Golden Greenery

Vol 2 Chapter 512: It's really hard to say goodbye

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On August 2, 2006, the AC Milan Club and the Madaba Club released official news at the same time: Zhuo Yang transferred to AC Milan for 78 million euros with the first value in football history.

This news made Milan half of the city boiling, and also made the Maddie fans who had previously had a fluke heartbroken. Even the entire German football world was saddened by this. The Bundesliga lost their signboards, their flags, and their souls.

The next day, "Picture News" and "Hanover Times" also published on the front page Zhuo Yang prepared in advance "It's really difficult to say goodbye."


I was born in China. There is something called Hukou in our country. It is the same as your driver's license, social insurance number, and tax number. It is a record book used to manage and prove a national identity. There is no difference. But in China's Hukou, there is a very special record: hometown.

Hometown indicates where you were born, and even records where your father or grandparents were born. That is to say, the place where your hometown records, that is your root.

In the hukou book, my native place is a very old city, it is called Xi'an. My father and grandfather are the same, and my child's birthplace will be Xi'an in the future. With this place of origin, even if I have never lived in this city, even if I have already moved to another city under my hukou, others will always think that I am a Xi'an, and I have lived it all my life.

Fort Mady is my football origin!

This beautiful city of Hanover is my football account, and Fort Mady is my hometown. No matter where I go, how far I go, or how long I go, I will always be a Maddie, because my hometown is here.

I am only 21 years old this year. Xi’an and Hanover are the only two cities where I have actually lived. Almost all of my friends met in these two places. There are brothers and you. It's been four years, and when I decided to go back to the bag and start again, it was really hard to say goodbye.

Four years ago, in order to find my dream, I came to Hanover. Here, I found my dream, that is, the root of my football and the soul of music. Today, four years later, in order to make my dreams grow wings, I had to start again. Goodbye, saying that exporting is as difficult as it was four years ago.

Then don't say goodbye!

My home is still in Hanover, the little white building you all know, and I just renovated it. My friend, Reedman Carpenter on Mariner Street, asked me when he was working there a while ago: Do ​​you need to install a movable partition in the small corner cabinet? I think his idea is great.

My school is still in Hanover, the music university you all know, no matter what season, you will always find a blooming flower on campus. I return to study there every week, and I even feel that I should study there for the rest of my life, as long as the professors agree.

Little Fred still sends newspapers to the mailbox at my door every day. He is a good boy. If the final exam score is a little higher, it will be even better.

Saihu is a good dog, I still often go to the peninsula to train it for high jump. If you can get rid of the bad habit of chasing cars and smelling gasoline exhaust, I think it can live to 100 years old.

Well, I won't say goodbye to you because there is no parting. I am like a child, going to travel the world.

I want my music to write the whole world, I want to conquer the world with my football!

Do you want to see me conquer the whole world? I think it must be.



The Madyburg Club also announced that it will idle the team's No. 18 jersey for an unlimited period of time.

It is not a number retired, nor a jersey sealed, but just idle. The 18th is still there, but it is just not enabled. As a result, everyone in Fort Maddie knew that starting from this day, the No. 18 jersey was suspended in the team's honor room and locker room, waiting quietly for its owner to return.

From this day on, the wardrobe in the center of the Victor Stadium home team's locker room has not been assigned to anyone else. The nameplate on the wardrobe door is marked with "KING", and it will be polished every day.

Whenever the team launches an impact on the field or encounters a crisis, the stand will always sound "Song of the King", which inspires the hearts of the people of Fort Mady.


Zhuo Yang completed the transfer, like a lever, causing a chain reaction in European football, and various big plays were staged.

Lord Ferguson did his job to dispel the expectations of Ronaldinho's transfer to Real Madrid and ensured that his competitive position in the team was higher than that of Rooney. In order to establish the core of Ronaldinho's offensive, Manchester United also released Fanny, the Portuguese genius finally got the treatment and rights to directly attack the goal. The prince immediately dug up Carrick at a high price to strengthen the midfield, so that Ronaldinho could not worry about his back.

Arsenal urgently started the backup plan, and Denilson and Rosicky came together, and they were determined not to let Fabregas go.

Bayern Munich thoroughly established the use of piglets Schweinsteiger and Ram as the cornerstone of reconstruction, and increased price competition to replace Podolsky with Podolski, and once again rejected Hargreaves’ request for transfer, and heartily Dig van Bieten to increase the competitiveness of the European arena.

Real Madrid used the budget to buy Zhuo Yang, recruiting Emerson, Cannavaro, Fanny and Diarra in one go.

After Barcelona’s frustration, the alternative Fabregas did not succeed The commitment to Harvey's main position also shows that he is cautious about Zhuo Yang's coming to the midfield.

Inter Milan used the saved funds to supplement ten players at a stretch. Among them, Maxwell, Vieira, Ibrahimović, Crespo are all famous players, and 23 million have bought the World Cup. Good left back, Fort Maddie player Grosso, and once again extended the contract with Recoba.

Chelsea was very funny. Er Buguang thought about messing with other giants, but unexpectedly moved the stone and smashed his foot because they fell in love with Shevchenko.

Do you think Berlusconi is so fool? Say it raises the price? All this is because he has Shevchenko in his hand.

The nuclear warhead wanted to go to Abu, and Abu also loved the Ukrainians so much that he even made a move to bypass Mourinho. Based on Shevchenko's recent performance in terms of age and other comprehensive factors, the normal value is about 30 million yuan, and even if there is a premium for Russian silly big money, it will be traded at about 45 million yuan.

Chelsea made trouble for Zhuo Yang's transfer, and Mr. Bei didn't care at all: Mother Di Lei, how much I spent on Zhuo Yang, and in the end it was your tortoise and grandson who paid me the bill.

After completing Zhuo Yang's transfer agreement, AC Milan called Chevsey to Shevchenko's asking price: 73 million!

Abden was dumbfounded. He didn't expect Berlusconi to play so hard. But it is not necessary to buy. If you promise a lot of people, you can't come and go without buying face. To put it bluntly, in the end, Shevchenko's transfer fee became 68 million after Zhuo Yang this summer.

Seen in this light, AC Milan didn't actually spend much money to buy Zhuo Yang. When it comes to doing business, no one will agree with Berlusconi across Europe.

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