Golden Greenery

: Chapter 111?

Zhuo Yang is here again at the Lamadia restaurant on the east bank of the Po River in Turin, where he had eaten white truffles five years ago. The difference is that the second brother Meng was the host five years ago, and today it is Ronaldo.

This is really the sun coming out in the west.

Has anyone in the football circle heard of Ronaldo's treat? Yes, of course, he invited Zhuo Yang to come to his house to eat boiled chicken breast in white water. The story is well known in the industry. I have also asked others to do the same, three or five times since Pangu opened up the world.

But I have never invited people to eat a large plate outside. So hearing that the president took the initiative to invite dinner, Zhuo Yang thought it was "white water chicken breast" again, and quickly waved his hand and said, "I'm not hungry or hungry".

"Old Zhuo, I'll treat you. Is it easy? You have to go whether you are hungry or not. You can't do it without giving Nima face."

"I'm starving to death, jumping from here, and I won't go to your house to eat white water chicken."

Ronaldo: "..."

"If you don't go home, I'll treat you to a big meal outside."

Zhuo Yang looked up and down and opened up Ronaldo: "How hard do you think about it today, or did you suddenly think about it today?"

"It's a lot of nonsense, so why don't you go or not?"

"Go, of course." Zhuo Yang agreed and changed the conversation: "You can go anywhere except your house, but if you dare to coax me with white water chicken, I will kill you tonight."

As for why Ronaldo wanted to be unprecedented, he didn't explain, and Zhuo Yang never guessed it.

Ronaldo never invites people to eat out. It's not his iron cock. President Luo spends a lot of money. The level of corruption is basically on the level of "Today's Talk" or "Focus Interview".

In order to pursue the supreme realm of football when he was young, Ronaldo started a healthy diet with light salt, no sugar and less oil.

Over time, the taste characteristics stubbornly formed. In fact, he couldn't eat the food from the big and small restaurants outside, just like serious Shanghainese never provoke Hunan cuisine and Chongqing red oil hot pot.

In addition, Mr. Luo is not a person who is keen on socializing, and he is not good at entertaining guests. He is good at building hard power and letting others socialize with him. Therefore, Ronaldo not only never invites people to eat, but also almost never eats others' meals. The food outside is really nothing to him.

Cristiano Ronaldo did do things too well, such as the birthday party he held at Real Madrid. He invited the whole team to celebrate his birthday, but such a gathering of collective activities is naturally not a dinner party.

How to see how abrupt Ronaldo's dinner is today.

In the quarter-finals of the two rounds, Zhuo Yang originally agreed that he would be the host in Manchester after the second round, including Ronaldo. At first, he was habitually declining, but Zhuo Yang said, "Don't think I won't beat you up in Manchester".

Gathering together for dinner between two rounds is somewhat taboo in the industry. Although Zhuo Mengluo doesn’t need to care about the realm of the big guys, but there is no very special reason to be strong. After the two rounds are settled, there is no need to worry. how nice.

What was supposed to be decided, Ronaldo suddenly slammed into the bar, looking like he was stunned after taking the wrong medicine.

When they were at Real Madrid, the relationship between Ronaldo and Zhuo Yang was not bad, but it would be nonsense to say how close they are. Ronaldo is not a person who can get close to anyone.

In general, Zhuo Yang believes that Ronaldo is a friend on the edge of the third ring. Ronaldo also saw that Zhuo Yang was in the suburbs, his city center was empty, and the suburbs were very close.

The so-called meeting old friends in a foreign country is actually more intimate than meeting an old friend in a foreign country sooner or later. Juventus Ronaldo looked at Manchester City Zhuo Yang and unconsciously put him in the second ring.

After coming to Serie A, Ronaldo would never admit it, but he knew that he was getting old. He thought that his youth would be fleeting, and that famous generals from ancient times were afraid of losing their heads, and he couldn't help cherishing the old friends who lived together.

Middle-aged men are like this, but Ronaldo is just vulgar.

So he agreed to the Manchester dinner Zhuo Yang reserved, not because he was afraid of being beaten.

But today's 3:3 made Ronaldo reluctant to go to the Manchester banquet, because he has never lost his arrogance and confidence.

In a game where Juventus led three times and was equalized three times by Manchester City, a hat-trick pas de deux where he scored one Zhuo Yang and chased one, made the 34-year-old Ronaldo lose the courage to see blood on the road for the first time.

To lose, you cannot win. I can't defeat Zhuo Yang in my life, not even once. Is my life a little bitter?

A week later at Manchester City Stadium, Manchester City with three away goals may lose, but Zhuo Yang is absolutely impossible. Ronaldo has lost his courage and confidence, but his pride has not been lost. He can't bear to be eliminated from the Champions League a week later, but he has to pretend to be calm and chat and laugh with Zhuo Yang. His self-esteem can't stand it.

But he can't break the appointment on the spot, it will make it even more unbearable to lose, so today's treat is equal to preemptive strike, anyway, 3:3 and hat-trick are considered decent.

Using the 'generous' behavior of taking the initiative to treat guests today as an excuse for not making an appointment a week later, this is the only decent thing Ronaldo has left.

Zhuo Yang never regarded entertaining or being invited as a big deal, because begging or being invited was his daily life as a foodie, and he would never have imagined that Ronaldo would be so exhausted for dinner.


"Come on, I'm very curious, where are you going to invite me, Mr. Luo?"

"I know, I never eat outside." Ronaldo called Meng Er: "Second brother, Turin is your site, you can pick a place, and I'll go with it."

The second brother looked at Ronaldo with doubts: "Mr. Luo, were you struck by lightning, or did your daughter-in-law drug you last night?"

"Damn it, I'm a real treat."

Meng Er looked at Zhuo Yang: "Master Zhuo, good method, teach me, how to tune it?"

"It has nothing to do with me. One side's water and soil support another's people, maybe it's the evil nature of Turin."

If you don’t understand it, don’t watch it. Eating Ronaldo is a pleasure to see. Meng Er resolutely recommended Lamadia, who had eaten it five years ago. First, it is high-end and quiet, secondly, the boss is familiar with it. Thirdly, the consumption is quite expensive, and the second brother and Ronaldo both live in the granmadre mid-level villa very close to there.

Of course, it's mainly because of the price. Ronaldo treats guests. After passing this village, there is no such shop.

Ronaldo hadn't been there, so he decided immediately, and then everyone took a shower and changed clothes, and made an appointment to meet directly at Lamadia.

Mr. Luo has never invited guests and doesn't understand the rules of entertaining. Zhuo Yang and Meng Er's bad stomachs bullied him and didn't understand the rules.

An hour later, Cristiano Ronaldo, who came to Lamadia on time, was a little confused. Zhuo Yangmeng was there, his national team teammates B and Cancelo were also there, old Real Madrid teammate Khedira was also there, and Juventus teammate Ma was there. Retreat is also present.

This makes sense, but Debich, Sterling, Jesus, and Delph are also there. What does this mean?

The second sister-in-law, Deping, Cancelo's girlfriend, Daniela Machado, and the wife of Ma retreated to the enemy, Isabelle. That is to say, the family members of the Manchester City generals are not around, and the face brother Khedira is currently a single dog, otherwise the scene will be even more uncontrollable.

Looking at the innocent faces, Luo thought he didn't make it clear, which made Zhuo Yang and Meng Er misunderstand and called such a room of people. Fortunately, the president has never been a stingy person.

"Hey, Mr. Luo, why didn't you see Georgina? I miss her a long time ago."

C Luo was immediately vigilant.

see you! Have you seen it for a long time? When you died by the Thames, I thought Nima was Elena. That heartless **** is just because she twisted her **** in front of you and made me want to dump her. (For details, please refer to Chapter 835, Part Four, The Demon of Iberia, and a high-five agreement by the pool)

Georgina lacks Nima's heart more than that guy. You don't want to see her in this life, just have a baby and raise a baby with your family.


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