Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 38: Looking at South America from West Asia

There are classes in football, and Zhuo Yang is of course the most cutting-edge existence, and he is the only one. In addition to him, the division of super-class is also very clear, with a clear scale of honor.

Those who can break Zhuo Yang's **** and win the World Player of the Year or the European Ballon d'Or in this era are super-class, and no one else is qualified to join in the fun, no matter who it is.

Six Musketeers and Melo, that's all for active duty. If you want to eat at the same table with these eight people, go get a golden ball before you straighten your tongue and speak.

However, although Zhuo Yang is strong, he has always been inferior to the others, and that is the honor of the national team.

Among the Six Musketeers, Brother Meng has the 2006 World Cup, President Pig and Grandpa Mo have the 2014 World Cup, and Scar is the freshly released 2018.

There is also Cristiano Ronaldo. Although President Ronaldo was very bleak in the World Cup, the 2016 European Cup is also very refreshing, and he can somewhat despise Zhuo Yang.

Now I have finally caught up. Although the Asian Cup is a bit small, no matter how small the mosquito is, it is still meat. After all, it is the champion of the Intercontinental Competition. How can you sweep the world without sweeping a house? I at least put the door of the house clean, how about you?

The pressure came to Tu Ye and Boss Mei. Among the super-class players, only these two were left without the national team championship honor. Don't talk about the World Cup and America's Cup runner-up. With this figure, it's shameless to get the runner-up gold.

Tu Ye's Netherlands lost to Spain in the 2010 South African final in Riga, and then went further and further over the years, and even failed to qualify for the World Cup in 2018. But Grandpa Tu was in a good mood. If he hadn't had other wishes unfulfilled, he might have retired to become a racing driver.

Boss Mei was saddened by Sanlianya in the 2014 World Cup, 2015 and 2016 Copa America, and the folds on his face were twenty years older. I went out to eat alone with my father Jorge Messi, and people who didn't know him thought he and his father were uncles and brothers.

"Congratulations, Lao Zhuo."

There were not many people saved in Zhuo Yang's mobile phone, but they were all close and quite able to speak. They were quickly blown up, and Messi's call came too late.

"Don't say congratulations on your lips, and send some red envelopes."

Five thousand kilometers away, Zhuo Yang couldn't see Boss Mei roll his eyes. "The red envelopes are boring, and you are not short of money. When I look back, I will invite you to Cathay Ice and Fire Three Bends, the kind of 6888."

"Dude, you know a lot. Anything new? Haven't heard of it before."

"It's not new, it's been out for two years, and it's a combination of Thai, Japanese, and North African. I'll tell you, those girls... Hey, why are you telling you this... I also heard from Scar, I've never been there. ,real."

"Give, give, give~~" Zhuo Yangyan smiled happily. In fact, he knows more than Messi, and of course he heard from Scar. In these matters, Zhuo Yang has neither the guts nor the heart, and Boss Mei has the guts and no guts, and the two people's mouths are eloquent for a while.

Accompanying Zhuo Yang to laugh awkwardly for a while, Boss Mei said, "Seriously, what are your thoughts on the America's Cup?"

"What can you think? You have seen it. It's so hard to play the Asian Cup. I went to your American territory. I just want to say goodbye to the pier to all the local snakes."

Yes, the Asian Cup has come true, you can think of the America's Cup in summer.

This time, Brazil invited the Chinese team to participate in the America's Cup in a rage. It is very controversial in the South American football circle. There are many people who support and oppose it. Although the participation of the Chinese team is a foregone conclusion, it does not prevent them from continuing to fight.

Whether supporting or not, it is analyzed from the perspective of competition and business. Supporters believe that although the Chinese team is not what it used to be, it still cannot have an impact on the overall strength of South American football. The huge traffic of the Chinese team and Zhuo Yang, as well as the huge Chinese market, will bring life to the declining America's Cup. Even a good opportunity to expand your influence.

Opponents believe that the Chinese team is different from Japan and Qatar. The strength of the team already has the ability to disrupt the traditional pattern of South America. Mexico's two visits almost made a lingering fear in the South American football ruling class, and they didn't want to be slapped by the Chinese team inadvertently.

Zhuo Yang's traffic and China's market are all true, but Zhuo Yang will retire, and it is impossible for the Chinese team to participate in every America's Cup. Climbing high and falling very hard, don't let Zhuo Yang and the Chinese team become the last aphrodisiac for the America's Cup.

Messi actually belongs to the more opposing side, but he is habitually not expressing his opinions, and he is also afraid of being heard by Zhuo Yang.

Boss Mei forced himself to believe that the objection was due to commercial reasons. It is gratifying for the South American Football Federation to harvest a bunch of leeks through the Chinese team, but in the future it will become cooler because of the contrast in heat. Boss Mei doesn't know Chinese idioms, but he knows the truth of pulling out the seedlings.

However, in his heart, Messi has a deep fear of his 32-year-old age. When was the last time I rode alone for thousands of miles in a competition, I have forgotten. In the past two years, I have saved all my physical strength in the last sprint of the frontcourt 30 meters.

Guhu will be 35 years old in the next World Cup, and even the next Copa America (2021), which is worthless, will be 34 years old. Brazil, Chile, Uruguay are already tough enough, and another Zhuo Yang...

Friendship is friendship, but Zhuo Yang has never been soft-hearted when facing his friends on the field.

Anyway, Boss Mei will never admit that he is afraid of Zhuo Yang's cross-cutting. This pride is what Boss Mei must have.

Now that Zhuo Yang has successfully won the Asian Cup, Boss Mei feels that the eyes of the whole world are staring at him, and he has a burst of panic in his back.


The most successful UAE Asian Cup in history came to an end, and Zhuo Yang was elected the best player and top scorer without any suspense.

Not only that, the AFC couldn't wait to award him the specially prepared '21st Century AFC Best Player Award'. And it has been rumored that by the end of the year, Zhuo Yang will be awarded the commemorative trophy for the best player in the history of Asian football.

Because of the consecutive absences of Nobuji Ono in 2002 and Madagascar in 2003 for the year-end awards, the AFC changed the selection rules of the Asian Footballer from 2004 in a rage, and only Asian players who played for clubs in Asia are eligible to become candidates, and The competition only counts the performance in the competition held by the AFC, and the World Cup can also be counted.

Therefore, it is very embarrassing, because Zhuo Yang just started to become famous in 2004, and established the status of the first person in Asia in one fell swoop.

In the past ten years, the Asian Footballer of the Year award has become more and more embarrassing and tasteless against the backdrop of Zhuo Yang. Many fans do not care and do not know who the gentleman is, such as Hassan (Qatar) and Hassan (Qatar) last year. Heribin (Syria) the year before.

And Chinese fans only know that 2013 is Dazhi, other years, Who?

The world's six major FIFA confederations, Europe's most lavish, football players do not stick to the continent and nationality. Africa, Central, North America and the Caribbean Sea are restricted to continental nationality but not limited to football nationality. As long as they are from this continent, they can play football anywhere.

Oceania is quite funny, as long as he was born in Oceania, the famous French legend "Half-orc" Calumbe was elected Oceania Footballer twice. However, since Australia defected to the AFC in 2005, Oceania has been too bleak and has suspended this honor.

Only South America and Asia restrict both continental and football nationality. South America is to protect local stars from being lost too quickly, and it is also the last stubbornness to compete with European football. What is the AFC map? Obviously for fun.

The two custom-made trophies for Zhuo Yang this time are regarded as a way for the AFC to resolve the embarrassment, and it also confirms the fact that Zhuo Yang has completely surpassed Asian football.

The best team in the 2019 Asian Cup, the Chinese team has become the biggest winner.

Forwards - Zhuo Yang, Ali. The number of goals is the last word.

Midfielder - Mei Zixi, Afefu, Dejaga, Chai Qiyue. Except for Mei Xiaoxi, the other three are the core of their respective teams.

Defenders - Hassan, Wang Yixin, Fu An Jianyang, Maruo.

Goalkeeper - Shulby. After all, Qatar conceded the fewest goals in the semi-finals, only four in the final, and the first six games were clean. Shulby did perform well.

Dazhi, who returned to his normal form after the awards, said in an interview: "After the 2010 World Cup in South Africa, Dayu and Zongzi bid farewell to the national team. They said that it was the best era of Chinese football. Obviously, they were inaccurate."

"Our Chinese football is not the best, only better. Our national team has the greatest player, the greatest captain, and the most promising reserve force. The future of Chinese football will only get better and better."

"I am very honored and proud to be involved in this magnificent history. Thanks to Captain Zhuo Yang, thanks to Sforza and Coach Rijkaard, and to all Chinese fans."

In the end, Dazhi was moved again, and he said affectionately: "I have no regrets in this life to enter China, and I would like to be a flower gardener in the next life."

Okay, what kind of poem do you sing?

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