Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 3: to rebuild the red empire

"Golden Greenery(

Did not expect, really did not expect.

Zhuo Yang guessed that there must be something wrong with Maldini's visit this time, and he murmured in his stomach, and he knew that it was not just a senior match, this thing was enough for a phone call.

Zhuo Yang reckoned that he would either fall in love with someone or several who hoped for Chunlei again, or he wanted to inject capital into Milan. As long as they don't ask for a group at a time or the amount of capital injection is too large, since the horse team opened its mouth, Zhuo Yang agreed in his heart.

Unexpectedly, the horse team's plans are so big that they directly attacked their own ideas.

After picking it out, it's not surprising to think about it. The private meeting between myself and Lafayette in the fishing port will definitely not be hidden from others. Smart people will think of the joints first.

Real Madrid can go, so can I, why not Milan.

Zhuo Yang is not short of money and honor now, and Florentino can only play emotional cards. Zhuo Yang, who lacks everything, will not be too picky if he leaves Manchester City. He is a person who attaches great importance to feelings, and he can go wherever he has feelings.

When it comes to old friendships, Milan and Maldini, who hold the card of the 'Round Table Brothers', are not convinced.

"Zhuo Yang, Milan needs you now." The Cavaliers said: "Me and Jiaba need to rebuild the Milan needs that everything has. Look at our round table brothers, come back."

"Come back and lead your Milan to rebuild the Red Empire again. Zhuo Yang, think about it, you can talk about anything."

Zhuo Yang didn't answer right away, he still needed to digest this sudden digging.

If you really want to leave Manchester City, it's not that Milan can't go back. On the contrary, it is still an ideal place. Zhuo Yang prefers to work with old and familiar friends.

As for the city of Milan, Zhuo Yang is full of memories and feelings. There are too many stories of love after his reunion with Koko by Lake Como. Whenever I recall the years in Milan, the light in Zhuo Yang and Kou Kou's eyes is extraordinarily gentle.

When he returned to Milan, Zhuo Yang did not refuse in his heart. The only obstacle was Berlusconi and his gang, who had already withdrawn completely.

After the World Cup last year, on the day of his 82nd birthday in September, Berlusconi, who was idle, bought the Serie C team Monza, and the number one dog-legged Gabald also served as the CEO of Monza. They also invited Kaka to be the CEO of Monza. Athletic Director.

"In essence, I'm from Monza, just on loan at AC Milan for 31 years," Gabal said.

Before Gabal went to Milan in 1985, he was indeed a shareholder of Monza, and he had been a shareholder for ten years. Berlusconi took a fancy to his ability to build new media in Monza, so he dug him out. Milan, so what Gabald said was right.

Monza is a northern suburb of Milan, less than 20 kilometers from the city center. Monza has been a satellite team of AC Milan before. Playing Monza is a square dance of the old Bei and the bald who are completely old.

Don't talk about them. Facing the invitations of Maldini and New Milan, Zhuo Yang's only question to consider is whether he should leave Manchester City.

"Colonel, talk about it in detail." Since he was about to get down to business, Zhuo Yang must be businesslike, and he first needs to understand Milan's plan.

It is also impossible for Maldini to be a hooligan based on feelings alone. "There is no problem with your personal treatment. Both me and Jia… Erdu believe that only an annual salary of 100 million euros can be worthy of you. Of course, 100 million is after tax, and it is not the final offer."

Zhuo Yang smiled happily, money is really a good thing, it not only represents wealth, but also represents respect. As for whether Milan, which has already embarked on a serious path to building a team, can afford 100 million yuan, Zhuo Yang and Maldini did not say much, because they are smart people.

The small club may not be able to do it, but a veteran giant with huge market influence like Milan can fully develop several hundred million more commercial income by introducing Zhuo Yang. Manchester City is the best example.

Therefore, in the giants, as long as the team's locker room can be settled, Zhuo Yang's annual salary is 100 million or even 200 million.

"In terms of team building, our initial idea is to take you as the core, supplemented by two young Chinese teenagers, Zhang Xian is one, this time the central defender, Yixin Wang is also very good, Milan will create a Chinese three Musketeers. I think How about it?"

Generally speaking, this is a plan to prostitute another king acne.

"anything else?"

"If you think adding eight... is not suitable, alas—, just change it. You choose the head coach."

To live to the rank of Maldini, face is more important than anything else, otherwise how could the slogan of 'only one captain' in the stands when he retired ten years ago be so mad at him.

He must know that the eighth master is very difficult to coach, and the level still needs to be tempered, not tempered in the Milan coaching position. The horse team is trying to protect the eighth master. First, brotherhood, and secondly, because of face, firing the eighth master hurts self-esteem.

But if you can invite Zhuo Yang back again, the Eighth Master will not be a problem, and the face Zhuo Yang brings is enough to make up for all the loss of self-esteem. As for whether the horse team had any intention of asking Zhuo Yang to take the blame for the 'fire eighth master squid', only he knew.

People are selfless and unfriendable, and Maldini is a good comrade.

Next, Maldini introduced to Zhuo Yang the details of youth training cooperation, market development, and competitive goals. He did have a very mature plan and was very sincere.

Inviting Zhuo Yang to join is obviously the fastest way to success. The whole world is watching how developed Manchester City is. Today, no one doubts that Zhuo Yang, the 'old age', is still good. Maybe people will discuss this issue again after he is 40 years old.

"The Cavaliers, with all due respect, Milan's youth training has fallen behind, and a comprehensive reform must be carried out." Zhuo Yang did not hide: "Whether it's me, Kaka, a Chinese teenager or a few swordsmen, at most it can only be given to Milan. Bringing an era, Milan's future must have a new Maldini, a new Baresi, otherwise everything is just a cycle."

"You do the math, except Donnarumma, Wismara hasn't contributed talents to the first team for many years. I'm afraid Ambu is the last one."

who is the next? Maldini must think that Zhang Xian is considered, Milan has been deceiving itself by relying on such 'academic training' all these years.

"The problem of the youth training interruption has been serious when Kaka and I were still there, but you have been tossing and turning over the years, has there been any change?"

"Is Milan's decline really because of Berlusconi? There are fundamental things that need to be re-emphasized."

Maldini certainly disagreed with this view in his heart, and they always believed that Berlusconi lost his head and sold Zhuo Yang was the turning point of Milan's decline.

"The Colts, I have been away from Milan for ten years, and it took only ten years to establish such a huge youth training system as China Hope Chunlei. Now you can see."

"So it's just a matter of me returning to Milan, but what if I leave in the future? Do you expect the owner of Milan to spend money and buy people with clubs like Manchester City, Paris, and Real Madrid?"

Zhuo Yang did not expose Milan's shortcomings to Maldini, in fact, this is not privacy at all. If the current Serie A is sorted, Milan's youth training is definitely in the relegation zone, and it does not look like a giant.

Youth training is a big project. In a sense, it is more complicated than building the first team, and it also requires the ability of management. However, the youth training is not as effective as the first team, and it is difficult to gain fame and fortune in a short period of time, so everyone knows that the youth training is important, but there are very few people who can change their minds without trying to make a name for themselves. Milan is like that.

Of course, Zhuo Yang just followed the topic and said that he was not interested or did not have the time to guide Milan.

"You're right, youth training is our next focus." The Colts said, "So, do you agree to go back to Milan?"

It seems that Maldini's mind is not on the youth training at all, and Zhuo Yang has not listened to a few words at all.

Zhuo Yang smiled: "Well, the horse team. It's impossible in the winter window. If I have any decision, it will only be in the summer at the earliest. Let me think about it, and I will tell you the first time I have the answer."

"Listen to me, brother. We round table brothers miss you very much. Besides, what else do you have to strive for in Manchester City? Take everything that should be taken, and play in another place for a few more years. Milan is a good place, better than Madrid, you said. Right?"

"Hahaha~" Zhuo Yang laughed along with the horse team.

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