Most of the pure white clothes have been dyed bright red, especially the back, which has become a blush.

"Taro! Be sure to hold on."

Shangguan Yunyi still couldn't help but secretly aim at the curtain cloud purple, whispering in the heart, seeing her kneeling on the ground, constantly vomiting blood, he not only has a heartache, but even the bones of the whole body are hurting, just like It is broken like one by one with a hammer.

The penalty is getting thicker and thicker, and from the size of the finger, it has become thicker.

In the fairyland of the world, surrounded by cliffs, at this moment, almost moved into the flat, the sea of ​​flowers, under the electric shock of the red thunder, is not a burnt wreck, just like the petals of rain floating in the air Rippling.

This picture, like it is back to the night charm and Shangguan Yunyi's previous world war, the sky is full of sea, sadness.

The flowers bloom and fall, and the song ends.

The night charm grips the right hand of the magic sword, and his left hand, the nails have completely fallen into the flesh, and the palms are constantly pouring out blood. The feeling that the person who loves the heart is suffering, but powerless, is really sad.

"Little Purple!"

The night charm has whispered the name countless times in my heart.

The unicorn saw the wound of the curtain cloud purple, but it still couldn't hold it, because the time has not yet arrived, and there is still a thunder.

When the ninth thunderstorm is about to come down, a radius of ten miles, even if there is no sky penalty, it is also a red one.

The curtain cloud purple quickly rushed the medicinal herbs, she was afraid that she would hesitate a little, and the spiritual power of recovery would not be enough to resist the catastrophe.


The red thunder of the Thunder, the imposing smashing down, seems to be the death of the curtain cloud.

"Baby! You will be as strong as your mother, right?"

When the curtain cloud purple saw the ninth thunder, it looked so straight, and there was no horror in the low, just touching the lower abdomen with both hands.

After the ninth thunder, the embarrassment is not only the flesh, but also the soul.

The soul of the curtain cloud purple is not complete. This is something that everyone knows. Now it is necessary to smash this thunder, the nerves of Shangguan Yunyi and the night charm directly collapse into a straight line.


The ninth thunder robbers went to the body of Yun Yunzi, so that she couldn’t help but scream again, even if she wanted to hold back, she couldn’t help it. Because it was too painful, she could still bite her teeth. Simply, but the pain of the soul, so that she can no longer hold on to the screams.


"Little Purple!"

Shangguan Yunyi and the night charm are both subconsciously stepping forward, and they hear the screams of the curtain cloud purple. His heart is like being killed by people.

"Wing! Night brother! I... I'm fine, but a little... a little painful, no big deal."


The curtain cloud purple just finished this sentence, squirting another blood on his chest.

The curtain cloud purple back and feet, has long been robbed by the ninth, and the **** and fuzzy, shocking.

"I will help you heal."

At this time, the unicorn flew over, and the healing power was running very fast, because it had to cure the curtain cloud purple before the 91st thunderstorm, otherwise she could not resist it.

"Thank you, unicorn."

The curtain cloud purple weakly bowed to the unicorn, if there is no cure ability of the unicorn, it is estimated that she is at most three thunders, and she will definitely die.

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