Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 69: pure desire to score

The big guy is slumped, the model couple's backyard is on fire, and the love model collapses on the grape trellis. This is something that every normal human loves to hear.

Schalke is normal, and Manchester City is also normal. They have different psychological states when facing Zhuo Yang's "unlucky", but the joy of schadenfreude is the same.

The same goes for the referee team. Moreover, the referee Clement Turpin was still scolding Zhuo Yang for ignoring the rudeness of shaking hands at the start of the game, and subconsciously hoped that he would be deflated and deflated today.

Just now var decided offside before the goal is a very good phenomenon. In fact, there is no need for Fehrman to jump up and down. Turpin did not declare the goal valid after the line referee semaphore after the goal.

As for Zhuo Yang, it really doesn't matter if a body-hair-level goal is invalid. He has encountered a lot, and it doesn't matter.

Alas, how can Koko not be angry?

Or, stop kicking, and fly directly to Paris to show sincerity? No, the competition and the old melon are worthless, but Kou Kou Ming told me not to go without permission, otherwise she would be even more angry.

Can the words of a woman be true? Koko's words must be taken seriously, I know her.

I don't know if Midel helped me coax Koko..., sigh, Midel is a pure goblin, spoiled.

I don't know who passed the ball, Zhuo Yang turned the ball and wiped it away, and shot furiously from a long distance.

What do you mean by playing football well? Am I a bitch? I can be sick but I will never be cheap, it must be another obstacle created by God, I fuck...

After receiving the ball, Zeldahl and Sa Sane were tightly blocked. Zhuo Yang said "roll" and they didn't roll, so they had to protect the ball and pound it out again.

When I woke up I vowed not to make Koko angry anymore, I owed her so much. How can I admit I was wrong? Would you like to ask your dad? He is very experienced in admitting mistakes to his mother.

Forget it, I'm a grown man, and I'll make my parents laugh at me when I look back, and they won't be beautiful if they have an opinion on Kou Kou.

Annoyed and cranky, there was a rare catching error. In the 41st minute, Laporte picked a pass forward, Zhuo Yang was distracted outside the arc and volleyed the ball on his calf.

For a technologist like him, such a mistake is the same as playing the arpeggio in a concert.

Fortunately, Zhuo Yang's second reaction was not as fast as a human being. He jumped off with one foot and twisted his back, forcibly using his right foot to hook the football, and sent the ball into the penalty area twice.

Luckily, the b seat just slanted forward, and by chance, it formed a scrimmage with Bruma.

The b-seat with an ordinary stature starts quickly, and he is directed at the ball. Bruma, who was half a brick higher than seat B and had a bag of noodles, turned around and started slowly. He couldn't catch the ball and could only use his body to hit someone.

Seat B fell down and fell on the line of the small penalty area. For a moment, both arms shook like electric shocks.

In fact, the line between the two is quite obvious, and the penalty kick is basically not controversial. But the Turpin referee, after hesitating for a moment, drew a box and made the var gesture.

He took off his pants and farted, and even the video referee Ranville felt that he was doing nothing.

Zhuo Yang is Manchester City's penalty taker, and there are no false starts. Turpin doesn't want him to "succeed". Even if he sees it clearly, he still has to deliberately create some twists and turns.

Zhuo Yang was in no hurry, he wandered to the sideline to get a bottle of water and slowly rinsed his mouth.

Guardiola leaned over and said, "I'll shut up after I say this. Brother, you have to score goals, so it's no wonder that Her Royal Highness is cleaning you up. If you don't score a goal, you'll be thinking about something messy. You deserve your Highness to shoot you with an arrow."

'Whoosh~' flashes after the poor, the rabbits are the grandsons of melons.

Zhuo Yang: "…"

‘Zi~’ spit out a mouthful of water. Zhuo Yang didn't go after Guardiola to kill and kill, but this guy's cheap mouth reminded him.

Koo Kou said: "What you like most about playing football is scoring goals. This year you have made more progress than before. But this game (Sunderland) did not want to score. Zhuo Yang, I need to explain."

I forgot to score a goal, which made Koko unhappy, so I just used the goal to prove that my heart is forever.

I have to say that Professor Zhuo Yang, a famous piano master with advanced emotions, sometimes thinks very strangely and simply.

Turpin is not a black whistle after all, and made a penalty gesture after watching TV. Zhuo Yang ignored the smirking old melon hiding behind Brother Tazi, licked his lips and walked towards the white dot, looking like he wanted to eat people.

Coach Tedesco's heart 'cracks'.

Zhuo Yang's shooting boots are obviously not right today, which is a better chance for Schalke to create a miracle than digging in. But for a shooter of his level, once he has the feeling of scoring a goal, his shooting boots will fit and tie his shoelaces immediately.

God bless.

Schalke goalkeeper Fehrman also understands this truth, so he is also chanting: God bless.

Feeling that God is not sure of insurance, so he is cheap.

"Hehe, Zhuo Yang, you were the Bundesliga king back then. You were very good. You don't need to bring it to the court for family matters, hehe."

Childish, Zhuo Yang didn't bother to pay attention to him, but Tiezi Debixi with pointed ears didn't want to. It's one thing for your brother to be joking, are you tired of living here? After a few strides, he rushed to Fehrman and started scolding.

"You hehe your mother's x, hehe your father's hammer, hehe your grandma's legs."

Ralf Fehrman did not meet Zhuo Yang in the Bundesliga, and he was only promoted to the Schalke first team in 2007. But Debich is an old Bundesliga player who has been in the Bundesliga for more than ten years. He has often caused trouble in front of Fehrman. We all know that he is the Human Torch in the Maddieburg team who is good at starting a disagreement.

Fehrman was a little cowardly, but he was also scolded to make the whole family angry. Just when he didn't know how to confront each other with dignity, Zhuo Yang spoke up.

"Forget it, Matthew, don't bother with him."

So, Debicki gave Fehrman a vicious look: "Grandson, this is not a place for you to be rude, **** you."

"What are you doing?" Fehrman was still firm.

Debich walks away, then gets a yellow card, which shows the integrity of the Turpin referee.


The whistle sounded short, and Zhuo Yang started to run with small steps.

Knowing that he could only rely on fate, Fehrman bet on the left side.

With an impartial, unhurried spoon, Zhuo Yang easily hung his middle, 1:0. The total score was 4:2.



In fact, it is inaccurate to describe Zhuo Yang's emotional nature with words such as complex, advanced, simple, rich, etc. Only purity is his source.

Whatever he does, as long as he wants to do it, he will do it very purely. Love, music, football, that's all.

At this moment, Zhuo Yang wanted to score a goal, so he naturally devoted 100% to the goal, a very pure desire to score.

Who did Schalke 04 provoked?


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