After the white tiger finished, he attacked the night charm with a more violent attack. Obviously, he was very angry at the night charm.

The night charm is cold and cold, and what you want is to irritate you.


As time went by, the curtains of the purple scorpion sounded awkwardly, and the little foxes and the more they didn't look at them all saw the purple clouds. I don't know why there was a purple lightning sound on the curtain.

Along with the purple thunder, there was a breeze around her, which was a very subtle weak wind at first, gradually becoming a phoenix.


Lan Yi was pierced by the night Ji Yijian, and the last one was shot and flew out. He fell to the ground and vomited a few mouthfuls of blood.

"Cough and cough!"


Lan Yi was lying on the ground, his mouth constantly pouring out blood, watching Lanze frightened.


Lanze looked back in horror, and saw that Lan Yi was lying on the ground and vomiting blood donation. A heart mentioned the mouth of the scorpion, and his heart was sore.

That is, Lanze turned back, letting Night Ji a sword pierced the chest, the left arm was ruthlessly cut off, and finally fell to the ground by the night Ji Yun, only one meter away from Lan Yi.

Lan Ze was crushed by the night Ji Ji, and the whole body was broken. Even the right hand was right, and the acupuncture point that wanted to stop bleeding to the left arm could not be lifted.

"Blue Yi! Lanze!"

Dalong and the more they don’t see them, they saw Lanze Lanyi’s overthrown, vomiting blood, and wanted to help them in the past, but their meridians were also crushed by Night Ji, and they couldn’t lift their strength, let alone It’s not going to raise your hand. The only thing is that you are not dead. There is still a breath.

Is this the picture that Night Ji wants to see the curtain cloud purple?

No, these are not all, she wants to let the people who care about the clouds, who died in front of her, are fierce.

"Xiaoyi! Xiaoyi."

Lanze didn't move in the same direction. He knew that Lan Yi was not far from him, and looked at it and found that Lan Yi was still vomiting blood.

Blood, along the mouth of Lan Yi, slowly flowed to his ear roots, neck, these are all heartache for Lan Ze.

"A... Azer!"

"I... I'm fine."

Just as Lan Yi was about to fall into a coma, he heard the voice of Lan Ze, and strongly let himself wake up, not to faint, because this coma is likely to be a coma forever, not to wake up.

Lan Yi couldn’t move. He could only squint at Lan Ze, who was lying not far away. He saw that Lan Ze’s left arm was gone. His heart was so painful. If he could, the person who would rather break his arm is he.

"A... Azer! Yours... your arm."

Lan Yi cried in distressed heart. He saw Lanze, he really felt so sad.

It turned out that it was so painful to see the injured person hurt, and the heart seemed to be hurting like a beast.

"Xiaoyi! I... I am fine, nothing."

When Lan Ze just finished, there was blood in his mouth, and he also had a shocking blood clot.

Lan Yi saw it here, so I wanted to help him wipe the blood of his mouth, but his hand could not move.

Lanze, why don't he want to help Lan Yi help the dazzling blush?

He seemed to stretch his arms to touch his face, pulling his hand, but unfortunately... his left arm was broken.

Lan Yi is also, he would like to stretch his right hand to touch Lan Ze's face, pulling his hand, but he can't move.

Seeing Lan Yi, who was crying for him, was in the heart of the cold and colic.

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