Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 1116: Ronaldo 4 happy

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Cristiano Ronaldo scored four goals at Manchester City Stadium.

Many years later, whenever people mention that he has never won against Zhuo Yang in his life, Ronaldo will always think of this day in April 2019, when he defeated Zhuo Yang.

Juventus beat Manchester City 7-1 away, Ronaldo scored 4 goals.

However, this is not Peyo, the city is not the city, and the game is not the Champions League, but just the U9 echelon competition, and it is the little woman who defeated the little blue moon.

The majestic Ronaldo is not Ronaldo, but the eldest son of Ronaldo, Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos, born in 2010.

In football, there are many stories of a tiger father and a dog, a dog father and a tiger son, and both father and son are tigers. As for the two generations of father and son are dog things, there must be no stories.

The most positive role models are the Marzola father and son and the Maldini father and son from Italy, who have become legends, both young and old.

But they are all too old-fashioned, as long as the previous life, the second generation of football in the current year of football, the parents are basically the post-60s and 70s.

The descendants of the 1960s and 1970s have caught up with the good times. There are many second-generation football players who are emerging in today's football. The media recently launched the best second-generation star lineup of "Tiger Fathers and No Dogs".

Little Schmeichel, Ma Alonso, Little Blind, Little Thuram, Thiago (Mazinho), Little Bu, Sane, Little Kluinwitt, Little Chiesa, Luka Library, Harland.

Ma Alonso is the third generation of stars, his grandfather is a six-time winner of Real Madrid, and his father is a Barcelona legend. Manchester City Sane and Lu Yuanwai's father are relatively mixed, they were only ordinary international players, basically the same level as Manchester City's famous old Haaland, and they are stronger than old Busquets.

As for the descendants of the post-80s generation, they are generally still young, and now the most prominent one is Mini Luo, who "knows his father but does not know his mother".

Following his father's migration, Mini Luo joined the Juventus echelon last summer. He made his debut for four yuan and immediately attracted countless fans. After one season, Mini Ronaldo is a well-deserved star winger of Juventus U9, scoring such a must, so much so that people joked that Juventus actually bought him for 100 million euros, and Ronaldo was just an extra.

I wonder if the president will eat his son's vinegar.

Even if there is hype in it, Mini Luo is indeed the most outstanding among the descendants of the post-80s players. The total number of goals cannot be faked, just like his father.

Before the quarter-finals of the Champions League between Manchester City and Juventus, UEFA did not arrange a formal match, nor did it have an irregular match. The decision-making power of the match was handed over to the clubs of both sides early on.

After negotiation, the last time in Turin, the old team of Manchester City and Juventus gave the fans a show, at the age of 45 that day. When I came to Manchester today, I went straight to the young tooth and played two 30 minutes in the nine-year-old echelon.

As a result, Mini Luo staged his second senior year after coming to Juventus. Manchester City U9 was not the opponent of Juventus at all. He was hung up and beaten.

Of course, no one would take such a game seriously, and the only focus of the media was Mini Luo.

The kids were serious, elated and secretive after the game, some Manchester City kids were crying. After the clearing, the crucial Champions League second-round battle is ready to be staged.

The first round was evenly matched at 3:3. In fact, not many people are optimistic about Juventus, including Juventus itself.

Including Ronaldo and Meng Er.

Neither of these two masters has the obsession to defeat Zhuo Yang. It's okay to persuade them or let them go in their hearts. However, you thought they lay flat?

In fact, I just let go of the heavy burden, leaving only casualness, let nature, and ease.

In Ronaldo's view, Zhuo Yang, how many you want to get in is up to you. Anyway, if I can get three, I will never get two. If you are happy, I am happy too.

From Meng Er's point of view, Zhuo Yang wants to bully anyone on the court.

A disagreement is six goals, and I only compete with you when I'm sick.

Four days ago at the Rainbow Night at the Crystal Palace in London, Zhuo Yang was habitually having fun, but after the game, he was given the nickname "Rainbow Sir", which made him unlucky.

The media and the public have found an opportunity to have fun with him, and they are having a lot of fun these days. Zhuo Yang couldn't respond to this thing, and the good ones couldn't say anything casually. They could only cover their ears and pretend they couldn't hear.

"Dad, if you wanted to suggest that Manchester City change their second-team squad to rainbow colours, I would definitely vote for it."

Clamping his neck and swiping his legs, Da Cai was still giggling while lying on the ground.

"Brother, I used to have a neighbor who was a man, and he only liked men. Fortunately, he also has a sister who likes women."

I don't know what the **** you want to say, so **** also lay on the ground.


He has a wicked smile on his face: "Brother Zhuo, I really want to endorse them, but don't forget to charge the endorsement fee~"

"Go go go go!"

Brother Meng: "Brother, I suddenly feel that you are very beautiful..."


Ronaldo came over with a kind expression on his face.


Ronaldo: "..."

Mr. Luo was not so mean. He wanted to say that he would not go to the dinner party after the game. The excuse was "I went home after eating truffles and had a stomach upset last time." UU reading Lao Zhuo, I'm not used to eating outside, you guys have fun~

Unable to figure out how to offend Zhuo Yang, straight man Ronaldo scratched his head in the middle of a group of laughing dogs, and the game began.

Uncle Allegri did not give up treatment. On the contrary, the score of 3:3 in the first round strengthened his determination to give it a shot at the City Stadium. In order to prepare for this game, he was more ruthless than Guardiola. Three days ago, in the 32nd round of Serie A away game against Ferrari, not to mention Ronaldo, even goalkeeper Szczesny was rotated. , a pure replacement lineup of all 11 players.

The result was nothing, and I lost 1:2 with embarrassment. SPAL was the Serie B champion in the 2016-17 season and was able to participate in Serie A for the first time in history. Anyone who can name one of their players will be considered a loser.

Of course, this loss does not affect Juventus. They are 15 points ahead of Naples, the second in the standings. They only need one victory in the next six rounds to win the championship again, and they don't have to run at all.

Losing will not spoil Juventus' feng shui today. The 7:1 victory between Mini Luo and U9 is a real good sign.

Compared with the previous round, Uncle Jon just replaced Mandzukic with Dybala. After all, he played quite well in Turin and Juventus, and the extreme balance effectively restrained Manchester City's passing.

Don't fix something if it's not broken. The Juventus main line-up, which was rested for a whole week, used the same tactics to serve Manchester City today.

In the last match, Cristiano Ronaldo, who was majestic and powerful, gave the old man a pain in his head, and no one could cure him at all. After careful consideration, Laogua adjusted Stones, Fei Bird and Delph, and used Lao Kong, Teacher Jing and Mendy to improve the control ability of the middle and backcourts.

The game resumes, who will score the first goal between Zhuo Yang and Ronaldo? Who gets more in Cristiano Ronaldo and Zhuo Yang?

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