Goldfinger Auction

Chapter 114: Publicly funded medical care (Thank you everyone, I am the praise of Wujiang, Jiangsu.

From the point of view of normal people, even if Sun Suo killed Liu Hao and secretly took away the Soul Chopping Saber that had hidden Liu Hao, it should have been buried in the trial ground and could not be taken away at this time.

The elders of the Liu family naturally would not have thought that Sun Suo could adjust his soul power attribute to zero at any time.

Moreover, if Sun Suo's soul was seriously injured, most of his soul skills except soul healing soul skills would be banned from the phone.

No matter how advanced the soul power tester is, there is no way to detect soul power in him.

However, the people of the Liu family were still very upset with Sun Suo. They listened to the description of the incident by the Liu family bodyguards and insisted that it was Sun Suo who angered Liu Hao at first, which caused Liu Hao to become mentally ill after viewing the statue.

To this end, the Lin family and the Liu family also had a dispute.

"The character of the Liu family seems to be paranoid as a whole. Liu Hao's bad character should be related to family inheritance." Jiang Lan concluded.

"It's possible." Sun Suo agreed.

"You still have to be careful of the Liu family's revenge. For these **** people, there is no reason at all. No matter what others say, they will only think that they are right." Jiang Lan reminded Sun Suo.

"Will do."

"By the way, there is no camera here, do you really not know where that Soul Chopping Sword is?" Jiang Lan was also very curious about this question.

"How do I know? I suspect that the statue took away the Soul Chopping Sword while controlling Liu Hao's soul." Sun Suo gave Jiang Lan a target of suspicion... The statue wouldn't speak anyway.

"It's very possible! That statue is very suspicious! I'll report the situation later." Hearing what Sun Suo said, Jiang Lan suddenly realized.

"By the way, how did you deal with the statue? Was it torn down and destroyed? If it is not torn down and destroyed, it will harm people in the future." Sun Suo asked.

"They built a high wall around the entire central square and established a rune array. This kind of strange thing, for these aristocratic families, of course, it must be raised, and it may be possible to raise some treasures in the future and sell them for a good price. " Jiang Lan replied.

"That's true." Sun Suo already has a copy on his phone. If he has a chance, he will study it carefully.


Sun Suo was injured on duty this time. The federal government reimbursed the hospital medical expenses and food in full. He could also receive subsidies every day. In addition, his physical and spiritual injuries were still not healed, so he was not in a hurry to leave the hospital.

Now on the phone, Sun Suo already has three hair clones.

They are the main avatar, the nursing home trial avatar, and the ancient building trial avatar.

Sun Suo asked the main avatar and the avatars in the nursing home trial to hang up to practice Yuanyang Shield, and strive to light up the plus sign of Yuanyang Shield as soon as possible.

This experience in the ancient building trial field made Sun Suo deeply realize how important a defensive martial skill should be.

If his Yuanyang Shield can light up the plus sign as soon as possible, and raise it to more than three stages, when he encounters a fatal blow from a powerful enemy, it will automatically pop up to resist damage.

This time, I won't suffer such serious injuries, and I almost died under the sword of the wandering spirit general.

The phone vibrated and a prompt popped up.

The ghost pet has awakened.

Prompt it is hungry now and needs to eat.

Sun Suo pulled out a ghost corpse from the item bar and threw it to the ghost pet.

The ghost pet opened its **** mouth and devoured the ghost corpse quickly.

The message indicates a small increase in intimacy, and then indicates that it is still hungry.

Sun Suo threw it a few more ghost corpses, but they ate them all.

The intimacy continued to improve, but I was still hungry.

Sun Suo simply threw all the ghost corpses and martial corpses in the item column to it.

In the end it was all eaten up.

Then he fell into a deep sleep, and the three words 'Evolving...' were displayed in the status bar.

"That's great. Now it's a sixth rank. If it evolves successfully, it will become a seventh rank. It will be a very strong fighting force." Sun Suo was very satisfied with the result.

After arranging the training of the two avatars and the evolution of the ghost pet, Sun Suo entered the ancient building trial field, and manipulated the hair avatar to start all the exploration of the trial field.

In reality, when Sun Suo entered the ancient building trial field, it had actually been cleaned up repeatedly by the children of the aristocratic family and the social warriors who paid to go in for the trial.

The water ghost that I encountered might be a fish that slipped through the net, or it might just be refreshed when Sun Suo Mao's clone went in.

The entire ancient building trial field is completely empty, only there are some wandering soul soldiers over the space crack in the restricted area.

As for the trial field in Sun Suo's mobile phone, after entering, all the ghosts are still there, not a few.

It is all over the ancient building trial field, everywhere.


The ghosts in it are all four paragraphs.

After Sun Suo hunted, he could hardly get any free points. Occasionally, there were only one or two free points.

But that doesn't mean the trip was a waste of time.

These fourth-order ghosts have a certain chance of bursting fourth-order soul crystals.

A fourth-order soul crystal is worth about 3 million to 5 million. According to the number of ghosts in the ancient building trial ground, at least a dozen of them can be exploded, right?

would be a small fortune.

As for the fourth-stage ghosts in it, Sun Suo decided not to do it himself, leaving it to Jiang Lan, and Yao Xue and Shan Yao who had improved their strengths to practice their skills and improve their cultivation.

They couldn't take the exploding soul crystal, and it fell to the ground. Sun Suo would just come and collect it when the time came.

Sun Suo manipulated the clone to avoid the entanglement of those ghosts and came to the vicinity of the central square.

Because when Sun Suo downloaded it, there was no high wall or a talisman formation to surround the statue in the trial grounds.

Therefore, the central square in the mobile phone test field still maintains the appearance when Sun Suo entered with the others.

What's the secret of this statue?

I'm afraid what conditions must be met to trigger it?

After staring at the statue for a while, the hair clone became a little irritable.

It even started to attack the approaching ghosts uncontrollably.

The combat power is also about 20% higher than usual.

"Should it be a halo of hatred?" Sun Suo guessed.

Judging from Liu Hao's performance Those affected by the statue are not blindly attacking other people around them.

Rather, it attacks those who have previously created conflict and hatred.

Just like Liu Hao, he thought that Lin Yi laughed at him, thought that Lin Yi favored Sun Suo, so he hated Lin Yi, and after being mad, Lin Yi approached him, so he was attacked.

After that, he came to attack Sun Suo, whom he hated even more.

He didn't attack other people indiscriminately.

Sun Suo has checked the history of this general on the Internet, and it is considered a generation of famous generals. The soldiers under his command are not afraid of death and fight for the first place in battle, which makes the enemy extremely terrified.

Therefore, there is no doubt that the halo of hatred.

Let's put it here first and see what changes it will follow.

Or what conditions are met, triggering special tasks and the like.

Sun Suo manipulated the hair clone to continue walking towards the depths of the scenic spot, in the direction of the ancient building.

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