Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 6: Hillbilly of Madeira

During the intermission, Brother Meng comforted Joao Cancelo, who was a bit decadent.

In the first half, the young man's performance was not good most of the time, but very good, but in the end, Zhuo Yang swayed him too hard and Cancelo was hit.

"Jo Ang, it's not shameful to be bullied by Zhuo Yang, but it's shameful to be bullied and feel ashamed of yourself." The second brother's words are very convoluted, and intellectuals like to talk about simple things in a profound way.

"Don't talk about you, even like me and Mr. Luo, who hasn't been tricked by him? Is that Mr. Luo?"

Ronaldo ignored him, but didn't refute him.

Meng Er: "Let me tell you, only those who have been abused by Zhuo Yang attentively are worthy of being called stars. Joao, congratulations, from now on you are certified as a star by Zhuo Yang."

Cancelo naturally didn't believe in Lord Meng's nonsense, but it was true that he felt a lot more relieved when he said that.

The goal was conceded just before the end of the first half and was equalized, but Big Brother Meng helped Cancelo to exonerate. As a result, Bonucci and Rugani, who were central defenders, seemed even more irresponsible.

Rugani hurriedly clapped: "Second brother said that Zhuo Yang would not be lost if he didn't prevent him..."

"Shut up!" Second Brother Meng directly reprimanded. "Stand your own position, and you have the **** mind to take care of others. If you hadn't forced the referee to make a misjudgment just now, without Zhuo Yang, Aguero would have taught you how to behave."

Rugani: "..."

"Boy, today the whole team played our highest level of 45 minutes of the season, almost impeccable, only you were targeted. Our Italian centre-backs pay attention to playing with their brains, don't make yourself like England's It's like a stupid lack of defenders."

Rugani was humbly accepting criticism from the boss, and the head coach Uncle Allegri nodded with satisfaction.

Uncle Jon is not a roaring type, neither on the sidelines nor in the locker room. He is not used to criticizing a certain player in public. Anyway, if you don't change it after repeated teachings or it doesn't work, you can just win it the next day, don't be too lazy to talk nonsense.

But Rugani is a 'young' defender that Uncle Jon values ​​very much. The realm of the Italian central defender is completely supported by the 'Xuanming Er Lao', and the successor strength is withered. Rugani and AC Milan Romagnoli are only high hopes. of two people.

So Uncle Jon is not good at it, but he hopes that someone can bring up Rugani at any time. Meng Er is undoubtedly the most suitable candidate.

And Montolivo is also the only person in Juventus who can "compete" with Ronaldo, who has a huge business and competitive aura.

When Mr. Luo came to Juventus, he felt like he was getting married. If he wanted to, no one could control him here. Must play the main force, must become the first firepower point, although Cristiano Ronaldo has this strength, but who can be a head coach without a headache.

Fortunately, there is Meng Er, I dare not say that he can suppress Ronaldo - no one can suppress the president, not even Zhuo Yang - but the existence of Meng Er can make Ronaldo pretend to be humble and listen to Uncle Jon carefully.

When at Real Madrid, no one dared to assign Ronaldo. After coming to Juventus, Meng Erneng said to him: "Mr. Luo, I saw you in the second half and must score again."


"Zhuo Yang will definitely score goals."

"Come on, look at it."

A peg ties a donkey, and the second brother is a good peg.

In the locker room of the visiting team at the Alpi (Allianz) Stadium, Zhuo Yang did not imitate his second brother's selflessness. Usually, he criticized his teammates in public because he was not used to taking advantage of the problem, not because he conceded the ball or did not play well in the game. He is a good at carrying private goods.

Zhuo Yang will not blame his teammates for being scored by Ronaldo. Ronaldo can be regarded as the top five strikers in football history. It is absolutely reasonable to hold back against Manchester City and score a few goals. It is strange not to score.

Zhuo Yang is not worried about Ronaldo scoring again, he can score even if he can, but he is actually worried about the midfielder.

"In the second half, the midfielder should pay attention to Meng Er. I could feel that he was very energetic in the first half."

No one knows his brother better than him. Juventus's scene advantage in the first half came from the team's almost flawless performance, and also benefited from Meng Er's precise control of the overall rhythm, but this was only at the tactical level.

On the technical level, except for a few passes, Meng Er did not show a stronger personal ability than Mr. Golden Ball nine years ago. Perhaps due to the consideration of the overall battle of the two rounds, Meng Er, who is 20 days older than Ronaldo, kept the bottom fire in the first half, but he could not keep the whole game private.

In Zhuo Yang's view, as opponents, the other five brothers of the Six Musketeers have always been much more threatening than Boss Mei and Ronaldo. His three World Cup trips are all in their hands. He has been in the industry for 17 years. Not counting the ten seasons of the Champions League this year and the seven championships, those three times were also ended by their own hands. He doesn't want to be the fourth this year. Second-rate.

Therefore, Cristiano Ronaldo should not be afraid of fire, theft, and theft.


In the second half, they fought again in situ, and neither side made any changes or tactics.

The second brother really went into a rage. He stopped talking nonsense to accompany Zhuo Yang. He started cruising between the two penalty areas in a large area, constantly pressing Feidingxi with his own power and disrupting the operation of Manchester City's midfield.

Fei Bird, Ding Ding, and Xiwa are very good, not to mention individuals, the three of them together can become a combination that can leave a mark in the history of football, but they really can't do anything about indulgence.

In previous years, Zhuo Yang would not hesitate to return to the midfield to fight Meng Er himself, but not today. How old are you to wipe your **** all over the place? Guardiola has also made it clear that UU read www. uukanshu. com Zhuo Yang is only responsible for scoring goals, and he will not do the blue-collar work if he can.

In fact, Meng Er is in the same realm in Juventus.

In the 52nd minute, all defenses still failed to defend. With the cooperation of Manju's retreat, Meng Er got rid of Tintin after two passes and one, and suddenly took the ball and strode back with a big stride, putting the originally standing defensive position. Fei Bird was quite confused.

Cristiano Ronaldo is not at all confused, the two superstars with super high IQ have a heart-to-heart at the moment. The simpler it is, the more advanced it is. Ronaldo ran horizontally across the ribs, and he ran back in depth without looking at the blind plug. A standard straight pass obliquely and offside shattered Manchester City's carefully constructed defense line.

Meng Er's biography is like a thousand-year-old fox fairy, and his character has always been like this. Cristiano Ronaldo is actually a slut. He is not as good as Meng Er in daily life, but he has at least 700 years of Taoism. Yingfeng is also stinky.

However, Meng Er always brought Sao into the court, but Ronaldo became more and more simple in the game, passing, stopping and shooting more and more simple, like a Madeira country bumpkin.

Of course, when arrogance and efficiency are not contradictory, but on the contrary they can trigger a common point, Mr. Luo naturally doesn't mind showing off a bit. After all, ranting is just what men need.

But today, I will avoid it. Running, receiving, turning, shooting, there is nothing. Cristiano Ronaldo is all the most basic football movements, without even a trace of anger. What Mr. Luo pursues at the critical moment is not simplicity, but efficiency.

Ederson's armpit was pierced by Ronaldo's diagonal shot, Juventus led 2:1, and Ronaldo also led 2:1.

Now the pressure is on Zhuo Yang.

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