Golden Greenery

: Chapter 11???

1:0. Zhuo Yang smiled and scored a penalty.

Kieron Dyer didn't say a word during the free throw, holding his breath with the 18,000 fans at Memorial Stadium.

But obviously, no one on earth will despair about the prospect of life because of being broken by Zhuo Yang. After all, this is all too reasonable.

At the end of the first half of the game, Zhuo Yang took a few steps to catch up with Dyer, who was busy drinking water to moisten his throat.

"Big Kiel, it seems that you are more enthusiastic about being a coach than a reporter."

"Must. Don't you think my temperament is very suitable to be a new young marshal?"

"Frankly speaking, I don't think so."

Big Kiel: "..."

Zhuo Yang said, "The young marshal highlighted the word 'Shao', Da Kiel, how old are you? You are over forty and a half buried in the soil, right? Which young marshal became famous without being in his thirties?"

"So, young marshal, don't think about it, don't mention any new talents, just be a meritorious old coach."

Big Kiel grinned like he had eaten a magpie egg.

However, all roaring coaches have a good voice. They can't sing operas, but they will never break the tune for 90 minutes. Ke Dyer roared down a bell, and the sound of the shout was like rotting rafters dragging on the poor-quality concrete floor.

And you have to practice. After the game, Zhuo Yang recommended Fat Dahai plus wolfberry to him.

The final score was a lackluster 1:0. Manchester City played poorly, and Rangers played well. The score was fair and Zhuo Yang's decent.

After the game, in order to get Zhuo Yang's jersey, Rangers striker Poorson Harris and midfielder Edward Hampson almost got into a fight. He pulled the rack and threw the jersey to the fans.



Time flies, ten days later, Manchester City came to Turin.

In the Champions League quarter-finals, Manchester City matched Juventus. I don't know if it was Zhuo Yang's bad luck, or Meng's second brother's bad luck. Of course, Ronaldo cannot be ignored either.

In the 31st round of Serie A, Juventus is far away in the standings, and the smoke and dust raised can only be seen from a distance. The president is undoubtedly the team's top scorer, but his current 19 goals are obviously a bit softer than his ruthless past in Real Madrid.

In 2009, Zhuo Carlo gathered in La Liga three times. At that time, Luo scored less than 40 goals in a single season without a smile. Later, he gradually became kind, and 30+ can barely be accepted.

In the first two or three years, even if Mr. Luo starved to death and jumped from here, he would not have scored less than 25 league goals. But this year, he has been fighting for his life, but he can only rank fourth in the scorer list.

"Han Nima has seven rounds, can I get 10 more? Do you believe it?"

Zhuo Yang didn't have time to answer, but Ronaldo was a little discouraged after expressing his determination. Because this is no problem for others, it is a joke to show it in front of Zhuo Yang.

Zhuo Yang has scored 80 goals in the Premier League this season.

Less than 48 hours after eliminating Bristol Rovers 1:0 and successfully entering the British Championship final, Zhuo Yang came off the bench in the second half of the 32nd round of the Premier League's home game against Cardiff, with a direct free kick in the 77th minute. The score was fixed at 3:0, which also raised the number of goals scored in a single season in the Premier League to 'eight' for the first time.

In the first half, the goals of Tintin and Sane had actually won Manchester City without a fight. Zhuo Yang came up to score this goal.

When other shooters in the world are still fighting for 20+, Zhuo Yang is really not a person.

In the Champions Cup, he was also disrespectful. After Schalke scored seven yuan in the last game 7:0, Zhuo Yang broke his record of 20 goals in the Champions League with 24 goals. At present, Boss Mei and Lewandowski have 8, and Ronaldo has only 4.

So Luo Zong wants to stand up straight in front of Zhuo Yang, and it is a fantasy to score more goals. The only hope is for Juventus to eliminate Manchester City in these two rounds. And he left Real Madrid and chose Juventus, because he wanted to defeat Zhuo Yang with two hands.

Zhuo Yang also understands this. Looking at the Premier League and the Champions League, the only teams that can pose a threat to Manchester City this season are Liverpool, Tottenham, Juventus and Barcelona. There is no other reason, because these teams have The Six Musketeers are led by their own brothers, and they are all powerful alliances.

Other teams, Chelsea, Real Madrid, Paris, Bayern, etc., are not at the same level as Manchester City this season at least.

Five teams from the Six Musketeers gathered in the quarter-finals of the UEFA Champions League, and Manchester City and Juventus became the only infighting to fight against each other. Liverpool and Porto, Barcelona and Manchester United, Tottenham and Jiafu, Piglet and Butcher, Scar, and Grandpa are responsible for cleaning up the mess.

Zhuo Yang's goals this season are like mustards, but it's not even rain and rain. He keeps saying that he wants to win as many championships as possible, but obviously he prefers to draw swords in the league and the Champions League.

The League Cup has already been included in the bag, and the FA Cup, the British Championship, and even the national team have not done their best to score goals.

In the eyes of the media, Zhuo Yang's scoring status seems to be unstable, especially in the last month, except for scoring seven goals in the second round of the Champions League round of 16, scoring in other games is like constipation, earning one for a long time.

Three days ago in the FA Cup semi-final against Brighton & Hove, after **** scored Manchester City 1:0 in the first half, Zhuo Yang still came on as a substitute in the second half and scored a penalty kick in the 85th minute to make the score 2: 0 plus insurance, Manchester City also advanced to next month's FA Cup final.

In the FA Cup this season, Zhuo Yang has only scored 4 goals in total. Although it is second only to Newport Padraig Amon's 5 goals, it is completely different from the league and the Champions League. A face with no pursuit.

But Brother Meng and the brothers don't see it that way. They know this product too well. The national team has too many unscrupulous friendly matches. You can see it when you go to the Asian Cup and play six games and score 18 hats per game.

The British Championship and the FA Cup are the same as the League Cup that has already been won. Zhuo Yang is more of a bottom-up, and belongs to the existence of the market. Beware of being subverted. His goal is only the championship.

The league and the Champions League are true love, UU reading www. So after Schalke at 7:0 in the last game, Zhuo Yang seems to be very stingy in scoring today because of the draw for the quarter-finals that night at 7:0, Manchester City slapped Juventus, and this guy started to hold back his big moves.

In fact, the guess is not entirely correct. After Zhuo Yang had an epiphany about the truth of football, he did pursue the number of goals this season, but the record breaking of the 80 Champions League in the league has achieved his self-imposed goal. So in the rest of the game, he will not score for the sake of scoring, and the championship is the only pursuit. It can be said that he treats all games with the bottom line.

Turin is not a good city. Two years ago, Manchester City won 3:2 at the buzzer with Zhuo Yang's goal and advanced to the final with a 4:4 advantage on away goals. That time, Manchester City was an upset, and Juventus and Allegri were very unconvinced.

He has been coaching Juventus for five years. Uncle Jon's contract expires this summer. He is currently negotiating with the top executives of Juventus. However, Uncle Jon and Nedved, the club's vice president, couldn't get along.

Uncle Jon doesn't play pass control and run and shoot. His football master asked for the word 'steady'. And Nedved just thinks that he is too stable, and dare not let go of key games.

The so-called key is the Champions League. Juventus has not tasted the tin taste of the big ear cup for 23 years, and it has been so long that it does not look like a giant at all.

What Nedved meant, don't tell me about Zhuo Yang, Cristiano Ronaldo bought for 100 million is not a decoration. The level is this year, if you win the Champions League, you can renew the contract, otherwise we will not delay each other.


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