Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 64: The lake is rippling in the stadium

The two coaches, Guardiola and Rose, were jumping and arguing on the sidelines.

Bernabé was rolling, and Gucci got Sunderland's seventh yellow card of the game. Jack Rose couldn't help it. He couldn't run into the field and scolded the street, so he rushed to the old melon and opened fire.

"Is this the player you taught? Fall down and roll when you touch it. Is this what you taught them?"

The eloquent Guardiola couldn't think of a third-rate guy like Ross. He raised his nostrils and retorted: "Do you want to teach me how to be a head coach, or do you want to teach me how to play football?"

Ross: "…"

As a black and evil force in the coaching world, Lao Gua, whether coaching or playing as a player, can dump Ross eighteen streets, and he definitely has the qualifications to despise him.

"...Damn La Masia Film and Television Academy, do you want to bring this set to England?" Rose's face turned red.

"Not convinced?" Laogua's tone was like a ruffian. "I can wait for you in the Premier League."

He didn't answer the question directly at all, just poked the lung tube. Ross was furious, and cursed like a cock: "Look at your scumbag, bah!"

"Oh my god, who are you talking about here. Aren't you cheap? Talking is like paying for change. You can't even find a hot dog for cheap."

The two turned on the personal attack mode on the sidelines, and the plot on the court further developed.

Lyndon Gooch's grief and anger were as big as a washbasin, and he eagerly complained to the referee Daisy Goldsmith: "He was diving, I didn't commit a foul, he was diving, diving."

Daisy continued taking notes on the card without looking up. "I don't think so, Sunderland 11, you should approach the game with sportsmanship."

"Fuck sportsmanship, can't you see he's diving?"

Daisy raised her head, her eyes filled with prestige. "On the 11th, pay attention to your words. This is my first warning. Leave now."

The majesty in the sentence, but the tone clearly tells Gucci: Auntie is not interested in chatting with you, go away, stinky man.

Gucci was caught on fire, and he became speechless when he spoke. "You **** stinky bitch, **** blind woman, you have no right to call today's game."

This is true, even if it is true to some extent.

Out of political correctness, female referees are less likely to criticize, let alone scold, than male referees. In the match between Liverpool and Wolves in the Premier League in 2011, the second assistant referee, Marcy Alice, a famous beauty patrolling the sidelines, was delayed several times in semaphore, which did not affect the progress of the game, but welcomed Richard, two commentators from Sky TV. The mockery of Keith and Andy Gray.

The two of them were also unlucky. They were just chatting during the intermission of the live broadcast, and they were not in the live broadcast room. They were nothing more than **** that everyone would say.

"A woman, can she understand the offside rule?"

"When your head is caught in the door, a female referee will be sent in the Premier League."

"A woman is not suitable for football, she is obviously more suitable for being a sweetheart."

The stupid thing is that these two goods forgot to turn off the microphone, and the result was broadcast live.

Three days later, Sky sacked Keith and Gray amid a sea of ​​'sexist' public opinion. You must know that gold medal commentator Richard Keith and gold medal commentator Andy Gray were both industry leaders with an annual salary of nearly 2 million pounds. They belonged to the existence of working emperors in the English football media industry. Because of a few gossip, they were regarded as farts. I let go of the same thing, and I haven't found a new rice rut until now.

Lyndon Gooch's words at this time are much more extreme than the two of them, and they are even scolding-style personal insults.

Is Daisy a bully? There is no good thing to be the referee, she is not a tea **** who only has a coquettish appearance and only shows weakness. The referees are basically part-timers. Daisy Goldsmith, 23, is the head coach of the high school team and the men's team. That was a pack of wolves.

Niu frowned and her phoenix eyes widened: "No. 11, you will pay for your words and deeds."

Unexpectedly, Gucci was even more confused at the moment, and the stubborn neck was forced to Daisy, his eyes were red with anger, and a violent air rushed to his face. "F**k your price, I'll **** you, f**k!"

She had never been threatened by a man so fiercely and so nakedly. Rao Shi Daisy wanted to calm herself down, but she couldn't help but panic, and started to back off unconsciously. This time, even more fueled Gucci's hostility.

"You're a bitch... um"

The hero fell from the sky, and Zhuo Yang arrived in time in front of Daisy and pinched Gucci's mouth, letting him say the word 'bitch' next to the word 'female'.

"I'll tear your mouth, try."

After blocking Gucci's foul language, Zhuo Yang released his right hand and wiped the front of his jersey. The left hand is casually placed on the junction of Gucci's neck and shoulders. The thumb seemed to be touching his throat, but Gucci could feel the coldness like a sharp blade coming from his fingertips.

What made him even more terrified was the monstrous murderous aura in Zhuo Yang's eyes, which was the horror of having truly experienced the killing of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. In contrast, Gucci's hostility is like a quail fighting for food, and it's almost the same as being cute.

The hero saves the beauty, Zhuo Yang does not hesitate to release the evil spirit that has been restrained, as long as he can smile, this thing doesn't need to spend money anyway.

Looking up at Zhuo Yang's broad and solid back, Daisy was so stuffed with security and happiness that she was about to suffocate, and her heart was about to melt. Let alone wind and rain, let alone a mere Gucci, even if an asteroid hits and destroys the Stadium of Light at the moment, Daisy believes that she will never be able to hit herself.

It's nice to have a man.

"I... uh~"

Just as Gucci wanted to forcibly argue, Zhuo Yang really locked his throat with his thumb, not to frighten him at all. In an instant, all the hostility disappeared, and Gucci hurriedly raised his hands in a surrender gesture, cute.

Encouraged by the man, the happy Daisy flashed her cards in one go, and the continuous movement of two yellows and one red was as graceful as a dance.

Zhuo Yang let go of Gucci and turned to look at Daisy warmly. The killing in his eyes was seamlessly connected to the lake, and if you looked closely, you could see the ripples. The girl has two pockets, the yellow card is in the front, and the red card is in the back, which is the beauty of the lordosis.

"Gudong", Zhuo Yang quietly swallowed a ball of lake water.

"Thank you, Zhuo Yang."

"You're welcome, Daisy."

At this moment, the noise of the stadium seems to have nothing to do with them.


In the penthouse suite of a luxury hotel on the Avenue of Jena-sur-Seine, 723 kilometers away from the Stadium of Light, the beautiful girl was out of breath with laughter and slipped off the sofa to the ground.

"Giggle... elder sister, look at brother-in-law... giggle... like a goose... brother-in-law must have something to do with this man's wife... giggle giggle... elder sister go teach them a lesson... giggle..."

The beautiful young woman's face was frosty as she stared at the live TV without saying a word.

So, the beautiful girl smiled even more swaying. "Brother-in-law's taste is so serious, he also hooks up with firewood girls who are like men's wives, giggle giggle... Sister, have you neglected brother-in-law recently, ah ha ha ha..."

"Medelle, shut up."

"Hahahaha...Brother-in-law, come on...forgive me..."


Sunderland 7-11, the ball is out of play. The surviving black cats, you look at me, I look at you, and then go to the head coach Jack Rose.

What can Ross do? He didn't have the energy to scold Guardiola again, he simply sat down on the coach's bench with his head sullen, shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands from time to time, that's all.

Manchester City relied on a lot of people. Although Zhuo Yang's free kick owed a little bit and bounced back to the penalty area on the inside of the goal post, it couldn't stand the crowd on Manchester City's side. Bernabé, who just earned this free kick, took the lead. The foot poked the ball into the goal, 7-0.

This score, this situation of outnumbered, unless Sunderland and Manchester City have a revenge for killing their father, they will not fight to the death. Stay on the line, see you in the future.

Even if this group of young people from Manchester City are still complacent, but the rules of the rivers and lakes are here, they all know that they can't commit public anger.

Don't blame us for not giving face unless Sunderland, who is almost dead, will not give up.

The black cats are stunned. How many people have seen 4 penalties in a game after playing football for so many years? 7 people still play an egg, and the head coach who knows how to calculate will not be able to practice a 7-person formation with a definite purpose.

Black cat captain Lee Catmore has lost his temper. Anything iron-blooded or a macho has become a cloud at this moment, and he just wants to end the game quickly.

After the restart, Sunderland's lonesome six runs made the grass at the Stadium of Light look vast. UU reading www. Thomas Vic returns the ball to George Honeyman from the middle circle, then Catmull.

The Cats were downcast and absent-minded, and the cross was noticeably lighter on such an open field. No one from Manchester City robbed him, nor did Zhuo Yang rob him, but the football kicked straight to his feet, who was running forward.

Not wanting to take advantage of the dying, Zhuo Yang did not rush to start a private counterattack, and only turned around and wiped him away when Cattermole rushed over.

Cattermole subconsciously reached out and pulled, Zhuo Yang was too relaxed, and ended up being dragged.

Zhuo Yang secretly said 'no' in his heart, and he made a gesture to stop Daisy if he didn't care to get up. But it was still too late, Daisy, who was full of Zhuo Yang's losses, had already drawn a yellow card from her bulging breast pocket with a pretty face.

Cattermole has already had a yellow card. The fascinated Daisy doesn't care about you, Huang Wan took out the red card directly from Qiaodudu's back hip pocket.

It's a big deal.


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