, and slide bait. At first glance, they are experienced fishermen.

Hey, there's no need to bait, just recite the incantation and pray according to the ritual!

I'm sorry, sir, I usually fish, I'm used to it.

The fishing villagers heard Lu Feng's reprimand and quickly corrected themselves. They recited the spell while fishing meticulously and completed the ritual of summoning the fish monster.

As the ceremony progressed, the atmosphere in the small spiritual realm became strange again.

Soon, the float swayed in the water, and the fishing villagers skillfully pulled the rod. The fish monster biting the bait was dragged ashore by the villagers in confusion. Before it could resist, it was pushed to the ground by the fire dragon Taoist soldiers guarding the villagers, and was skillfully tied up. stand up.

The fish monster is also a fish. This is the right way to catch you! Let me collect some wool from you first, and then I will find a way to catch you after I find out your details.

Lu Feng Laohuai smiled happily when he saw his fishing men who were cooperating with each other tacitly.

What's the point of catching a small fish monster? If you want to catch one, just catch a big one.

In the Western World, Lu Feng doesn't have the ability to get in touch with high-level people yet, so he starts with these small things. After he becomes familiar with them, he can plan the whole world.

The fishing production line has entered the process, and Lu Feng's Qingmu Spiritual Realm can harvest many fish monsters every day.

Although the fish monster is weak, Lu Feng doesn't mind it.

Throw them all into the seawater tank in the spiritual realm and leave them to the command of the giant octopus, which can be regarded as enriching the biological diversity of the spiritual realm.

After doing this, Lu Feng wouldn't be here to keep an eye on him all the time.

The Wizarding World still needs him to preside over the medicine refining factory, and the Red Leaf Society also needs him to pay attention to Dahe Temple. After contacting three worlds in a row, Lu Feng said that he is still a little busy.

On the other side, time also flew by as Grols practiced seriously.

In the blink of an eye,

Half a month passed, and it was time for Grols to enter the inner courtyard to study.

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