Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 43: For the dark couple in different places

Referee Mike Dean is not related to former Everton legend Dixie Dean, although he was also born in Merseyside.

Everyone has waited too long for this ordinary Premier League dialogue that is destined to go down in history. Referee Dean used a lot of connections to get the right to enforce the law. In his fifties, age is a treasure in the refereeing world.

Last year, when he was still on the Mad Hatter's '15th consecutive' trip, the football world realized that Zhuo Yang would break the 60-goal record this season, which was unstoppable. From incredulous to eagerly anticipating, the change is very fast.

Coincidentally, Zhuo Yang's goals in the last league game before the World Club Cup and Asian Cup expedition to West Asia stopped at no more than no less than 60. At that time, I didn't know how many people with obsessive-compulsive disorder had ironed their minds, and how many patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder had sleepless nights.

It has been hard to wait until today, and everyone has finally healed collectively, and the '60 goals' has completely become history. It is only reasonable that the record of the gods must be attributed to the gods. Zhuo Yang is the only person in football history who averages more than one goal per game, and the only football fairy.

Referee Dean did not urge Zhuo Yang and his Manchester City teammates to celebrate. He carefully recorded the historic 61st ball on the back of the yellow card - 4'11", John Young.

The neatness of the strokes and the solemn expression all showed that Dean was doing a sacred thing.

But he didn't expect that compared to the bitter wait for the 60th ball to the 61st ball, the speed of 61 **** becoming history is as fast as quantum entanglement.

Only two minutes later, Tintin and Delph, who came up from the sleeve, cooperated to break through Barkley and Ma Alonso, and went down to the bottom line in one breath.

Da Chui greeted him at the front of the small penalty area, and Akun turned back to the white point. At this time, he saw Tin Ding's passing skills, and he came to an inverted triangle that broke through the routine.

The students use two pairs of triangle boards. Usually, the inverted triangle on the football field is the one with a 45° isosceles. This time, Tintin directly gave the long hypotenuse of the 30° triangle. Obliquely penetrated the crowds of the enemy and us, and accurately gave Zhuo Yang, who turned and ran outside the corner of the big penalty area on the other side.

This move of his is quite unreasonable, which is equivalent to letting himself out of the war zone, so Rao is so awesome that Kante can't keep up.

But since Ding Ding's passing can come, Zhuo Yang + football has become the law of nature on the court.

Stopping the ball is my bully. Zhuo Yang swayed his legs in response to the ball, his body leaned into a graceful 45° side of the triangular board, and his calf trembled more like he was kicking a wooden pile.

In the next blink of an eye, the football appeared at the bottom of the net. Who is the defender and who is Kepa, it has nothing to do with you.

Three body shot!

That's right, Zhuo Yang recovered his vitality.

In the friendly match between the Chinese team and Spain at the Bernabeu last October, Zhuo Yang accidentally injured his right knee by Xiaobu, causing a torn tibial collateral ligament and a serious strain of the fibular collateral ligament.

In order not to delay the "Mad Hatter" who was on the rise, and more importantly, to compete with God, Zhuo Yang returned to Zhongnan Mountain overnight to spend five days in Liuxian Temple to heal the injury.

The legs are good, but it also makes him a great loss of vitality, and the vitality of the world, which is thin in this world, cannot be replenished for a while. This loss is lost to the present.

During this period, there was no invincible means on the football field, but he still went against the sky to extend the "Mad Hatter" journey from the "14th company" before the injury to the "25th company". It is not easy, there is no dark energy to protect the body, it is a miracle created by the mortal Zhuo Yang.

In December, I put down the pressure of the "Mad Hatter", and in January, I "cultivated" at the Asian Cup. Finally, on the day when I returned to Liuxian Temple during the Chinese New Year, my dantian was full of vitality again.

After more than three months, it is really not easy for the vitality to return to the state of sustainable development again. During this period of time, Zhuo Yang's victorious man always lost to the superior Kou Kou, which was outrageous.

Kou Kou is a past person. When she realized the cause and effect of "throwing away armor and discarding armor" and vitality, she immediately announced a bilateral "embargo" with her husband.

"Brother Zhuo Yang, let's Plato during this time, okay?"

If Plato had survived until now, Zhuo Yang would have killed him even if he had nine lives. More than a month of 'simple marriage' life has made him suffocated.

The outside world is wondering why Her Royal Highness Princess Vienna, who accompanied the whole World Cup, did not go to the Asian Cup with the army. Zhuo Yang and Kou Kou only explained that because of their busy business, in fact, dry wood is really afraid of encountering fire. When the relationship reaches the level of the two of them, it's like three autumns after seeing each other, and they can't bear the touch of their eyes at all, so they simply don't see them.

It's not that Kou Kou is making a fuss, she pays more attention to Zhuo Yang's dark energy than he himself.

Four years ago, the Elegy of the Thames River in London, if Zhuo Yang's strong desire to survive kept his soul alive with his secret energy, there would not be a story of a dream that took 600 years to come back to life.

Anjin is Zhuo Yang's last and most important life-saving amulet. If it weren't for Anjin, he would have died four years ago. Kou Kou will definitely not live alone, and now the crooked-neck tree on the grave of the couple can tie a donkey.

My wife is justified in worrying, so we have to listen. The green hills are left behind. After all, the 'day' is long. During the Asian Cup, every night I talked about lovesickness on the phone, and the phone was hot.

Not only did Kou Kou not go to the Asian Cup, but the 'first daughter-in-law in China' also did not go to the Spring Festival Gala or go home for the New Year because of the same 'busy business' reasons.

Without Kou Kou's decision, it would take at least half a year for the vitality to refill. On the third day of the new year, under the protection of the six immortal brothers and sisters in Liuxianguan, Zhuo Yang's vitality recovered in advance, so he hurriedly excused himself to go back to the club to say goodbye to his parents, and the special plane went to Paris first.

Kou Kou is a heroic and valiant heroine, experienced in hundreds of battles and has a strong sense of initiative to attack. Although she lost more and won less in the competition with her husband, she was as brave as she never gave in.

That night in Paris, Koko begged for mercy.

Zhuo Yang, who was greatly satisfied with his vanity, sense of conquest, and Asian majesty, returned to Manchester as a winner and took away a ray of fragrance.

Apart from the sanshou between husband and wife, UU Reading has obvious benefits to Zhuo Yang's football. Not only does he have a backhand after being seriously injured, but he also regains the two invincible skills of three-body shooting and dead ghost cavalry. .

This thing also lasted for a long time, so after the opening, he couldn't wait to use it.

2:0, the record second became 62 goals.

Counting the interruption of the celebration just now, the game only took 8 minutes. After referee Mike Dean declared the goal valid, he quickly recorded it on the card—8′39″, John Young.

This time the handwriting is not as neat as a few minutes ago, and there is no sense of sacredness and mission. Perhaps Dean realized at this point that it wasn't over yet.

After falling behind by two goals in less than ten minutes, Sarri took out a stick of Winston's season-long mouth to chew and **** the choking juice, and he also felt that tonight was a big deal.

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