Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 77: Might as well be a left banker

When the steak cooked by Daniel Thomas was presented, everyone really lit up.

The standard large-plate small meal is three and a half centimeters thick, and the eye meat is the size of a child's palm. After frying and then roasting, the golden-brown color is uniform, and there is no excess at the edge.

Zhuo Yang lightly touched the surface of the steak with the back of his fingers, and there was a slight burning sensation. Needless to say, the temperature was moderate.

I bent down and closed my eyes and sniffed lightly. I could feel the fruity aroma of olive oil in my nose, the fineness of rosemary, and the faint fragrance of vanilla orchid. Hmm~, full marks for the seasoning.

Hey~, there is a faint pungency in the breath, like a secret love that can't be obtained, understated yet stubborn, what is this? By the way, it's pepper, black pepper drizzled with parsley juice.

Praise Iraq boil ~ bright!

Pick up the tableware and cut a knife one centimeter from the edge, and the pink inside is exposed. The pink is evenly red and delicate, giving the vision a sense of desire, without any blood or burnt color, and the heat is absolutely controlled. first class.

Cutting such a steak is like cutting a rough green stone, which itself is a great satisfaction after anticipation.

But Zhuo Yang and several people are well-informed... Maybe not a gourmet, but a high-level foodie is still qualified. It is clear that this is just the basic skills of a good chef, and the level is sufficient, but it is not shocking. In fact, the steak itself is not shocking.

The steak is nothing amazing, and more importantly, it is in great contrast to Daniel's previous image. Even if he can cook, the black lump of charcoal that I don't know what it is will suit him better.

Such a steak that can score full marks in color, flavor, and shape immediately changed Zhuo Tuzhu's impression of him. Dude, there is something real.

Of course, Daniel's image has also changed at this time. The white apron covers his shabby clothes, the clean chef's hat hides all the greasy hair, and his face and hands are obviously carefully taken care of, maybe they are washed with a brush. Yes, looks like a decent person.

"Not bad." Zhuo Yang nodded.

So far, Daniel's steak has scored full marks, but to be honest, it is not unusual for a steak to score full marks, because this thing itself is equivalent to junior high school mathematics, and it is nothing for college students to get full marks.

The same is true for Lucia's steak. It cannot be said to be similar in terms of color, aroma, shape, and shape, but it can only be said to be exactly the same, because the full score of steak is like this. A score of 100 in plane geometry cannot distinguish between college students and junior high school students, but there is no difference between 100 and 100.

"Not bad." Zhuo Yang praised Lucia again.

Next, it's time to taste it. Under Lucia's unwillingness and Daniel's nervous gaze, Zhuo Yang raised the knife again, flicked his sleeves forward, and started to dry.

What makes the two steaks different in appearance is the sauce that accompanies the meat on the plate. Lucia's sauce is dark reddish brown, while Daniel's sauce is dark yellow, a bit like peanut butter. The difference is very different. obvious.

"What's the point?"

Lucia replied: "I chose red wine sauce, because the raw material of the steak is Bazas beef originally from France, red wine sauce is the most suitable sauce to match it, which can give full play to the taste characteristics of Bazas beef. ."

"very good."

Daniel obviously regained some confidence, after all, cooking is the only thing he is good at. "I chose mushroom sauce. Mr. Zhuo Yang, you didn't specifically order the taste, so I chose the mushroom sauce for you on my own."

"Oh why?"

"That's it... I consider that you are a football star... Of course, you are also a great pianist. I know that athletes prefer bland food for sports and health reasons. Mushroom juice is relatively peaceful, so..."

"Ah, very good."

In the choice of sauce, you can see the difference in the professional personality of the two.

Lucia is independent and confident, proud of her identity as a French chef, she respects and understands ingredients, and can show the best of ingredients to customers.

Daniel is a timid, pleasing personality, he is good at thinking of others and desperately wants to be approved by others.

Master Tu and Mr. Zhu secretly pouted: Daniel's flattery was on the horse's hoof.

No one knows Zhuo Yang better than them. This guy is a native of Xi'an with heavy salt and spicy taste. He does eat lightly for sports and health, but lightness has never been his hobby. As long as there is a chance, he would rather be indulgent, and the steaming red oil hot pot is his favorite.

Open to eat. Zhuo Yang started with Lucia's red wine steak, cut a small piece into his mouth, closed his eyes and chewed slowly, savoring the quality of the high-quality steak.

The whole room stared at him with wide eyes, and the picture was very strange.

With a movement of his throat, he swallowed the chewed crumbs, and slowly picked up the napkin and wiped the corners of his mouth.

"Good, good."

Then pick up the cup and rinse your mouth with a cool white opening to avoid the smell.

Wiping the corners of his mouth with a napkin again, he picked up a knife and fork and aimed at Daniel's mushroom steak.

Tu Ye and Zhu Zong stared at each other silently, but they both saw the same voice in each other's eyes: If we pretend to force us again, we will hammer him.

Into the mouth, put down the knife and fork, close the eyes, chew, thump.

Picking up the napkin to wipe the corners of his mouth, the room quietly watched him pretend.

"not bad, very good."

Push the two plates to the side. "Master Tu, little pig, you two have a taste."

Tu and Pig: "…"

"Miss Lucia, Mr. Thomas, both of them have very good steak cooking skills, reaching the pinnacle of their steak skills. It's no exaggeration to say that the two of you are God of Cookery."

"We in China have poems to praise, no fragrance makes people vulgar, no meat makes people thin, good but not thin, fried beef with spices. As the saying goes, if you eat 300 steaks a day, you might as well grow up as a left banker."

Master Tu and Mr. Zhu had already clenched their fists, and they were holding back very hard.

"It can be said that the cooking skills of the two are indistinguishable, and it is really difficult for people to choose. But as the boss of the Left Bank Group, I cannot retreat. God said: If I don't go to hell, who will go to hell..."

God: I didn't say that.

"So, it's always right to make a decision." Zhuo Yang stood up and stretched out his hand to Sarah Lucia with a smile, still pinching his fingertips lightly.

Daniel Thomas' eyes filled with deep disappointment again.

"Miss Lucia, I'm sorry, I have decided to hire Mr. Daniel Thomas as the new chef of the Left Bank Castle, thank you for your trust in me."

"What?" Lucia's eyes widened in disbelief.

Master Tu: "What?"

President Pig: "What?"

Lao Shi: "What?"

'Puff', UU reading www. Daniel's legs fell limply and sat on the ground, his whole body trembling like a sieve. "Thank you, thank you...Mr. Zhuo Yang...Sir...Sir...Thank you..." Incoherently unable to stand up, little Michael came to help him, but was hugged in his arms and cried 'Ow~'.

Zhuo Yang motioned for Wilder, the head of the bodyguard, to knock Daniel down on the sofa, and then looked at Lucia, who was sullen, kindly again.

"Miss Lucia, your cooking skills are impressive, and I believe you will become a celebrity chef like Ms. Peak in the near future."

"Mr. Zhuo Yang...why? I need to explain."

"Okay, I'll explain it to you now."


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