Goldfinger Auction

Chapter 122: No hurry (thanks to zxc 1437 sponsorship)

"I'm not interested in the evidence of his crime! Could it be that you think I'll send him to the picket bureau?" Sun Suo snorted coldly.

"I know, what you his life...but, he is a rank eight martial artist, it's not that easy to kill him! Besides, there are great forces behind him." Wang Lin thought hard about his own Take advantage of the value, otherwise, with the temper of this kid from the Sun family, it is possible to refine him here at any time.

He has been cultivating in Qiao's mansion all these years, and he doesn't go out much.

This is good, not many people care about death.

"Who is the big force behind him?" Sun Suo asked.

"The Liu family in Hengshi." Wang Lin replied to Sun Suo.

"Liu's family..." Sun Suo couldn't help but sigh, it seems that he and Liu Hao hated each other as soon as they met. It's not without reason... He was destined to step on this dungeon line and brush it to the end.

"Do you know the Liu family in Hengshi? One of the top ten families in Hengshi, there is a soul master and two martial masters in the clan." Wang Lin continued.

"Of course I know, I only killed Liu Hao, how could I not know about the Liu family in Hengshi?" Sun Suo sneered.

"Ah? You killed the future head of their Liu family?" Wang Lin was taken aback.

"I thought that Qiao Heng had such a great force behind it, but it was the Liu family in Hengshi! It seems that the Liu family is really not a good thing. When I kill Qiao Heng, I will go to Hengshi to destroy the Liu family!" of disdain.

"What the **** am I provoking?" Hearing what Sun Suo said, Wang Lin couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat.

For today's plan, how can we seek a chance of life?

"You... are of no use to me. You can make corpse bricks." Sun Suo looked at Wang Lin.

"I... I can help you kill Qiao Heng! I set up the talisman formation of the Qiao family! I can help you remove the talisman formation, making it easier for you to enter the Qiao family!" Wang Lin hurriedly searched for a new one for himself. use value.

"Do you think I'll believe you? Without your help, it would be a matter of time before the talisman formation of Qiao's family was broken, but it would take more time. The night is still long, take your time, don't rush." ​​Sun Suo looked leisurely look.

"I can send your soul breath into my soul! In this way, I will be completely under your command! You can rest assured that I will go back to Qiao's house to be your inner responder!" Wang Lin gritted his teeth and asked Sun Suo. come out.

"Oh? There is such a way of playing?" Sun Suo frowned.

"As long as you do what I say, you can complete the transfer of your soul to me. After you succeed, you can try it and see if you can manipulate my body and you will know whether it is successful or not." Wang Lin explained to Sun Suo.

"Okay, I'll give you a chance, but if you dare to make a fool of yourself, don't blame me for being rude!" Sun Suo agreed with Wang Lin's proposal.

Then, under the guidance of Wang Lin, Sun Suo began to try to send his soul to Wang Lin with his soul breath.

The steps are very complicated, and it took more than a dozen consecutive operations to finally...success?

"Hahahahahaha... I thought the kid from the Sun family was so smart! I didn't expect to be so stupid! He wanted to send his soul to me? It ended up being sent to me! It's so funny! Hahahahahaha..."

Wang Lin laughed wildly, and then tried to manipulate Sun Suo's body.

Sun Suo in the living room did all kinds of funny actions according to Wang Lin's instructions.

"Have you had enough?"

After a while, Sun Suo's figure flashed, and Wang Lin's soul transmission to Sun Suo was invalid... He re-stuffed a hair in it, replacing the avatar that Wang Lin sent his soul to.

"" Wang Lin tried to sense the soul breath in Sun Suo's body...but he couldn't sense anything.

Under normal circumstances, with his sixth-stage soul disciple's cultivation, he can only use soul breath to temporarily control other people's bodies in this way, although it is not as stable and long-lasting as the soul thoughts sent by soul masters and great soul masters. , but as long as Soul Breath controls Sun Suo for a period of time, he can win a chance for himself to turn defeat into victory.

After that, as long as he strengthens his soul breath every once in a while, he can continue to control Sun Suo.

Never thought that it was so easy to deceive Sun Suo to let him send his soul successfully, which suddenly failed?

"Refining... soul!"

Sun Suo spat out two words that made Wang Lin tremble.


Wang Lin screamed loudly.


After half a minute.

"I don't dare anymore! I don't dare anymore! I beg the boss to raise your hand and spare me this time. I will make up for it and help you kill Qiao Heng!" Wang Lin lay on the ground and begged Sun Suo bitterly.

Compared with soul training, the so-called tortures such as burning meat with a soldering iron, sticking fingers with bamboo boards, and stabbing toothpicks between fingernails are not worth mentioning at all. There are not many people in this world who can resist the pain of soul training.

"Okay, it's time to teach me the correct way to send a soul." Sun Suo suggested it to Wang Lin.

"Okay." Wang Lin didn't dare to play tricks again this time, and taught Sun Suo the correct way to send a soul.

In the end, Sun Suo successfully controlled Wang Lin's body and told him to do whatever he wanted.

"Let's rush to Qiao's mansion to break Qiao Heng's formation and kill Qiao Heng! In order to avoid too many nights, if he finds out that I haven't called back for a long time, he will have doubts about me. Doubt, our plan may be exposed." Wang Lin urged Sun Suo.

"No hurry." Sun Suo sat on the sofa and closed his eyes.

"I can't be in a hurry! Qiao Heng has always been suspicious, if he..." Wang Lin continued to urge Sun Suo.

Before reaching the realm above a soul master, the soul breath does not last for a long time, and it will be invalid after ten minutes.

Wang Lin wanted to urge Sun Suo to leave Sun's house with the Horcrux. When he returned to Qiao's mansion, Sun Suo's spirit of sending his soul to him was almost useless. At that time, he could join forces with Qiao Heng to deal with Sun Suo.

"Did I tell you to speak?" Sun Suo was furious and asked Wang Lin to try soul refining for more than ten seconds.

Wang Lin screamed miserably, and after the soul training stopped, he didn't dare to urge again.

Although Sun Suo was not familiar with sending souls or anything, he knew the difference between soul breath and soul mind.

He guessed that the soul breath may only be temporary, and the soul thought can be permanent.

But now he can't separate the soul from the soul to control Wang So he has to try to figure out how long he can control Wang Lin after sending his soul once.

After figuring this out, take Wang Lin to the Qiao Mansion to break through the formation, so as not to worry about Wang Lin escaping control midway.

At this moment, Wang Lin was very anxious. If he waited like this, his plan to deceive Sun Suo and try to escape would be exposed! At that time, it will inevitably be another pass of soul training...

But if Sun Suo was told the truth, and Sun Suo sent him his soul every ten minutes, wouldn't he be Sun Suo's puppet forever? No chance of escape anymore?

How can this be good?

"Aren't you ready to tell me the truth?" Sun Suo opened his mouth, and his tone was very stern.

"Boss, spare your life! Just now, I forgot to tell the boss, because the boss has not yet reached the cultivation level of a soul master, so this soul sending technique will fail after a certain period of time, about ten minutes..."

Under the enormous psychological pressure, Wang Lin had to take the initiative to confess.

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