Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 952: Buenos Aires

Argentine national team without Messi, or Argentina?

You have to ask Maradona this question, I believe the football king will give you a rough and correct answer.

The northern hemisphere in November has entered the lingering season of early winter, and Buenos Aires in November is the best season for spring flowers to bloom.

On the last international match day of 2018, the Argentine Four Nations Invitational Tournament, Zhuo Yang was called, but Leo Messi, who was supposed to be the owner, was missing.

FIFA has 203 member countries, and for most of them, the World Cup round of 16 is a gratifying, even glorious achievement, but in Argentina, people mainly debate whether international players should jump into the sea or jump off a cliff.

After stopping in the top 16, Mei's boss was still in Russia and announced his withdrawal from the national team. This is his second withdrawal. He quit once with determination in the 2016 Copa America final two years ago.

Is he serious about quitting? Of course.

There are many newlywed families who have formulated a marriage pact. It is as big as how to distribute the salary and income of both parties and it is not allowed to derail. Actually, it's useless.

Whose couple hasn't made a vow of eachother? If you can do it, you don't need a covenant, and if you can't do it, even if the covenant is made into a complete book of the four treasuries, it will only be a waste of time.

When you are in love, you are serious, and when you are not in love, you are also serious.

In ancient times, there were three visits to the cottage, and now Messi has three withdrawals from the national football team. Zhuo Yang said: Believe it or not, Boss Mei has to do it again at least once.

After the World Cup this summer, many famous football players officially announced that they had withdrawn from their respective national teams. Wait a minute, they are really serious.

It is said that after the start of the new season, Boss Mei, who entered the time of the sage, gave three conditions.

One: There must be a tactically clear head coach.

During Sampaoli's tenure, Argentina's starting lineup for each game was not fixed, and there was no clear tactical play.

During the World Cup, it was revealed that Sampaoli had to ask Messi for his opinion on substitutions. The outside world criticized Messi for affecting the coach's formation and tactical play. Some media even directly stated that the Argentine national team is "Messi's". team of friends'.

Messi believes that the new coach must have enough courage and prestige, and cannot compromise with the demands of the players.

What Boss Mei means: I can do it, but you can't let me take the blame.

Two: Messi demands that his role in the national team be clearer;

The Argentine national team is dazzling, but the past few coaches have not been able to combine these excellent players into a whole. Play the role of savior.

Messi's position has never been fixed, always oscillating between midfield and striker. Therefore, Messi hopes that his positioning in the national team can be more clear and form a fixed set of tactics.

Lao Tzu is too old to be both a father and a mother. The goal is me, the retracement organization pass or me, do you take me as Zhuo Yang or as a mule? I just want to score more goals and serve me well in the future.

Three: The Argentine Football Association is required to resolve internal conflicts and struggles, and do its best to provide logistical support for the national team.

This is serious talk. The Argentine Football Association has been in chaos, which has affected the preparations of the national team to a certain extent.

Before the start of the World Cup, Messi even paid out of his own pocket to subsidize the Argentine Football Association. There have been cases where Messi paid for security expenses before. Messi hopes to end this chaotic situation, and the Football Association has the obligation and ability to do a good job in the logistical support of the national team.

Boss Gu Mei is eager to have the absolute authority of Zhuo Yang, so that the AFC will not dare to slack off like the Chinese Football Association.

Zhuo Yangxin said: I am not targeting Argentina, as long as I really want to do one thing well, when it comes to our collective concept and organizational ability in China, everyone here is garbage.

In fact, when he quit two years ago, Messi had three chapters of this contract. Therefore, the nature of this thing is the same as that of a marriage contract.

Maybe Messi himself didn't take it seriously.

In September, May's boss and the national team agreed that at least he would not be called up this year. You see.

Not only was there no Messi, but Aguero, Di Maria and others were not called in the Argentina training camp. After two days of rest after the Manchester derby, Zhuo Yang's special plane flew directly from Manchester City to Buenos Aires with Xiao Lizi, Jiang Gonggong, Otamendi and Manchester United's second goal Romero.

The four-nation invitational tournament, the host Argentina invited the Chinese team, Mexico and Uruguay. The name is serious, but the game is not serious.

There will be no elimination or cycle. According to mutual intentions, each team will play two games. The Chinese team will play Mexico in the first game and Argentina in the second game. Six players are allowed to be replaced in each game.

In the World Cup, after Mexico lost to Brazil and stopped in the round of 16, the coach Juan Osorio, whose contract expired, and the Mexican Football Association did not intend to renew their contracts with each other, so they broke up.

Colombian Osorio is 57 years old this year. He played in midfield as a player, but he had only a short 5-year career and had to retire at the age of 26 due to injury.

Beginning in 2001, Osorio joined Kevin Keegan as an assistant first-team coach at Manchester City for five years. In 2005, with Keegan's dismissal, Osorio also left Manchester City and has been in charge of the team alone since then. After traveling all over the American continent, he took up the Mexican pointer in 2015.

After Osorio's departure, Ricardo Ferretti, a famous domestic coach in Mexico, a veteran firefighting coach, and the head coach of the Tigers University team in the Mo League, was again appointed as the interim coach. This is not his first time, nor is it the first. secondary.

64-year-old Ferretti is a Brazilian, and a Brazilian international in the era of Zico, Socrates, Falcao and Santana's "Golden Four Eagles". After playing and teaching, he basically tossed and tossed in Mexican football and has a lot of connections.

This is his third time as the interim coach of the Mexican national team. Of course, he failed to become a regular in the first two times. Ferretti is not a salted fish, so naturally he can only think about three things.

The Argentine Four Nations Invitational Tournament, which is also the last international match day in 2018, is equivalent to Ferretti's big test. At such an age, there are not many opportunities.

In the previous four warm-up games, Ferretti led Mexico with 3 losses and 1 win, lost to Uruguay, the United States and Chile, and only narrowly defeated Costa Rica 3:2. Whether or not he can lead the team to participate in next year's Central and North American Gold Cup depends on how the Chinese team and Argentina will be played this time.

It is a pity that goalkeeper ‘Mexico Wu Zhenyu’ Ochoa, midfielder Miguel Layun, striker Raul Jimenez, these three absolute main players all missed the training camp for their own reasons.

Russia World Cup 1/8 played against Brazil, the old captain Rafael Marcos started to play as the defensive midfielder, and at 39 years and 139 days old, he became the youngest non-goalkeeper to start a World Cup since 1954. long player.

It was the one who stole the watch in Barcelona and bullied Xiao Bu and was beaten by Zhuo Yang.

Marcos has played in five World Cups, a record shared with Buffon, Matthaus and legendary Mexican goalkeeper Carvajal. It's a pity for Buffon, if it weren't for Italy's absence from Russia, he would have been able to enjoy six sessions.

Marcos is not only five times, but also 1/8 of five times, and even the captain of the five times, which is better than the others. After the World Cup, Marcos announced his retirement from the national team and retired, ending a 23-year career as a player and 20 years as an international player.

It's good to retire, so as not to meet Zhuo Yang embarrassingly.

Since then, the only active players who have played in five World Cups are Buffon and Mata of the Brazilian women's football team.

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