Goldfinger Auction

Chapter 201: reunion

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Busy with everything in the hospital.

Lin Hong invited everyone to breakfast at a nearby hotel.

He also opened a room for Sun Suo, Jiang Lan and others to rest.

After almost resting, at noon, when returning home, Sun Suo was surprised to find...

A lot of people gathered in front of the house, as well as construction vehicles.

Some people even set up tents on the street outside their home.

What the **** are these people doing in front of his house?

When Sun Suo came over, someone immediately greeted him.

After some conversation, Sun Suo understood what was going on.

This house, Sun's house, was mortgaged by Sun Suo's father to a business friend.

Later, the grandfather had no money to pay back, and the ownership of the house had actually belonged to the friend in the business. It was just for the friend's sake that he temporarily lent it to the Sun family to live in.

A time limit was also agreed.

Sun's father never told Sun Suo about this.

Now it's the agreed time limit, so the business friend took the house back.

The Xu family where Qiao Hui's wife Xu Xin lives happens to be acquainted with that person.

Qiao Hui and Xu Xin died tragically. Although Sun Suo had an alibi, it was rumored that Sun Suo killed the entire Qiao family.

The Xu family had reported many cases, and the investigation organs could not arrest people without evidence.

The Xu family was unable to kill Sun Suo, and held a grudge against Sun Suo.

So they found the friend of Sun's father and bought the ownership of Sun's house with money.

This morning, they came to Sun's house, intending to forcibly drive out Sun Suo as the owner of the house, so that they can't kill Sun Suo, disgusting Sun Suo, right?

Sun Suo's house is surrounded by high walls, and the only entrance is an alloy door.

They couldn't open the door, so they invited people from the real estate bureau, the court, reporters, and people from the media to supervise them, and used excavators to prepare to forcibly dig up the high wall to enter Sun's house.

After entering, pack up the Sun's family's things and throw them out.

Sun Suo looked at the real estate certificate in the other party's hand and found that the house really didn't belong to him now.

Became the Xu family.

This is interesting.

Called grandfather grandson, grandfather grandson was a little unhappy, but in the end he told Sun Suo everything.

Sun Suo was speechless to his grandfather...

It was said earlier that he had already paid for the house to be redeemed.

Now it was put together by the Xu family.

"You bought it for 20 million, right? I'll pay twice the price to redeem the house." Sun Suo negotiated with the Xu family.

"Twice? Dream! Twenty times, I won't sell you for a penny less." The Xu family rejected Sun Suo.

"This is a haunted house, are you sure you must live in it?" Sun Suo, with kindness in his heart, destroyed the Qiao family.

"Hahahaha... Of course we have to live! Our whole family has to live in, so mad at you!" The Xu family laughed, seeing Sun Suo's homeless appearance, and felt very angry.

"I'll give you the keys, I wish you happiness." Sun Suo stopped talking nonsense and handed all the keys to the Xu family in front of the court, real estate bureau staff and reporters.

The furniture, objects and the like at home were temporarily put into the yin and yang jar from the Horcrux of Sun's house by Sun Suo with his thoughts.

While operating the yin-yang pot, Sun Suo accidentally discovered that the bodies of the little girl and the little boy on the roof of the hospital had turned into two round eggs.

After clicking, I learned that this thing is called a soul egg, and it needs yin to hatch.

"Is it possible to hatch those two invulnerable little monsters?" Sun Suo was looking forward to it.


After school in the afternoon, the homeless Sun Suo had to summon the Horcrux bus.

I found a back alley near the former Qiao's house and stopped in.

why stop here...

Sun Suo usually doesn't go to many places, and he knows that this place is relatively remote.

And it's far from the Sun House.

Enter the Horcrux bus, turn on the phone, and check the situation in the yin and yang tank.

The two soul eggs are still hatching, and it is unknown when they will hatch.

There were more than 20 black mosquitoes hatched.

This thing hatches extremely slowly, and can only hatch one at a time.

The demon mirror has risen to the third level.

Sun Suo took it to the building on the third floor of the Tiankeng Proving Ground APP.

The mirror that has risen to the third level can bounce the high-energy particle beam on the ceiling four times.

But also damaged again.

As a last resort, Sun Suo threw it into the yin and yang jar again for repair.

After the night, Sun Suo checked the Sun House Horcrux.

It turned out that the Xu family had really moved in.

Also opened a PARTY in the Sun House.

"Hey, family, it's all about being neat and tidy!"

Considering that Xu Xin was alone there, Sun Suo decided to help their family reunite.

Sun Suo got off the bus, found the police office near Qiao's house, and confirmed to the on-duty picket that the camera was not broken, and then sat down facing the camera.

Seeing this scene, the picket on duty seemed to recall something.

No way? Is there another massacre going on?

Is this making an alibi?

"Why didn't you go home in the middle of the night?" Sun Suo was asked by the check.

"Homeless! I'm so pitiful." Sun Suo looked sad.


The picket was speechless. Seeing Sun Suo lowering his head and playing with his mobile phone, he quickly sent a message to the work group quietly, so that everyone would be more vigilant, saying that something big might happen tonight.

Sun Suo, who was under the camera, played with his mobile phone on his own.

Soul refining play...

Soon, the lively Sun House became quiet.

There were more than a dozen corpses on the floor of the room.

The state of death was extremely tragic, and it seemed that he had died by exploding his soul.

The Sun House automatically opened the door, and a large number of alarms sounded.

Several anchors invited by the Xu family rushed into Sun's house and witnessed this tragic scene with their own eyes.

He immediately called the police and filmed it all and posted it online.

The picket arrived quickly and called Sun's house... Now the surveillance in Xu's house has seen the terrifying scene of the Xu family dying one by one.

The biggest suspect is Sun Suo.

The investigation immediately released the case to the work group, and searched the city for the biggest suspect, Sun Suo.

"There's no need to hunt down. When the Xu family died, he was always with me." The guard on duty looked at Sun Suo under the camera, his back was cold.

Is the Xu family mentally ill? Run to seize the Sun House?

That's not the way to die, is it?


After helping the Xu family to reunite, Sun Suo was not in a hurry to return to the Sun House.

The haunted mansion has become famous.

And the ownership is no longer in Sun Suo's hands.

There will definitely be relatives in the Xu family who will take over this 'Haunted If you live in your own home, you will continue to practice your soul.

If it doesn't work and wants to sell it, find someone to buy it back at a low price.


Things went much faster than Sun Suo expected.

Two days later, the haunted house was listed in a nearby real estate agency.

The quoted price is 15 million, which is 5 million lower than the actual price.

After Sun Suo negotiated with someone, the final transaction price was 8 million to buy Sun's house back.

"It's still the most comfortable sleeping at home! So many people died, it's really full of yin, and it's a big boost."

Sun Suo lay back on his bed contentedly.

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