Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 35: Football has no truth

Football memory digs the grave.

On April 21, 1995 in the "ancient" period of Chinese football, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, the final round of the Asian qualifiers for the 1996 Atlanta Olympics football match.

Younger fans may not understand that the status of the National Olympic Games in those days was not comparable to that of the National Olympic Games today. The National Olympic Games are as important as the national team, and they are all over Asia.

Previously, Kazakhs 4:2 and Saudi Arabia 1:1, the Chinese National Olympics, which could qualify for a draw in this campaign, lost to the South Korean National Olympics very neatly 0:3 in the rain, decisively ruining the opportunity to enter the Olympic Games. South Korea's Olympic goal scorers are Li Kiyan and Li Yuying × 2.

This is one of the most famous 'drawing and qualifying' in Chinese football history.

This Qi Wusheng's National Olympics was scolded as a dog as always. The sharp-eyed people found that when the three goals were conceded, No. 2 Liu Yue was in the camera, and they all witnessed them at close range near the goal.

As a result, Liu Yue became the 'Benzema' of the National Olympics. Of course, Benzema himself was just over 7 years old at that time, and he couldn't put a pot in his small schoolbag.

It seems that there is absolutely no need to wash it. The 20-year-old Shandong teenager Liu Yue must be the scapegoat. But suddenly, the twists and turns, "Sports Weekly" a famous column, immediately made Liu Yue's reputation among fans reversed.

The article said that although Liu Yue was a full-back, he played the midfielder in this game. When three goals were conceded, he was able to rush to the penalty area as a midfielder, which shows that he has a keen prediction, a positive defensive attitude and a valuable sense of responsibility.

Three conceded goals are not a crime of war. Instead, Liu Yue should be praised for his diligence.

There was no internet at that time, so fans were so fooled.

Digging this grave, I just want to explain anything on the court, it depends on which angle you analyze it from. There is no absolute truth on the field, just as there is no absolute truth in life.

I heard that it was a midfielder, but in fact, under the pressure of the Koreans, the Chinese Olympic Games played a clear 5-3-2 that day, and there was no waist at all. Liu Yue has been a central defender from the very beginning, conceding three goals as a spectator, and was almost holding a watermelon in his hand.

Don't be surprised why left-back Liu Yue was asked to play in the middle. Two years later, this old coach who "only bears my responsibility" can let Li Jinyu, a striker genius, play as a full-back, with the purpose of defending Madagascar, what else? Wonderful idea he can't do it?

0:3 A year later, due to his abnormal performance in the Asian Cup 1/4 against Saudi Arabia, the Chinese team's two-goal lead was reversed 3:4. Since then, Liu Yue has bid farewell to the national team. He was 21 years old that year.

In fact, it was not obvious that Liu Yue took the blame in this game. Instead, General Fan, who pointed his nose and reprimanded him, took a lot of responsibility after being beaten up many times. It's just that the general is the ball tyrant, and Liu Yue is just a reminder.

In 2004, Liu Yue retired, and his age was 29. Many years have passed, and now I can occasionally see his live commentary and commentary, and the old fans of the pickled Sangdian will post "Kuala Lumpur" on the barrage.

Again, there is no truth in football, and neither is what the author said. Guli speaks it, Guli listens to it, everyone does not believe rumors and do not spread rumors.


On February 1, 2019, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, the final of the Asian Cup.

In the first half, the Chinese team led 2:1, and in the second half, the original teams of both sides fought again. The Chinese team has an advantage on the scene, but it is not obvious.

In the 55th minute, Qatar advanced to the frontcourt, Afef, who dribbled the ball, cruising to the left, Pu Renmeng followed him. Ali, Haydos, Matibo, and Hatim scurried between the defense lines of the Chinese team like loach.

Park Renmeng's ability to follow and defend is good, and his weakness is also a common problem of Hope Chunlei - lack of game experience. The footsteps of preventing Afev from cutting and making the ball are very strict, but Hisham, who was assisted by the assist, used the cutting behind him to confuse him, and Afev took the opportunity to bottom out.

The same is true for Zhao Zhi. The 19-year-old and 20-year-old Park Renmeng lost a little in the joint set-up against 21-year-old Hisham and 22-year-old Afef, and Afef successfully slipped to the bottom corner. Gu Yun

The restricted area was rippling like nothing in an instant. The Qataris rushed to the door from various angles, and the Chinese Red guarded strictly from various angles.

Ali plugged in and approached Afev to respond. He was a person from King Pox, so it was impossible for him to start his wishful thinking. Dazhi was behind and outside Pox to help defend.

Before being strangled by Park Renmeng and Xiao Zhi, Afeev passed the ball, but not to Ali, who was also confused in front of him, nor to Haydos and Matibo, who were flanked by the middle and back but were also stared to death. , let alone to Hisham outside behind him.

Afef made a precise inverted triangle, the football pierced the penalty area diagonally from the gap, and returned to the top arc, and Hatim was left empty alone.

The 28-year-old Abdulaziz Hatim is from Sudan. He is called 'Qatar Busquets' because of his position and stature, but he is actually a Harvey-style midfielder, especially his long-range shooting skills are quite superb. 1/4 against Iraq, it was his long-range shot that allowed Qatar to pass 1:0.

Hatim stopped the ball and made some adjustments, and he has a good shooting angle in sight. Dazhi was in a hurry, and it was definitely too late to pounce. After two kicks, Dazhi threw himself in the air regardless of his own body, and used his flesh to block the hole of the gun.


Adequate shot preparation and wide shot perspective allowed Hatim to complete a wonderful long-range shot, and the vacancies of Dazhi and Lun Lei became the backdrop.

2:2, the score was tied again. Against all odds, Afeev still assisted twice, and the total number of assists reached 10.

Dazhi fell heavily to the ground. In order to fly as far as possible, he did not do any self-protection action when he jumped up to block the hole of the gun. The ball was lost, but Taishi's defensive spirit was impressive.

The shot goes back to 17 seconds ago.

The Qatari soldiers pressed against the border, Pu Renmeng and Xiao Zhi faced Afef and Hisham, Mei Xiaoxi and Maruo locked Pedro on the right side, Zeng Rourou controlled Haydos's footsteps in the middle from the side, and the same recovered Yang Yibai cooperated with the defense line to form a sandwich-type biscuit defense.

The position is interspersed, Wang Poxu is responsible for the most dangerous Ali, and the person who closely follows Hatim is Dazhi.

Hatim and Ali made a cross in the penalty area, and then Ali pushed forward to meet Afef, and Hatim quickly retreated to the top arc in an 's' shape. Dazhi didn't react, and he stayed on the outside of Kingpox as a spectator.

So this is Dazhi's pot? Maybe. Qatar's interspersed this time is very advanced, the only mistake of the Chinese team's defense is to lose Hatim.

Park Renmeng did not stop Afefu from falling into the triangle, but in that position, the first priority was to prevent him from passing in front of the goal and dribbling the ball into the penalty area. From this point of view, Park Renmeng completed the task, and it was done very well.

Crazy Lei is wrong? There may also be, because he did not contribute to the save of the gods, that's all.

According to common sense, when defending in position, the arc is the responsibility field for the back waist to squat in the pit, so it is Zeng Rourou. But he can't leave the Qatar captain Haydos, who is inserted in front of the door, and ignore it. UU reading also needs to adapt to local conditions and people's conditions. Football is not a rigid piece of paper. It has been said that Qatar's interspersed this time is very advanced.

But there must be someone responsible for the leakage prevention of key parts of the arc. From the point of view of the integration of offense and defense, Zhuo Yang should be here just now. But he is a person with defensive immunity, and the detention has suppressed the three central defenders in Qatar who dare not step forward. Do you still have conscience to let Zhuo Yang take the blame?

Then let Dazhi come. His anticipation and response were slow, and he couldn't keep up with Hatim's weird moves, but to be honest, few people in front of the TV could understand it. Qatar's attack is very advanced.

On the contrary, it was the heroic act of sacrificing himself to block the eye-catching that made Dazhi win the eye, although he had no intention of showing off.

Football, like life, never has the truth. What you want to believe is the truth.


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